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to read or not to read.doc
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break-through, n (the making of) an important advance or discovery, often after earlier failures

e.g. to make/achieve a major breakthrough in cancer treatment

curl up, v curl, twist or bend; sit or lie in a comfortable position

dispense, v give out to a number of people

e.g. This machine dispenses coffee

dispenser, n a machine or counter from which sth may be obtained, esp. by pushing a button or by pressing a handle

e.g. a drinks dispenser, a soap dispenser in a public toilet, a cash dispenser outside a bank

displace, v 1. force out of the usual place

2. take the place of (as if) by pushing out; supplant

dog-ear, v bend the corner of a page in order to mark one's place in a book.

dog-eared, adj (esp. of books and papers) having the corners of the pages bent down with use

flick, v 1. (cause to) move with a light quick sudden movement

2. strike with a light quick sudden blow from a whip, finger, etc.

flip through sth, v look quickly through sth by turning the pieces or pages.

handy, adj useful and simple to use

e.g. a handy little gadget for peeling potatoes.

issue, v produce (esp. sth printed and/or official)

issue, n sth which is produced so as to be publicly sold or given out

e.g. The Christmas issue of the magazine

pioneer, v begin or help in the early development of

e.g. This pioneered the use of the silicon chip.

replicate, v (tech) do or make again, esp. so as to get the same result or make an exact copy

venture, n a course of action, esp. in business, of which the result is uncertain and there is a risk of loss or failure as well as chance of gain or success

e.g. a commercial/joint venture

venture, v 1. take the risk of, expose to, danger or loss

e.g. venture too near the edge of the cliff

2. go so far as, dare,

e.g. venture (to put forward) an opinion; venture a guess


cable TV, n a system of broadcasting television by cable, usu. paid for bу the user

cable, n a set of wires which carry telephone messages, television signals, etc.

cash machine, n a machine that dispenses money from one's bank account. A card and identification number must be used to obtain the money.

digital, adj of or based on a system in which information is represented in the form of changing electronic signals

digitize, v put information into a digital form

e.g. digitized books (=electronic books, issued on disks)

disk, disc, n a flat circular piece of plastic used, for storing computer information

Faulkner, William (1897-1962) US novelist, short-story writer, and critic; Nobel Prize 1949

fibre optics, n the use of very thin glass or plastic fibres to send light signals, esp. for carrying telephone signals

Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880) French novelist

IBM International Business Machines; a very large American-based international business computer company.

laptop, n a very small portable word processor.

Macintosh, n a brand of computer made by Apple Company. It is widely used in the USA, esp. in schools.

Melville, Herman (1819-1991) US novelist

papyrus, n 1. a grasslike water plant formerly common in Egypt, used in ancient times, esp. for making paper

2. a type of paper made from this plant.

Pharaoh, n the ruler of ancient Egypt

reader-friendly, adj easy to read. The phrase comes from this term "user-friendly", which describes a software program that is easy to use.

scroll, v (tech) move (information) on а screen connected to a computer, in a continuous movement from bottom to top.

software, n operating programs for computers. The computer equipment itself is called “hardware”.

start-up, n a new company or business

Thesaurus, n a book of words that are put in groups together according to connections between their meanings rather than in alphabetical list.

touch-sensitive, adj able to respond or react to touch

trade magazine, n a publication that focuses on a single industry or profession For ex., there are trade magazines for publishing, for fashion design, for the theatre, etc.

vendor , -er, n 1. a seller of small articles that can be carried about or pushed on a cart.

2. (law) the seller of a house, land, etc.

word-processor, n a small computer used esp. for ordinary office jobs, such as typing letters and reports, storing information

zap, v transmit or send quickly

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