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сборник упражнений.docx
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1. Сопоставьте глаголы в правой колонке и их значение:

1) give away

2) give back

3) give birth to

4) give in

5) give notice of

6) give out

7) give someone a hand

8) give up

9) give smb. a lift

10) give rise to

a) abandon

b) offer smb. a ride

c) inform

d) help

e) bear a child

f) cause something

g) yield to someone/something

h) betray

i) return

j) distribute

2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя выражения из предыдущего упражнения:

1. John is a good husband. He always helps his wife about the house. 2. He decided to stop gambling after he lost a large sum of money in the casino. 3. His behavior and manner of speaking showed that he was not a gentleman. 4. The fight at the party caused a lot of gossip. 5. He took me to the station in his car. 6. He was persuaded by our sound arguments. 7. She bore him early in the morning. 8. The usher handed out the programs of the concert. 9. She has been told that she will be fired. 10. Has he returned the book yet?

3. Заполните пропуски:

1. Although her father at first was reluctant to let her go abroad alone, he finally gave___. 2. Mary gave ___her second son yesterday. 3. He is a decent person now. He has given __ drinking and smoking. 5. Can you give me___to the college? 6. The professor gave___ the essays pointing out the mistakes. 7. The Browns have given___their landlord. They are going to move on the first of the month. 8. He got angry when I asked him to give___the money, which he owed to me. 9. The new regulations gave___a debate. 10. Although she pretended to be Italian, the German accent gave her___. 11. Pete is a true friend. He will always give you___when you are in trouble.

4. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Почему ты всегда уступаешь его требованиям? 2. Она бросила заниматься английским. Говорит, что она неспособна. 3. Он должен вернуть долг (debt) в пятницу. 4. Не беспокойся, он подвезет меня до работы. 5. Новый закон (law) приведет к повышению нало­гов (tax). 6. Я помог ему расплатиться с долгами. 7. Уп­равляющий предупредил служащих о снижении зара­ботной платы (pay). 8. Я узнал ее, хотя она и была за­гримирована (make up). Ее выдал голос. 9. Подожди минутку. Сейчас придет Джек. Он раздаст бесплатные билеты на концерт. 10. Она родила троих детей.


1. Сопоставьте глаголы в правой колонке и их значение:

1) keep something back

2) keep someone company

3) keep fit

4) keep from

5) keep house

6) keep in mind

7) keep on

8) keep one’s temper

9) keep one’s word

10) keep pace with

11) keep to

12) keep up

a) remember about some-one/something

b) remain calm

c) continue to do something

d) adhere to

e) move at the same speed with someone/some­thing

f) not let others know about it

g) remain in good health

h) stay with someone

i) maintain in good order or condition

j) manage a household

k) prevent

1) uphold one’s promise