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Business Communication by Edwards 2012

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Escalating approaches to bargaining, influencing, competing

Leads to anger, avoidance, shouting, frustration, fear of failure, sense of personal inadequacy

Withholding of critical information

Lower productivity

Relationships ruined

Disrupted patterns of work

Consume huge amount of time-loss and productivity

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


1)physical separation (take a time out; arrange a coffeebreak);

2)hierarchy (the Boss decides);

3)bureaucratic approaches (rules, procedures are employed);

4)integrators and third-party intervention (arbitration or widely known authority is invited);

5)negotiation (employ conflict-related tactics and tools);

6)rotating members (exchange with experts, replace some team members);

7)interdependent tasks and

superordinate goals

("We are all in this together...");

8) intergroup and interpersonal training (develop negotiation skills).

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


1 – to attract the partner’s attention (Outset). If failed, there is no point in talking at all, you won’t be listened to.

2 - to get the partner’s interest. As soon as the other side is interested in the talk basing on his/her confidence of its significance, you will be sure listened to (Sharing the information).

3 – detailed justifying and grounding. Basing on the interest caused, try to convince the partner of his/her reasonability to agree with your ideas and suggestions. Assure him/her of capabilities and possible benefits (Reasoning).

4 - discover the partner’s interests and eliminate his/her doubts.

Though realizing your suggestions expediency, the partner may be precautious and have no idea of their practical applications. In this case, it is reasonable to reveal and differentiate his/her wishes. (Neutralization and criticism disproof).

5 – transform the partner’s interest into the final decision (Decisionmaking).

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


1.Insufficient preparation or arrangements undertaken

2.Inside argument arises within the team

3.No ways of the offer realization are suggested

4.Annexing specialists of low qualification into

the team

5.No or insufficient knowledge of cross-cultural aspects

6.Poor or inefficient negotiator types:

the aggressive negotiator

the long pauser

the mocking negotiator

the interrogator

the "act dumb" negotiator

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


Japanese: Imprecise about issues, seek to avoid loss of face

Russians: Make high demands, have patience, rapid

concession-making as the end of negotiations approach

Chinese: Cultivate and use friends to achieve objectives, Justify position in terms of principles

Latin Americans: Highly emotional, use power plays, seek face-saving, decisions centralized in negotiation team

Americans: Impatient, poor listeners, insular, legalistic, naive, friendly, fair, flexible, risk takers, pragmatic, well prepared, cooperative

These stereotypes have some common sense, but MAY BE misleading.

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


Search for the universal approach!

The process is universal and bilateral.

People are influenced by their culture, but other things as well -- most importantly their professional socialization – in law, in business management, in science, in engineering fields.

This gives all negotiators some important commonalities. Furthermore, if you disentangle the key elements of culture – values, beliefs, perceptions, and outlooks

– you can understand how these cultural elements clearly translate into basic orientations to the negotiation process.

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


1.Locker, Kitty O. Business and Administrative Communication. Boston, Mass.: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1997.

2.Herb Cohen, Обо всем можно договориться. АСТ Москва, 2010, ISBN: 9785170631230

3.4. Job interviews: top answers to tough questions, McGraw-Hill 2003, ISBN 0077107047

4.Перевод Т. Новиковой статьи «Переговоры по-гарвардски» Р. Фишер, У. Юри, Б. Патон (США, Гарвардский университет).

5.“Бизнес по-русски, бизнес по-американски”, Н. Московцев, С. Шевченко, Санкт-Петербург, 2003.

6.International Contacts, N.M. Razinkina, N.I. Guro, 1999.

7.The Business-man’s Companion, N.A. Lookianova, 2003.

8.The art and science of negotiation, Raiffa, Howard, 2002, Harvard University Press.

9.Getting to Ye", by Fisher, R, and Urey. W., the Harvard Negotiation Project.

10.Negotiations and Resolving Conflicts: An Overview, Professor E. Wertheim, College of Business Administration, Northeastern University

11.Эдвардс Н.М. Проблема подготовки ученого к интеграции в международное научное пространство// Сибирский педагогический журнал. Научно-теоретическое издание. № 9, 2009. С. 377383.

12.Эдвардс Н.М. Формирование компетентности ученого к международным научным проектам: моногр. / Н.М. Эдвардс, С.И. Осипова. – Lambert Academic Publishing, Германия, 2011 – 268 c.

13.Эдвардс Н.М. Традиции и тенденции развития зарубежного высшего образования и перспективы взаимодействия с российской высшей школой : моногр. / Ю.С. Перфильев, А.П. Суржиков, В.Т. Федин и др. Томский политехнический университет. – Томск: Изд-во Томского политехнического университета, 2011. – 588 с.

14.Эдвардс Н.М. О готовности ученого к международному научному сотрудничеству // Высшее образование в России. Научно-педагогический журнал Министерства образования и науки РФ,

2009. – № 4. – С. 111–115.

Natalie M. Edwards 2012



1.http://www.negotiations.profy.ru/ (Как проводить деловые переговоры)

2.http://www.negotiation.com/ (Институт переговоров – подготовка, курсы, семинары, США; The Negotiation Institute: Training & Seminars, New York, USA)

3.http://www.negotiations.com/ (Курсы и статьи по переговорам, Великобритания)

4.http://www.cid.harvard.edu/cidtrade/ (Переговоры по эффективным продажам: новости, статьи, Интернетресурсы, Гарвард, США)

5.http://exclusive.eng.mti.ru/lis/bn (тренинги по проведению переговоров, Россия)

Natalie M. Edwards 2012


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