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Глава 12. The sentence(s)

A S is the only unit of language which is capable of expressing a communication containing some kind of information.But linguistics is at difficulty to define it.One of the definitions is ‘the S is the smallest communication unit expressing a more or less complete thought & having a definite gramm-cal structure & intonation’.

The S differs from the phrase as neither Ws no W-groups can express communication.Another difference b/n the S & the phrase is predicativity which comprises tense & mood components.It is expressed by a W or combination of Ws which is called predication.

Class-tions of Ss:

1)According to the types of communication they are divided into:

1.Declarative(giving information){ the book is interesting (statement)};

2.Interrogative (asking for information){is the book interesting?(question)};

3.Imperative(asking for action){give me the book!(command, request)};

2)according to their structure they are divided into:

1.Simple Ss containing 1 predication(subject-predicate relationship);

2.Composite Ss containing 1 or more predications.Composite Ss are divided into compound & complex

Ss.Simple Ss & main clauses may be two-member & one-member Ss.The two-member S pattern is typical of the vast majority of Ss in English.It is a S with full predication.{The Sun shines. She walks fast}.

If a simple S contains the subject & the predicate only,it is called unextended.{Spring came}.If a S comprises secondary parts besides the main parts,it is called extended.{Dick came home late}.

The one-member S contains only 1 principle part,which is neither the subject nor the predicate.{Thieves! Fire! A cup of tea,please!}.Imperative Ss with no subject also belong here.{Get away from me!}.The exclamatory character is a necessary feature of these Ss.Infinitive Ss are very common in represented speech.

One-member Sentences may be:1)Nominative{ Another day of fog};2)Verbal:a).Imperative{Don’t believe him!};b).Infinitive{Only to think of it!};c).Gerundial{No playing with fire!};3)Adjectival{ Splendid! How romantic!}

2)According to their completeness Ss are divided into:complete(non-elliptical)& incomplete(elliptical)Ss.

Elliptical Ss are such Ss in which 1 or several parts are missing as compared with analogous Ss where there is no ellipsis.Elliptical Ss may freely be changed into complete Ss,the missing part of the S being supplied from the preceding or following context,by means of intonation:{e.g. I sat near the window,he – near the door. (= he sat near the door). Playing, children? (= are you playing, children?)}.The main sphere of elliptical Ss is of course dialogue.

S & Communication:A S carries a communication.A S is a unit of lang-ge.Communication is a unit of thought. In studing the structure os a S we met the problem of dividing it(communication)into 2parts:the starting point of the statement & the new information.It can’t be said that every S must necessarily consists of 2such sections.There are several pairs of terms to denote them.The best are theme & rhythm. The theme is also called ‘the known’,the rhythm-‘the new’.The theme expresses the starting point of the communication,while the rhythm contains new information.Usually the theme is the subject of the S,the rhythm is the predicate(or the predicate-group).{The girl (the theme) had a little basket in her hand (the rhythm).

The most important semantic element in the communication,which is part of ‘the new’,is called the center of a communication.In the given S it is ‘a little basket’.There are Ss,which carry only new information.{It is evening.}.The whole S is ‘the new’ the gramm-cal subject ‘it’ has no lexical meaning & cannot be the starting point of the communication.

60% of the total are Ss,in which the communicative division coincides with their gramm-cal division.In connected speech the center of communication of a S may become the starting point of the S that follows.{Cora and Alan were sitting in a cab (center).The cab (the known) slowed down near the theatre.}