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Tricky words

display n 1) показ, демонстрация; 2) выставка; 3) дисплей, индикатор, электронное табло, воспроизведение на экране; 4) демонстрационное поведение, проявление признака.

display v демонстрировать, показывать.

cell n 1) секция, отсек, камера, ячейка, ящик ; 2) камера в тюрьме; 3) клетка (биол.); 4) элемент (электр.)

current n 1) ток;2) струя, поток; 3) течение.

current adj текущий, данный, современный.

issue n 1) выпуск (продукции), издание (печатной продукции); 2) потомство; 3) исход, результат; 4) спорный вопрос, тема, проблема; 5) выделение.

issue v 1) издавать (печатную продукцию); 2) выпускать (продукцию).

Exercise 7. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

демонстрация угрозы, выставка георгинов, графический дисплей, показывать большое мастерство, цифровой дисплей, показывать товары, проявлять мужество, клетка крови, нервные клетки, одиночная камера, тюремная камера, элемент аккумулятора, течение времени, течение реки, электрический ток, против течения, текущие дела, настоящие цены, текущие новости, поток воздуха, умереть не оставив потомства, благоприятный результат, злободневный вопрос, тема исследования, проблемы техники безопасности.

III. Presentation

1. Find the information in the text about the evolution of the early agricultural machines. Threshing Machines

The threshing floor, on which oxen or horses trampled out the grain, was still common in George Washington's time, though it had been largely succeeded by the flail. In Great Britain several threshing machines were devised in the eighteenth century, but none was particularly successful. They were stationary, and it was necessary to bring the sheaves to them. One patent issued by the United States to Samuel Mulliken of Philadelphia, was for a threshing machine. The portable horse-powered treadmill invented in 1830 by Hiram and John Pitts of Winthrop, Maine, was coupled with a thresher, or "separator."

The horse-powered treadmill was later replaced by the traction engine tractor, which both transported the threshing machine from farm to farm, and when a destination was reached powered the thresher.

Combination Harvester and Thresher

Another development was the combination harvester and thresher used on the larger farms of the West. This machine does not cut the wheat close to the ground, but the cutter-bar, over twenty-five feet in length, takes off the heads. The wheat is separated from the chaff and automatically weighed into sacks, which are dumped as fast as two expert sewers can work. The motive power is a traction engine or else twenty to thirty horses, and seventy-five acres a day can be reaped and threshed. Often another tractor pulling a dozen wagons follows and the sacks are picked up and hauled to the granary or elevator.

Haying Machines

In 1822, Jeremiah Bailey, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, patented a horse-drawn machine with a revolving wheel with six scythes, used for haying and other cutting.

The haying machine was co-developed with the reaper. The basic idea in the reaper, the cutter-bar, became part of mower. Hazard Knowles, an employee of the Patent Office, invented the hinged cutter-bar, which could be lifted over an obstruction, but never patented the invention.

In 1844, William Ketchum of Buffalo, New York patented the first machine intended to cut hay only, and dozens of others followed. An improved mowing machine was patented by Lewis Miller of Canton, Ohio, in 1858.