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Возращение блудного сына Рембрандта.

Рембрандт был самым великим голландским живописцем 17-го столетия. Его шедевры сохранены во всех крупных музеях мира. Есть 2 картины на холстах в которых художник использовал предмет древней легенды. Картина изображает встречу старого отца с его сыном, который много лет был далеко от дома. С помощью света живописец подчеркивает лицо старика, который потерял зрение в долгих годах ожидания. Старый отец чувствует его руками фигуру своего сына, который становится на колени перед ним. Его сын только что возвратился домой и просит у отца помощь. Бедная одежда сына и он прошел много затруднений, видел бедность. Он потерял веру в жизнь, в будущее и в счастье. Но его добрый отец готов помочь ему.

На этой картине Рембрандт подчеркнул гуманистическую идею близости людей, их готовность помочь друг другу. Эта картина была нарисована в 1668г. В конце жизни великого владельца.

Но предмет привлек Рембрандта также в начале его художественной карьеры. В 1636г. Он сделал гравюру и много рисунков в которых он затронул ту же самую тему, но немного по другому. Но только в последнем варианте живописец достиг истинной монументальности и совершенства. Старый и одинокий владелец, который потерял все то, что он любил. Все еще верующий в человеческую доброту и сочувствие.

Упражнение 2.Писменно ответьте на вопросы.

  1. How old was Rembrandt when he painted this this picture and what was his life like?

  2. What does this painting portray?

  3. How long has the young man been away from home?

  4. Where has he been all that time?

  5. Why has he returned home?

  6. What idea has Rembrandt conveyed in his painting?

  7. When did Rembrandt first use the subject of the old legend?

  8. How did the painter treat the same subject when he was young?


  1. It is among the Dutch master's final works, likely completed within two years of his death in 1669. Rembrandt was born in Leiden on July 15, 1606 - his full name Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. He was the son of a miller. Despite the fact that he came from a family of relatively modest means, his parents took great care with his education. Rembrandt began his studies at the Latin School, and at the age of 14 he was enrolled at the University of Leiden. The program did not interest him, and he soon left to study art - first with a local master, Jacob van Swanenburch, and then, in Amsterdam, with Pieter Lastman, known for his historical paintings. After six months, having mastered everything he had been taught, Rembrandt returned to Leiden, where he was soon so highly regarded that although barely 22 years old, he took his first pupils. One of his students was the famous artist Gerrit Dou. Rembrandt produced many of his works in this fashionable town house in Amsterdam (above left). Purchased by the artist in 1639, when he was 33, it proved to be the scene of personal tragedy: his wife and three of his children died here. The house became a financial burden, and in 1660 Rembrandt was forced to move. A new owner added the upper story and roof, giving it the appearance it still bears. In 1911 the Dutch movement made it a Rembrandt museum -preserving it both as a shrine of a revered national artist and as an imposing example of 17th Century Dutch architecture. In his paintings and prints he exhibited knowledge of classical iconography, which he molded to fit the requirements of his own experience; thus, the depiction of a biblical scene was informed by Rembrandt's knowledge of the specific text, his assimilation of classical composition, and his observations of Amsterdam's Jewish population. Because of his empathy for the human condition, he has been called "one of the great prophets of civilization

  2. This picture portrays the meeting of an old father with his son, who has been away from home for many years.

  3. He has been away from home for many years.

  4. I think he led a dissipated life.

  5. I think he returned because has realized that his father loves him very much and only father will wait him for all life.

  6. Rembrandt conveyed the humanistic idea of closeness of people, their readiness to help each other in need.

  7. Rembrandt first used the subject of the old legend in 1636.

  8. He had made an engraving and a number of drawings in which he had treated the same subject quite differently