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Visual CSharp 2005 Express Edition (2006) [eng]

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Chapter 12

Figure 12-10

When you click CustomerID, the pane closes, and you see the Text property filled in as shown in Figure 12-11.

Figure 12-11

10.Repeat Steps 7 through 9 for the txtCustomerName and txtEmail TextBox controls.

11.Press F11 to build and run the application. Choose the form that you created to display this example.

You can move through the records in the DataGridView and see them reflected in the fields below. So you now have your data synchronized among multiple controls. In addition, you also can move

around using the buttons provided by the BindingNavigator control at the top of the form, displayed in Figure 12-12.

One of the items included in the buttons up on top is the Save button. With this button, you can make your changes and save them back into your database.

There you have it. You have created a form that is bound to data and not only has a browse view but also binds those records to individual fields for data manipulation.


Utilizing .NET Data Controls

Figure 12-12

Summar y

As you are creating applications you will need to work with data from a database. In the past, when using languages such as C#, doing so used to be a lot of work. Now, with C# Express, the necessary controls and code are created for you as you drag and drop the controls onto your form. With these controls you can accomplish just about any task you need, including modifying, adding, and deleting records.

You can add data sources into your project and use them for various forms and controls. These data sources can be viewed using the Data Sources pane. In this chapter you saw how to utilize a DataGridView control on your form, and how to synchronize it with TextBox controls using a

BindingNavigator control. When a BindingNavigator control is added to a form, a ToolStrip control is added with buttons for various data actions you need to perform. All of this is performed without one line of code being written by the developer.


1.Which objects do you need to add to your project in order to utilize data in your form?

2.Which control (and underlying class) keeps track of data in memory?

3.What control is used to bind data to controls such as the TextBox control and provide navigation?

4.What is the difference between the BindingNavigator and BindingSource controls?



Working with ADO.NET

As you drag and drop data controls onto your form, C# Express generates the necessary code to utilize the controls. When you are starting out, this works great for the majority of the tasks you need to accomplish. However, as you become more comfortable with the language and your needs expand, there will come a time when you will want to be able to write your own code to work with data on your own. To accomplish this, you can use ADO.NET. The code created for the data controls when you drop them onto the forms, in fact, uses ADO.NET under the covers to accomplish necessary tasks. ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects .NET) are a set of classes provided by

.NET for working with data in your applications. The great thing about these classes is that you can use them as you need to or just continue using the data controls. Some of the classes and the object created by them were introduced in the last chapter, including data sets.

In this chapter, you are introduced to some of the classes that make up ADO.NET and how to use them. The following topics are discussed:

The history of data access

What is ADO.NET?

Working with the DataSet class

Using SqlConnection and SqlCommand classes

Binding ADO.NET objects to Windows controls

Introducing ADO.NET

Over the years there have been a number of ways that Microsoft has been providing tools for developers to access data from their applications. During the last 10 years, there have been quite a few tools provided, such as DAO (Data Access Objects), RDO (Remote Data Objects), and ADO (ActiveX Data Objects). That’s right, before ADO.NET there was ADO.

Chapter 13

Some Data Access History

DAO was originally created to access the Jet database engine. Jet is the database engine used with Microsoft Access. DAO provided various classes such as the Recordset class, which enabled developers to load data into memory from their databases and to work with it as needed. While DAO was great and is still in use today, it was primarily built for use with Jet. When you wanted to use it with other providers such as SQL Server, you had to use another layer of technology called ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) drivers and had additional hoops to jump through to utilize these other databases.

To handle the various databases, Microsoft came out with another data access method called ADO. ADO is a more generic data access method, blending with a layer called OLEDB. OLEDB enables various providers to create their own interface that can then be utilized by the ADO classes. This meant when you created an application using ADO and OLEDB, if you had to switch back ends, provided you wrote your code correctly, all you had to do was change the OLEDB connection. As with DAO, a Recordset class was created to help you manage record sets as you loaded them from tables in a database into memory to work with.

At the same time ADO came around, Internet developers wanted to access their data. While ADO worked up to a point, and is used still used quite a bit, developers still needed more functionality in some cases. So RDO (Remote Data Objects) came on the scene, which provided the functionality of accessing remote data.

Welcome ADO.NET

.NET was a huge platform change not only for languages and desktop/Web development but for data access. ADO.NET was introduced to basically combine the best of both ADO and RDO but also to provide a more complete set of classes for working with data. ADO.NET consists of multiple classes providing data controls and data provider classes.

One major change from ADO to ADO.NET is that the main object used for manipulating data is the DataSet class, introduced in Chapter 12, rather than the Recordset, which merely returns just what the name implies, a single record set. With the DataSet you can actually store multiple tables and their relationships in a hierarchical manner. Another big difference is that ADO.NET uses disconnected data. This means that when you are working on the Internet, you can connect to your database and bring data over to work on, disconnecting when you do so. After working with the data, you connect again and update the data. With ADO it all had to be with one opened connection.

When working with ADO.NET, you will use the ADO.NET namespaces provided by the .NET Framework Class Library. Within the ADO.NET namespaces, you will then specify which data provider you need to use. The following section discusses those namespaces.

Some ADO.NET Data Classes and Data Providers

When using ADO.NET classes, the following statement needs to be added to your form when you use the DataSet class:

using System.Data;


Working with ADO.NET

For the data provider, it will depend on which one you are using. If you are going to be utilizing data for SQL Server, the using statement will be

using System.Data.SqlClient;

If you aren’t sure which type you are using, or need to use multiple types of data such as from SQL Server and Microsoft Access at same time, you will use:

using System.Data.OleDb;

The following table outlines some of the classes that are valuable to developers for accessing data.

Control Name





This control is used in conjunction with the other data controls,


storing the results that are returned by commands and the


DataAdapter controls. The DataSet control actually brings back


a hierarchical view of the data. Using properties and collections in


the DataSet object, you can get all the way down to individual


tables, rows, and columns.


Similar to the Recordset class used in ADO, this control allows you


to work with a single record set of data, rather than a whole data set.


You can also create DataTable objects from DataSet objects.


This control lets you create multiple views of the same table. This


includes looking at data in various states such as deleted, changed,


or sorted.


This control stores and manages what commands you want to


use against a SQL Server database. The commands for selecting,


updating, inserting, and deleting records can be used. The


connection in which to use the commands against is also tracked.


Connection information for the SQL Server provider is maintained


with this control. Used with the SqlDataAdapter and SqlCommand




This control enables developers to execute SQL statements or stored


procedures to either run bulk operations return data.



The DataSet, DataTable, and DataViews are all available from ADO.NET, whereas the rest of the objects are available via the SqlClient data provider. All of these classes can be used directly in the code of your application.

Using ADO.NET Classes in Your Application

To learn how to use the various objects, you will first add a ListBox control onto a form and then populate the control using ADO.NET classes. The first task will be to create a connection string you can use


Chapter 13

with the other data provider classes. The string shown in the following code points to the SQL Server Express database first introduced in Chapter 11.

string strConn;

strConn = “Data Source=\”.\\SQLEXPRESS\”;AttachDbFilename=\”C:\\Documents “;

strConn += “and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\Visual Studio “; strConn += “2005\\Projects\\CoffeeSQL.mdf\”;Integrated Security=True;User “; strConn += “Instance=True”;

Remember that the extra backslashes cause the characters that follow to be included in the string.

Populating a ListBox Control

Next, after creating two types of the data controls just mentioned, SqlDataAdapter and DataTable, you will bind them to a list box to display a list of customers.

SqlDataAdapter sdaCusts =

new SqlDataAdapter(“Select tblCustomers.CompanyName From tblCustomers”,


DataTable dtCusts = new DataTable();


The first step is to instantiate a SqlDataAdapter object, in this case passing the SQL string and the connection string (strConn). Next, a DataTable object is created. Lastly, the Fill method of the SqlDataAdapter is used to fill the DataTable object with data.

Once this has occurred, the DataTable will be used as a DataSource for the ListBox control. Also, the

DisplayMember and ValueMember are specified.

listBox1.DisplayMember = “CustomerName”; listBox1.ValueMember = “CustomerID”; listBox1.DataSource = dtCusts;

And that’s it code-wise. Now you need to get busy and try this yourself.

Try It Out

Populate a ListBox using ADO.NET

Before performing the steps of creating the form for this Try It Out, you need to create a switchboard to call your forms. After this form is created, you then create another form:

1.Right-click the project and choose Add New Item . . ., and name it as desired.

2.Drag and drop a Label control onto the form.

3.Type Customers for the Text property.

4.Drag and drop a ListBox control onto the form. The form now looks like Figure 13-1.


Working with ADO.NET

Figure 13-1

5.Double-click the main form. This opens the editor with the definition of the Form_Load routine created, shown here.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



6.Under the following line of code:

public partial class frmCreatingDataTables : Form


type the following:

private string strConn;

7.Under the lines of code that read as follows:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


type the following code that was discussed in the section before this Try It Out.

strConn = “Data Source=\”.\\SQLEXPRESS\”;AttachDbFilename=\”C:\\Documents “; strConn += “and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\Visual Studio “; strConn += “2005\\Projects\\CoffeeSQL.mdf\”;Integrated Security=True;User “; strConn += “Instance=True”;

SqlDataAdapter sdaCusts = new SqlDataAdapter(“Select * From tblCustomers”, strConn);

DataTable dtCusts = new DataTable();


listBox1.DisplayMember = “CustomerName”; listBox1.ValueMember = “CustomerID”; listBox1.DataSource = dtCusts;


Chapter 13

8.Press F5 to build and test the application. Open the desired form. The list box is now displayed with the customers listed, as shown in Figure 13-2.

Figure 13-2

The next step is to add a DataGridView control to the form and display the data in the DataGridView based on the choice made in the ListBox control.

Adding a DataGridView Control

Now that you have the customers listed in the ListView control, it is time to display the invoices for the selected customer. To do this, you create SqlConnection and SqlCommand objects to retrieve the data. Using the SqlCommand class, the CommandText property is set to the SQL string, in this case utilizing the SelectedValue of the ListBox control. Next, the Connection property of the SqlCommand object is set to the connection object. Then the connection is opened. You can see the code for all this here:

SqlConnection scnn = new SqlConnection(strConn);

SqlCommand scmdInvoice = new SqlCommand();

scmdInvoice.CommandText = “Select * From tblInvoices “;

scmdInvoice.CommandText += “ Where CustomerID = “ + listBox1.SelectedValue.ToString();

scmdInvoice.Connection = scnn; scnn.Open();

After these lines of code are executed, the rest is just about the same as the code in the last section, where the SqlCommand object is passed to the SqlDataAdapter object for the SQL statement. After a new DataTable is created, the using the SqlDataAdapter Fill method, the data is retrieved. Lastly, the dtInvoices is set as the DataSource of the DataGridView.

SqlDataAdapter sdaInvoices = new SqlDataAdapter(scmdInvoice);

DataTable dtInvoices = new DataTable();


dataGridView1.DataSource = dtInvoices;


Working with ADO.NET

You can see the result of running the code in Figure 13-3. Now it’s time for you to get busy.

Figure 13-3

Try It Out

Using ADO.NET Classes to Populate a DataGridView Control

Using the form you created in the last Try It Out:

1.Drag and drop a DataGridView control onto the form.

2.Click the DataGridView control to close the task pane.

3.Double-click the ListBox control. This opens the code file for editing and creates a definition for the ListBox control’s SelectedIndexChanged.

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)



4.Type the following lines of code between the opening and closing curly brackets:

SqlConnection scnn = new SqlConnection(strConn);

SqlCommand scmdInvoice = new SqlCommand();

scmdInvoice.CommandText = “Select * From tblInvoices “; scmdInvoice.CommandText += “ Where CustomerID = “ +


scmdInvoice.Connection = scnn; scnn.Open();

SqlDataAdapter sdaInvoices = new SqlDataAdapter(scmdInvoice);

DataTable dtInvoices = new DataTable();


dataGridView1.DataSource = dtInvoices;


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