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сборник упражнений.docx
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  1. The numeral


1. Прочтите и переведите.

Three pencils, eight pens, fifteen books, eighteen roubles, eleven days, thirteen students, thirty–three trees, seventy–eight towns, eighty–nine flats, the fourteenth student, the fortieth pupil; the first of September, the third lesson, the twenty–eighth flat, the thirteenth row.

2. Прочтите количественные числительные.

1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 47, 59, 100, 101, 200, 365; 1,000; 1,001; 1,100; 3,005; 1,000,000.

3. Прочтите следующие порядковые числительные.

1-й, 22-й, 3-й, 4-й, 11-й, 12-й, 13-й, 14-й, 18-й, 21-й, 47-й, 59-й, 100-й, 101-й, 356-й, 3005-й.

4. Прочтите дроби и проценты.

1/2; 1/3; 1/4; 3/4; 1 1/2; 3/5; 2/3; 4 2/3;

1%; 2.1/2%; 2.5%; 50%; 3.5%.

5. Прочтите даты.

1900, первого сентября, первого января, 8 марта 1995 года, 12 апреля 1961 года, 9 мая 1945 года.

6. Закончите предложения.

I was born in... . Now I am a student. I am... years old. I began to go to school in 19… . I finished ten–year school in... and went to college. In... I began to go in for sports. I took part in the competitions in... . I won... place. In... we have got a new flat. We live on the... floor.

7. Прочтите обозначения времени и температуры.

1) 776 B.C. (Before Christ), 38 B.C. A.D. 393 (Anno Domini), A.D. 1000.

2) 7.00; 8.30; 9.15; 10.45; 11.20; 12.55; 18.05; 0.30. (6.00 – It’s six o’clock; 7.30 – It’s half past seven)

3) Т –10; –25 ; –30; +19 ; +26 ; –2 ; +4.

(–12 twelve degrees below zero;+20 twenty degrees above zero)

8. Составьте микродиалоги. Скажите, какая погода в день вашего разговора.

What is the weather like today? – It is bright and sunny. It’s 25 degrees above zero. It’s nice (frosty, rainy, windy). It’s four degrees below zero. The weather is terrible. It’s....

9. Прочтите математические действия и дайте результаты.

1) 2+2 = 4 (two and two equals/makes four, two plus two is/are four.) 4+3= ; 4+5= ; 8+6= ; 10+2 = ; 16+4= ; 23+7=.

2) 42 = 2 (four minus two equals two, two from four equals/makes two) 10 – 7 = ; 14 – 8 = ; 15 – 3 = ; 25 – 16 = ; 50 –20 = ; 100 – 25=;

3) 5 x 4 = 20 (five multiplied by four equals/ is twenty, four times five is twenty) 3x4 = ; 6x5 = ; 7x4 = ; 2x8 = ; 6x3 = ; 9x4 = ; 20x5 = .

4) 25:5 = (twenty five divided by five equals/is five) 20:5 = ; 36:6 = ; 24:3 = ; 100:20 = ; 100:25 = .

10. Поинтересуйтесь номером телефона вашего друга. Называйте номер телефона по цифрам.


– What is your phone number?

– It is 58–27–43 (It’s 5–8–2–7–4–3).



1. Переведите следующие предлоги.

Предлоги места: on, in, at, under, below, under, above, behind, in front of, near, between, over, out of, next to.

Предлоги направления: to, into, towards, from, out of, through, along, round, down.

Предлоги времени: on (Monday), in (September), at (6 o’clock), before (breakfast), until (6 o’clock), after, till (July), during, between (2 and 3 o’clock), by (Sunday).

2. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на употребление предлогов.

a) 1. The furniture in your study looks strange. 2.I lost the key to my room. 3. I am sick and tired of cold wealher. 4. Take care of yourself, please. 5. She made this cake by herself. 6. They had finished their work by the first of May. 7. That’s a lot of money. 8. He decorated the walls of his room with pictures. 9. Give this medicine to your mother. 10. She made a big dinner for you. 11. Their school is in the centre of the town. 12.I have a lot of problems.

b) 1. There is a TV antenna on the roof. 2. The bottle of milk is in the fridge. 3. Children are at school in the morning. 4. The pen is under the table. 5. The bus stop is in front of our school. 6. Their house is near the hospital. 7. She ran across the street. 8. The camp was between two hills. 9. A little girl was standing among her toys anil smiling. 10. Next to our building there was a post office. 11. Take the pen out of that bag. 12. They went to the swimming–pool. 13. She came into the room and sat down at the window. 14. He came from school, left his bag and walked towards the stadium.

c) 1. Don’t come before 6 o’clock. 2. You may ring me up at any time after 12 o’clock. 3. The first lesson begins at eight o’clock in the morning. 4. They have their English on Monday and Friday. 5. We were waiting for the train until ten o’clock. 6. I woke up three times during the night. 7. The academic year begins in September: