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Аттестационная контрольная работа №3 для студентов юридического факультета II курса


I. Прочитайте текст:

Canada is a young country, but it has a legal system rich in tradition. The principles of common law used in most Canadian provinces were first developed in medieval England. The principles of Quebec’s civil code date back even further, through France to the ancient Roman Empire.

These traditions form the base of Canada’s legal heritage, but they have also been adapted [1] to meet Canadian needs. The courts ensure that the law is interpreted and enforced in а way that reflects current conditions.

The Canadian Constitution

Canada’s Constitution establishes the basic framework for the country’s system of law and justice. It defines the nature of the federal and provincial governments, how these governments are elected, and the powers of each. Equally important, the Constitution sets out the basic rights and liberties of each citizen that must [2] be respected by all governments.

The Constitution defines a federal system of government for Canada. This means the authority [3] to make laws is divided between the Parliament of Canada and the provincial legislatures.

The provincial governments have the authority [4] to make laws concerning such matters as education, property rights, the administration of justice, hospitals, municipalities and other matters of a local or private nature. In addition, the provinces may create local or municipal governments that can deal with matters such as parking regulations or local building standards.

The federal government deals with matters that affect all of Canada, such as trade and commerce, national defence, immigration and criminal law. As well, the federal government has jurisdiction over Aborigines and lands reserved for Aborigines.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. When were the principles of common law first developed in Canada?

  2. Is the Canadian legal heritage interpreted nowadays to reflect current conditions?

  3. What does Canada’s Constitution define?

  4. What is divided between the Parliament & the provincial legislations?

  5. What laws do the provincial governments have the authority to make?

  6. And the federal one?

  1. Передайте на русском языке содержание каждого ответа.

  1. Определите грамматическую форму подчеркнутых конструкций, дайте их точный перевод.

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Чтобы вступить в силу, акт парламента должен быть опубликован в статутной форме.

  2. Законопроект, который должен быть принят, должен пройти три чтения в Палате общин и такую же процедуру в Палате лордов.

  3. Если бы не было одобрения договора Сенатом, не было бы договора.

  4. Если бы Вы выросли в этих условиях и изучали это в школе, Вы бы легко разобрались в системе управления в США.

  5. Если бы две трети состава Палаты представителей одобрили законопроект импичмента, последовал бы судебный процесс в Сенате.

Аттестационная контрольная работа №4 для студентов юридического факультета II курса

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