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to read or not to read.doc
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Below is an extract from the article “English Must Be Saved” by P.D. James (The Times, June 14, 1993). As you read the extract, put one of the following words into each gap. Careful! There are some words that you needn’t use.

aspect, access, from, debate, plainly, deprived, alas, in, dispute, privileged, grades, effectively, intellectually, literacy, varied, intelligently, illiterate, regrettably, comprehensible, standards

That all is not well with the teaching of language and literature in our schools is beyond __________.

For our children English is the bedrock on which all our learning rests. Unless the young can use language __________, both to express their own minds and to understand the minds of others, it is difficult to see how we can have a vigorous democracy in which ideas and policies can be __________ presented, considered and criticized or achieve that understanding with other countries which nations enjoy through __________ to each other’s language and literature.

Yet few would deny that __________ of written and spoken English are in decline among all sections of the community and that we are in real danger of becoming an __________ society.

Have the children in our schools so completely abandoned the habit of reading for pleasure, has their __________ been allowed to decline to such a degree that they must now be re-introduced to English in tiny portions set for “study”, and made the subject of __________, as if they were written in some exceptionally taxing foreign language? That, __________, is exactly the state to which we have declined.

It would be stupid to pretend that every child can take an equal pleasure __________ the great works of literature. But all children – except those with severe learning difficulties – can learn to speak their native language simply, __________, and with some elegance, and our literature is so rich and __________ that there will be poems, plays and drama in which they can find delight, if the choice is opened to them.

If we simply cease to care, if we debase, abuse, __________ our language and our literature, the time will come when reading will be the pursuit of a __________ elite and we shall no longer produce books worth reading or have a language and literature worth preserving.

How do P.D. James’ ideas relate to what P.S. Buck says in the extract you have read?

Would you say that everything that P.D. James says in the extract above holds good for this country? Why or why not?


An Interview with an English Teacher.


Task 1. Think about these two questions: 1) Why is it good for children to read?

2) What is it good for children to read?

Now make notes in the “you” section of the table below according to your own opinion.

Why is it good for children to read?




What is it good for children to read?




Task 2. Listening and note taking.

Now listen to Margaret Meneses, a teacher, answering the two questions. Make notes in the “teacher” section of the table. Discuss your notes with a partner.

Task 3. Make a note of any differences between your opinions and those of the teacher. Discuss the differences.

Task 4. Discussion.

Discuss the following points in groups:

  • Do your present opinions on children’s books reflect the reading material you had access to as a child?

  • What makes a good book for children?

  • What did you like reading as a child? Did you have a favourite book? Have your views of a good book for children changed?

  • C.S. Lewis, a famous English writer, once said: “There should be no special children’s books. A good book for children should be read and enjoyed by grown-ups too.” Comment upon it.

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