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V. Future speciality

1. Think about your associations with the profession of an economist. Complete the mind map.

2. Read the text and try to find the meaning of the words which are in bold.

My future speciality

A modern world can offer a great variety of professions. But while choosing any of them a person should take many factors into consideration, such as: wages and salary, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel and to develop himself. For me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction and that’s why I have chosen the profession of an economist.

I believe this profession is interesting and I could have good career prospects in the future. But on the other hand, it is necessary to have both perfect theoretical and practical special knowledge in different fields of economy. Though it is a hard work I hope to do well with the studies and after passing the state examinations to get the qualification of an economist.

At the university students make acquaintance with the principles of economic activity. A great deal of time they spend on studying commerce and its functions, customer’s demand, commerce and trade turnover, material base and finance. They study methods of management and plan the commerce development on the basis of analysis of economic activity in commercial firms and establishments. Besides, future economists get to know how to calculate the introduction efficiency and technical expenses, to plan money costs and count productivity.

This theoretical knowledge is enriched by the practice that will help the students to solve different commerce-technological problems and make the correct managerial decisions in the future.

My speciality is considered to be very important and urgent nowadays. Modern commerce has a tendency of transition to the market relations. And as a result different forms of property appear: commercial banks, join-stock companies and sole proprietorships. The work here will demand deep knowledge not only in economics but also in computer science.

There are two aspects I’d like to deal with in the future. They are marketing and advertising. I’m interested in international marketing that’s why I need have proper knowledge in a foreign language. These skills can help me to get information about companies and customers’ needs, demand for products and services and a situation in the international markets from a foreign literature and periodicals.

If a company wants to be successful in a market it in necessary to promote its product. That’s why special events, such as: product shows, exhibitions and presentations are held. These events comprise communication mix where people from various countries can take part. And here language knowledge can also be helpful.

Advertising is a part of marketing. And I presume that it will be my primary occupation in future. I want to devote my life to it, as the role of advertising is very important. It is a powerful tool that formulates demand, promotes sales, informs buyers about company’s products and services and creates the company’s image.

Such are my plans for the future. As you can see they are rather complicate and far-reaching. And I hope, in spite of the fact that my future speciality is quite difficult and requires discipline and high quality of work, there will be a great possibility to reveal my knowledge and personal qualities.


to take into consideration

to calculate




join-stock company



to do well


to get a qualification of

to make acquaintance with

economic activity

to promote

customer’s demand

commerce turnover

primary occupation

trade turnover

methods of management

to count urgent




to be successful

to presume

to devote




to reveal




personal qualities

computer science

to be enriched by the practice

a tendency of transition to the market relations

to require discipline and high quality of work


      1. Match the words to make the phrase.

to take into discipline and high quality of work

to make demand

principles of productivity

commerce companies

customer’s practice

methods of management

to be enriched by acquaintance with

to count the qualification

far-reaching economic activity

to require plans

to reveal consideration

join- stock turnover

to get knowledge and personal qualities

      1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list.

job-satisfaction to promote get the qualification

market relations be enriched make acquaintance productivity proper knowledge advertising

money costs primary occupation

  1. The students who have done well with all their studies and passed the state examinations, ______ of an economist.

  2. Theoretical knowledge must ______ by the practice.

  3. For many people, the most important criterion of the future profession is _____.

  4. At the university students ______ with the principles of economic activities.

  5. I’d like to devote my life to ______ as it plays a very important role nowadays.

  6. It is necessary to know how to plan _____ and to count _____.

  7. Today modern commerce has a tendency of transition to the _____.

  8. Future economists study how _____ products in the market.

  9. I believe my _____ in future will be connected with computer science.

  10. _____ in a foreign language could help me to find a well-paid job.

      1. Find the synonyms among the following words.

opportunity to suppose optimum solution salary

establishment occupation to take into consideration speciality trend requirement to cope expenses to reveal

job wages proper important to calculate property possibility to provide buyer tendency costs

qualification decision to show deep company to count to pay attention rational urgent customer

ownership to deal with demand to presume to give

4.Translate the sentences from Russian .

  1. Моя будущая профессия требует дисциплины и высокого качества работы.

  2. Я хочу посвятить свою жизнь экономике, поэтому я должен иметь хорошие специальные знания и получить квалификацию экономиста.

  3. Студенты нашего факультета постоянно обогащают свои теоретические знания практикой.

  4. Если ты хочешь стать высококвалифицированным экономистом, тебе следует успешно учиться и получить глубокие знания в планировании экономики, денежных затрат и методов управления.

  5. Знания иностранного языка и информатики смогут дать мне возможность найти высоко оплачиваемую работу.

  6. В будущем я собираюсь иметь дело с рекламой.

  7. Реклама - это часть маркетинга. Ее основной функцией является продвижение товаров на рынке.

  8. Моим основным занятием будет маркетинг.

  9. Студенты экономического факультета знакомятся с деятельностью коммерческих фирм.

  10. Заработная плата играет немаловажную роль в получении удовлетворения от работы.

  11. Он хорошо справляется с работой, поэтому у него есть все шансы получить повышение по службе.

  12. Коммерция имеет дело с финансами, торговым оборотом и затратами.

  13. Новая должность позволили ему раскрыть его деловые качества и показать великолепные специальные знания.

  14. Многие специальности требуют дисциплины и высокого качества работы.

  15. Он должен был обеспечить компания информацией о потребительском спросе на рынке.

  16. Очень важно правильно выбрать методы управления, чтобы добиться успеха.


    1. Agree or disagree with the statements and prove your opinion.

  • The profession of an economist is very important today.

  • The profession of an economist is quite difficult.

  • The profession of an economist requires special knowledge in different fields.

  • Deep knowledge of a foreign language can help you to find a well-paid job.

  • Advertising plays a big role in our life today.

    1. Working in two groups think about advantages and disadvantages of being an economist. Make up the list and preset it to the class.

The profession of an economist

advantages disadvantages

    1. Prepare the topic “My future speciality” according to the plan:

a) Importance of the speciality nowadays;

b) Your criteria for choosing a speciality;

c) Advantages of the speciality;

d)Disadvantages of the speciality;

e) Plans for the future (your primary occupation).


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