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Материалы, устанавливающие содержание и порядок проведения промежуточной аттестации

Примерные вопросы для подготовки к зачетам

1. Законодательная система. The Law System.

2. Таможенный закон. The Customs Law.

3. Государственная организация. The State Body Structure.

4. Президент Российской Федерации. The President of the Russian Federation.

5. Парламент и правительство. Федеральное собрание. The Country’s Parliament and the Government. The Federal Assembly.

6. Государственная Дума. The State Duma.

7. Принудительная система. Law Enforcement System.

8. Роль полиции. Role of Police Force.

9. Прокуратура. Надзор. The Prosecutor’s Office.

10. Суды и их функции. Конституция Российской Федерации. Courts and their functions. The RF Constitution.

11. Улики. Расследование. Evidence. Investigation.

12. Уровни расследования. Stages of Investigation.

13. Преступление. Crime.

14. Состав преступления. TheCorpusDelictiofaCrime.

15. Уголовное право. Criminal Law.

16. Категории закона. Categories of Law.

17. Трудовое право. Земельное право. EmploymentLaw.LandLaw.

18. Семья и закон. The Law and the Family.

19. Интернационализация закона. Internationalization of Law.

20. Глобализация. The Impact of Globalization.

Контрольная работа

Английский язык

Контрольная работа выполняется по одному из двух вариантов соответственно начальной букве фамилии. Студенты, чьи фамилии начинаются с букв от «А» до «М» (включительно), выполняют первый вариант; от «Н» до «Я» – второй. Замена своего варианта не допускается.

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу необходимо усвоить следующие грамматические правила:

1 .Временные формы глагола:

а) активным залог формы Indefinite (Present, Past; Future), формы Continuous (Present, Past, Future), формы Perfect (Present, Past, Future);

б) пассивный залог – формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future), Perfeсt (Present, Past, Future);

в) особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.

2. Модальные глаголы:

а) модальные глаголы, выражающие возможность: can(could), may и эквивалент глагола can to be able;

б) модальные глаголы выражающие долженствование: must и его эквиваленты to have to и tobe to,should.

3. Неличные формы глагола: ParticipleI(PresentParticiple),ParticipleII(PastParticiple) в функции определения и обстоятельства.

4. Инфинитив, функции, формы и обороты.

5. Предложения времени и условия.

6. Сложные дополнения.


Задание 1.Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений выраженных причастиями I,II. Определения подчеркнуть.

  1. The most frequent type of fraud is the one involving tobacco and cigarettes.

  2. The following case related to the European Community’s Transit System gives the idea of the way in which fraud against the budget of the European Union is committed.

  3. Fraud concerning agricultural products is carried out in most Union countries, specifically for beef, cereals, milk products, and olive oils.

Задание 2.Перепишите и переведите предложения, указав временные формы и залоги.

  1. Of course, punishment is carried out in a law for corruption as it’s violation of laws.

  2. In most countries professionals are trained in the law to give people advice about their legal rights and duties.

  3. A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment.

  4. If he stars speaking, the secret will be revealed.

  5. I asked him the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract.

  6. Washington was seriously concerned by the prospect of a full blown war breaking out between Turkey and ethnic Kurds based on the north of Irag.

Задание 3.Переписать и перевести предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов. Укажите модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.

  1. They can’t be speaking to our advocate.

  2. The judge must have been unable to give the verdict to the criminal without the presence of the evidence and he may be waiting for them.

  3. The right to a jury trial may be waived if both the prosecution and defense agree.

  4. This last point needn’t be disputed.

  5. The defendant could freely choose whether to have a jury or trial by judges and the decisions of the jury were non-binding.

  6. The majority of criminal cases according the British law are to be heard without a jury in magistrates courts.

  7. You ought to have helped the defendant at the court.

  8. Who do you think could have done it?

Задание 4.Переписать и перевести предложение определив, чем являются слова оформленные суффиксом «-ing» в предложении (частью сказуемого, причастием I, отглагольным существительным, герундием).

  1. Magna Carta, regarding a cornerstone of British liberties, was originally intended to protect aristocracy.

  2. The main purpose of the act was the levying of taxes.

  3. He has obstructed the Administration of justice, by refusing his Assent to laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

  4. An artificial-intelligence program, called the Electronic judge is dispensing justice on the streets of Brazilian cities.

Задание 5.Переписать и перевести с русского языка на английский предложения.

  1. «Расовая дискриминация» означает любое различие, исключение ограничение иди предпочтение основанное на признаках расы, цвета кожи, родового, национального или этнического происхождения, имеющие целью или следствием уничтожение; или умаление признания.

  2. «Геноцид» – действия, совершаемые с намерением уничтожить полностью или частично, какую-либо национальную, этническую, расовую или религиозную группу как таковую.

  3. «Пытка» означает любое действие, которым какому-либо лицу умышленно причиняется сильная боль или страдание, физическое или нравственное, чтобы получить от него или от третьего лица сведения или признания, наказать его за действие, которое совершило оно или третье лицо или в совершении которого оно подозревается.

Задание 6.Перепишите текст с английского языка, переведите его письменно на русский язык.

There are differences in the predicate offence in the criminal legislation of the members states. Some countries (Austria, Bel­gium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom) include in the predicate offences all sort of crimes, following the provisions of the 1990 Strasbourg Convention; some others (Denmark and Greece) have a list with specific categories of crimes and the other countries (Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal) criminalise money laundering derived from drug trafficking offences only.

These differences among member states in the range of predi­cate offences to which money laundering legislation is linked, pro­duce disparity in the prohibition of money laundering, legislations move towards the extension of the predicate crimes for the money laundering offence, including all categories of serious crimes, as recommended by Article 6, first paragraph, of fne 1990 Strasbourg Convention, which obliges signatory states to criminalise the laun­dering of proceeds of «any criminal activity)). Nevertheless, para­graph four of the same Article provides a clause of partial exemp­tion to this provision: according to it, each signatory state is al­lowed to limit the predicate offences to a specific list of serious crimes (for instance, organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, etc.). The request for exemption should be eliminated. This would move financial and credit sectors of European countries to extend the reporting provisions to all suspected money laundering activi­ties, independently of the typology of crimes. This development in the legislation will contribute to the improvement of the coopera­tion between financial institutions and law enforcement agencies.

There is recurring evidence in the county analysis of increasing shifts of suspected money laundering activities from regulated to unregulated sectors within the same state and between single mem­ber states. This trend is the result of the risk evaluation made by crime entrepreneurs; they obviously try to lower the risk of being detected.

The anti-money laundering preventive legislation of each mem­ber state must, therefore, be extended to eliminate the sectorial weaknesses. Measures will have to be studied to prevent certain sectors from remaining outside the field of the law and being possi­bly used for criminal purposes. It is necessary to pay attention to this extension. The risk of an overregulation is incumbent and ap­propriate measures should be studied for optimizing the defence of the free market and the entrepreneurial activity from any unlawful actors, and the basic rules of free and equal competition character­ising it.

Задание 7.Войти в роль президента РФ. Напишите свои инновации по строительству идеального государства.

Задание 8.Вставить следующие слова в соответствующие места в предложениях:

theft pleaded fingerprints witnesses evidence found arrest

oath investigate entence charge cell detained fine court

magistrate handcuff

A policeman was sent to (a) … the disappearance of some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he found that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera and some cash. When the policeman tried to (b) … the

boy, he became violent and the policeman had to (c) … him. At the police station the.boy could not give a satisfactory explanation for his aaions and the police decided to (d) … him with the (e) … of the camera and cash. They took his (f) …, locked him in a (g) … , and (h) … him overnight. The next morning he appeared in (i) … before the (j) … . He took an (k) … and (I) … not guilty. Two (m) … , the owner of the property and a member of the hotel staff, gave (n) … After both sides of the case had been heard the boy was (o) … guilty. He had to pay a (p) … of £50 and he was given a (q) … of three months in prison suspended for two years.

Задание 9.Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1. authoritarian government

а. судебная власть

2. local government

b. временное правительство

3. to dissolve the government

c. правительство ее Величества

4. government official

d. авторитарная форма правления

5. Her Majesty’s Government

e. военная администрация

6. provisional government

f. срок полномочий правительства

7. mixed government

g. местное самоуправление

8. government’s term of office

h. правительственный чиновник

9. judicial government

i. смешанная форма правления

10. military government

j. распустить правительство


Задание 1.Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык определений выраженных причастиями I,II. Определения подчеркнуть.

  1. The freight forwarder is able to absolve himself of the guarantee himself of the guarantee after providing that the goods reached their distination.

  2. The fine amounted to three dollars.

  3. These goods are classified as Community Transit goods.

Задание 2.Перепишите и переведите предложения, указав временные формы и залоги.

  1. The Police never found the money stolen in the robbery.

  2. We were sure he had legated his house.

  3. They wanted to know if the lawyers would take part in the negotiations.

  4. I asked him the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract.

  5. I have never been to any court.

Задание 3.Переписать и перевести предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов. Укажите модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.

  1. Can he have killed anybody?

  2. We were able to come to an agreement.

  3. The right to a jury trial may be waived if both the prosecution and defense agree.

  4. This last point needn’t be disputed.

  5. You will have to rewrite this document.

  6. They might have done it.

  7. You ought to have helped the ant at the court.

  8. Who do you think could have done it?

Задание 4.Переписать и перевести предложение определив, чем являются слова оформленные суффиксом «-ing» в предложении (частью сказуемого, причастием I, отглагольным существительным, герундием).

  1. Magna Carta, regarding a cornerstone of British liberties, was originally intended to protect aristocracy.

  2. The main purpose of the act was the levying of taxes.

  3. He has obstructed the Administration of justice, by refusing his Assent to laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

  4. An artificial-intelligence program, called the Electronic judge is dispensing justice on the streets of Brazilian cities.

Задание 5.Переписать и перевести с русского языка на английский предложения.

  1. Конвенция относительно рабства: «Рабство есть состояние или положение человека, над которым осуществляются атрибуты права собственности или некоторые из них».

  2. Торговля невольниками включает всякий акт захвата, приобретения или уступки человека с целью продажи его в рабство.

  3. «Преступления против человечности» определяются как «убийства, истребление, порабощение, ссылка и другие жестокости, совершенные в отношении гражданского населения до или во время войны, или преследования по политическим, расовым, или, религиозным мотивам».

Задание 6.Перепишите текст с английского языка, переведите его письменно на русский язык.

Within the EU 18 million Tl documents are issued annually. Each has an average duty and tax liability of Euro 24, 000. Each year Euro 432 billion of taxes and duties are channelled through the Tl system. An incidence of fraud of 0. 2% has been calculated by the TIR system, meaning freight forwarders are liable for more than Euro 864 million each year.

The European Commission reckons that the financial impact of organised crime on each member state from 1994 to 1998 was in excess of Euro 75 billion.

The CT regime was designed in the 1960s for six countries with internal borders. Today, transit is organised by freight forwarders acting as intermediaries to a transaction in countries with no inter­nal borders. In addition, customs budgets have been reduced in relative terms and customs authorities have not been able to keep pace with an increasing workload. All this points to the fact that the proliferation of fraud is directly related to the implementation of a frontier free EU.

The present system places the burden of preventing fraud onto the freight forwarders. The prevention of fraud takes expertise and time. Those freight forwarders acting unilaterally to stop the fraud have found that their ability to process the Tl form transactions has slowed down dramatically and the resulting costs, which they pass on to their customers, have increased dramatically too. This has resulted in customers shifting business to freight forwarders who are more trusting and less punctilious.

Задание 7.Войти в роль Премьер Министра РФ. Напишите свои инновации по его деятельности строительства идеального государства.

Задание 8. Вставить следующие слова в соответствующие места в предложениях:

Liberal, independence, trade-unions, alliance, opponent, policy, Conservative

  1. The … (or Tory) Party started as Royalists in the 17th century.

  2. The Conservatives are the main … to the Labour government.

  3. The … Party (the political nickname Whigs) arised in the 1850s and 1860s.

  4. Religion was an important determinant of the Liberal party… .

  5. The Liberals believed in free trade, political reform and … for Ireland.

  6. The Labour Party had and still has close links with … .

  7. During the last elections the Labour formed the … with some parties like the Scottish National Party and the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party.

Задание 9.Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1. competent authority

а. превышать свои полномочия

2. law - enforcement authority

b. власть \ полномочия Парламента

3. lawful authority

c. законная власть

4. on good authority

d. подрывать чей-либо авторитет

5. the authority of Parliament

e. иметь \ осуществлять власть

6. to abuse one’s authority

f. неограниченные полномочия

7. to gain in authority

g. облекать \ наделять властью

8. to hand over one’s authority to smb.

h. передавать свои полномочия кому-либо

9. to have \ to exercise authority

i. из надежного источника

10. to underline smb’s authorities

j. правоохранительные органы

11. to vest smb. with authority

k. авторитетный специалист

12. unrestricted authority

l. приобретать все большую власть