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1) The limiting function.

The definite article singles the object named out of a class of similar objects. The noun with the definite article stands for an object, person or thing known from the circumstances, the situation, the context. The limitation expressed by the definite article is not necessarily based on the earlier introduction of the object named but on the situation. That's why the definite article is the situational article.

In its limiting function the definite article is often used with nouns modified by limiting attributes the purpose of which is to single out the object or the person named. E.g. This is the house that Jack built. She was the smartest girl in the room.

The definite article is also used with the names of particularization (the sun, the moon, the earth, the air, the world, the cosmos, etc). In this case the limiting function of the definite article is based on the exclusiveness of the object named.

2) Sometimes the definite article is used with a noun which stands for the whole of a class of similar objects. E.g. The telephone (as a means of communication) was invented by Bell in the 19th century.

This may be called the generic function of the definite article.

3) The definite article is usually used with a noun which expresses “the known” in a communication. E.g. The door opened and a man entered the room.

Instead of the definite article in English the possessive pronoun is sometimes used. The possessive pronouns are usually used with nouns naming parts of body, articles of clothing, etc. E.g. He laid his hand on his sword. Such possessive pronouns are not rendered into Russian and are not meant to express “possession”.

This substitution of the article by possessive pronouns is only possible, however, when the objects expressed by the nouns with possessive pronouns belong to the subject of the sentence, otherwise we must use the definite article.

cf. He took the matter into his hands.

He took the child by the hand.

The absence of the article before a material or abstract noun has a nominating function. E.g. Life goes on.

Глава 11. The Theory of Phrase(Ph)

The W-group (phrase) is a gramm-cal unit formed by a combination of 2 or more notional Ws,which doesn’t constitute a sentence.The theory of phrase or W-combination in Linguistics has a long tradition going back to the 18-th century.According to Russian scholars the term ‘W-combination’(словосочетание)can be applied only to such groups of Ws which contain at least 2notional Ws forming a gramm-cal unit.Thus Soviet linguists restrict the use of the term ‘W-combination’ to combination of notional Ws.

Western scholars hold a diff-nt view of the problem.They consider that every combination of 2 or more Ws constitutes a unit which they term ‘phrase’.In other words,western linguists do not limit the term ‘phrase’ to combination of notional Ws & do not draw a sharp distinction b/n the 2 types of W-groups such as ‘wise men’ & ‘to the lighthouse’.The 1st & the most important difference of opinion on the question b/n soviet & western scholars concerns the constituents of the W groups forming gramm-cal units.

Another debatable problem in soviet linguistics was whether a predicative combination of Ws forms a W combination.

It is generally known that a sentence is based on predication & its purpose in communication.A W-combination has no such aim.W-combinations are more like Ws because they are employed for naming things,actions,qualities & so on.

In contrast with soviet linguists some western scholars make no difference b/n subject – predicate combinations of Ws & other word combinations,though some western theories bear considerable resemblance to Russian ideas.

There’s no traditional terminology in the works of English & American scholars discussing combinations of Ws;& diff-nt terms are used to express the same idea(phrase,combination of Ws,cluster of Ws,W-group).