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(A Review Lesson)

Сводная таблица видовременных форм английского глагола

(English Tense Forms)









I/we/you/they ask

He(she, it)asks

I am asking

He/she/ is asking

We/you/they are asking


they have asked

He/she has asked

I/you/we/they have been asking

He/she has been asking


I am asked

He/she is asked

We/you/they are asked

I am being asked

He/she/it is being asked

We/you/they are being asked


they have been asked

He/she has been asked





You/they asked

I/he/she was asking

We/you/they were asking


we/they had asked


we/they had been asking


I/he/she was asked

We/you/they) were asked

I/he/ she/it was being asked

We/you/they were being asked


we/they) had been asked





you/they will ask


they will be asking


we/they will have asked

I/you/he/she/ we/they will have been asking



you/they will be asked



it/ we/they will have been asked


Упражнение 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола – сказуемого в следующих предложениях:

1. Она не покупала эти товары в прошлом году.

1. hadn’t bought 2. don’t buy 3. didn’t buy 4. doesn’t buy

2. Мы сдаем экзамены два раза в год.

1. take 2. are taking 3. have taken 4. are taken

3. Мы выполнили лабораторную работу до того, как пришел профессор.

1. have done 2. did 3. had done 4. had been doing

4.Я окончил школу два года назад.

1. had left 2. left 3. have left 4. was left

5. Вчера в это время я сдавал вступительные экзамены.

1. took 2. had taken 3. had been taken 4. was taking

6. Я уже написал курсовую работу.

1. have written 2. wrote 3. had written 4. am written

7. Грамматику объясняют на каждом уроке.

1. explained 2. is explained 3. is being explained 4. has explained

8. Мы будем сдавать экзамены в январе.

1. will be taking 2. will take 3. will be taken 4. will have taken

9. Не мешай ей, она читает.

1. reads 2. are reading 3. read 4. is reading

10. Если она придет, мы будем стряпать торт.

1. will come 2. come 3. comes 4. will have come

11. Повестка дня обсуждается сейчас.

1. is discussed 2. discussed 3. is being discussed 4. is discussing

12. Дом будет строиться моими родителями.

1. will build 2. will be built 3. will have built 4. will have been built

13. Я буду переводить английскую статью завтра в это время.

1. will be translating 2. will translate 3. will be translated 4. will have translated

14. Новая школа построена будет построена к 1 сентября.

1. will have build 2. will build 3. will be built 4. will have been built

15. Он напишет доклад к 25 декабря.

1. will have written 2. will write 3. will be writing 4. will have been written

Упражнение 2. Употребите правильную видовременную форму глагола в скобках:

  1. I (to watch) TV from 7 to 9 p.m. yesterday.

  2. He (not to go) to the Academy the day before yesterday.

  3. The newspapers (to bring) every day.

  4. She just (to come).

  5. You ever (to write) letters abroad?

  6. Don’t enter this room! Students of economics department (to examine) there.

  7. I will go to Great Britain if my mother (to give) me money.

  8. Ann (to do) her homework before her parents came.

  9. My father (to come back) from his business trip next week.

  10. She (to visit) her parents every weekend.

  11. Look! Our monitor (to speak) to the dean.

  12. Our teacher always (to speak) English at the lesson.

  13. The scientists (to discover) this star this year.

  14. She just (to write) a letter to her granny.

  15. Soon I (not to depend) on my parents.

  16. I (to finish) cooking by the time my aunt comes home.

  17. I can’t give you this article. It (to translate) by my students now.

  18. I (to enter-поступить) the Academy 4 months ago.

  19. The house (to build) by my father by July of the next year.

  20. He (not to see) the rector yesterday.

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Я всегда хотел изучать английский язык

  2. Они знают друг друга уже десять лет.

  3. Он уже час следит за игрой.

  4. Эта статья была написана до того, как вы делали доклад.

  5. Этот дом еще строится.

  6. Мы очень рады видеть вас. Мы ждали вас целый год.

  7. Он ищет тебя весь день. Где ты была все это время?

  8. Они пишут сочинение уже два часа.

  9. Письма были оставлены на столе.

  10. Когда будет написана ваша книга?

  11. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнала об этом.

  12. Когда я пришла домой, обед уже был приготовлен.

  13. Сколько лет вы работаете в этой академии?

  14. Нас встретят на станции?

  15. Этот перевод будет закончен через несколько дней.

  16. Об этом случае много говорят в нашем квартале.

  17. Когда он пришел домой, мы уже ушли в кино.

  18. Я буду делать эту работу завтра.

  19. Я буду делать эту работу в 6 часов вечера завтра.

  20. Я сделаю эту работу к 6 часам вечера завтра.

  21. Этот балет был создан сто лет назад.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы правильной видовременной форме.

Surfing the Net.

People who have been grown up/have grown up with the Internet just begin/have begun to realize what its possibilities are/are being. However, the idea that a relatively new method of communication also requires/is required a new set of formal and informal rules of behavior largely is ignored/was ignored. Take, for example, the many teenage girls who discover/have discovered the Buckingham Palace website and have been sent/ have been sending Prince William ‘very friendly’ emails. William’s grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh certainly has not been impressed/has not impressed by the emails he has been received/has been receiving. He says that most of the messages he has sent/has been sent asks/are asking whether he is/was the name of a public house.

(Matrix Intermediate Student’s book. Oxford University Press)



1. They know /have been knowing/ have known/ has known each other since childhood

2. She is in the library. And she is translating/ has been translating/had translated/ was translating an article from English.

3. It rained/ had rained/ have been raining/ has been raining since early morning.

4. They have left/ left/will leave/ leave the theatre an hour ago.

5. She was written/ was writing/ has written /wrote a letter when the phone rang.

6. When he came home the room was cleaned/ was cleaning/ had cleaned/had been cleaned.

7. What you have… done /have… been doing/were… doing /has…. been doing when I phoned you?

8. This book had been translated/was translated/ has been translated/was translating

into Russian two years ago.

9. This question is discussed /will be discussed/ will discuss/will be discussing tomorrow.

10. I have seen/have been seeing/ saw /was seeing some good films recently.

11. I was meeting / met/ had met/have met Alex at a party a couple of weeks ago.

12. Some rare books keep/keeps/were kept /are kept in the National Library.

13. When he came home his parents has had/had/were having/was having dinner.

14. They have played tennis for an hour/ have been playing tennis for an hour/have been played tennis for an hour/ were playing tennis for an hour when it stated to rain.

15. Who wants/want/ is wanting/have wanted to take part in the discussion?

16. Many of his novels made/make/ will make/have been made into films.

17. This book was first published/is first published/did first publish/ was first being published

in 1960.

18. I was reading/ read/had read/ have been reading the book all day.

19. We was taught /are taught/ is taught/taught English by Mrs. Brown.

20. This time tomorrow I will swim/will have swum/will be swimming /will have been swimming

in the sea.