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ET / ЕТ / Англійська мова / 1 рік навчання кваліфіковані і після 11.doc
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Варіант 23

I. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на українську мову наступні речення.

1. Reconstruction of those plants was supposed to take four years.

2. We know planned economic development to be one of socialism's advantages over capitalism.

3. The young scientist was the first to apply this invention.

II. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на українську мову наступні речення. Зверніть увагу на переклад залежних і незалежного (самостійного) дієприкметникових зворотів (див. зразок виконання 2).

1. The new Programme of the CPSU provides for a rapid development of our national economy, special attention being paid to the all-round mechanization of production processes.

2. While increasing the output, we must not forget the task of improving the production quality.

3. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (СЭВ) is the organization helping the socialist countries to develop their economic relations.

III. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть на українську мову наступні складні речення. Зверніть увагу на те, як переводяться умовні речення (див. зразок виконання 3).

1. If this device is installed, the production process will be simplified.

2. If the plant had introduced the latest achievements of science and technology, it would have increased labour productivity.

3. It would be impossible to simplify the production process without applying this device.

IV. Прочитайте й усно перекладіть на українську мову з 1-го по 4-й абзаци тексту. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 1, 2, 3 і 4-й абзаци.

Пояснення до тексту

1. manpower resources - людські ресурси

2. full employment - повна зайнятість

3. incontestable advantages - незаперечні переваги

4. to mould - формувати

5. creative initiative - творча ініціатива 6. to give hope - подавати надію

Rational utilization of manpower resources

1. Today the rational utilization of manpower resources is known to be an important factor.

2. The most important tasks in this connection are an increase in labour productivity and provision of all the country's sectors and economic regions with an adequate labour force. The successful fulfilment of these tasks became possible thanks to the planned balanced development of social production, which allows to control manpower resources effectively.

3. We know the Communist Party and the Soviet Government to pay particular attention to the social tasks involved in the rational utilization of manpower resources, above all, to ensuring full employment of the population.

Full employment is only possible in socialist society, this being one of its incontestable advantages3 over capitalist society.

4. The USSR has attained the highest level of population employment. Labour has acquired new features. A new type of worker - a worker of a developed socialist society -has been moulded.4 Today every worker must be responsible for raising labour productivity, for the development of the rationalisation movement The creative initiative5 of the working people has become a powerful factor of economic development.

5. The successes achieved by the country in raising labour productivity and in building up ah army of highly skilled workers and experts, give hope for still greater progress in the utilization of manpower resources, thus creating a major prerequisite for dynamic economic development and a further rise in the people's well-being.

V. Прочитайте 5-й абзац тексту й відпишіть на наступне питання:

What gives hope for greater progress in the utilization of manpower resources?

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