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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення, складіть з ними речення:

1. початок травного процесу

2. механічне та хімічне травлення

3. виділяти слину

4. прохід для їжі та повітря

5. зволожити їжу

6. вимагати стимуляції рецепторів

7. розподілити по всьому тілу

8. розщеплювати жири на жирні кислоти і гліцерин

9. розщеплювати складні вуглеводи на цукри

10. запобігти потрапляння в трахею

II. Дайте розгорнуту відповідь на наступні питання:

1. When does the digestive process begin?

2. How many processes occur during digestion?

3. What nutrients come from food during absorption?

4. What is the role of saliva in mastication?

5. How does the process of swallowing occur?

III. Поясніть наступні терміни (не менше 5 речень):

1. digestion

2. mastication

3. enzymes


Text: Liver

Grammar: Gerund: its noun and verb characteristics


Exercise 1. Read and memorize:

1. bilirubin

2. cirrhosis

3. detoxification

4. dialysis

5. to emulsify

6. fatty liver disease

7. hepatocyte

8. jaundice

9. liver failure

10. portal vein

11. prone (to)

12. to rid

13. scarring

14. survival

15. vertebrate








['livə] ['feiljə]

['pɔːt(ə)l veɪn]







цироз печінки

детоксикація, нейтралізація токсичних речовин


робити емульсію, емульсувати

жирова дистрофія печінки

клітина печінки


печінкова недостатність

воротна вена

схильний (до чого-небудь)

очищати, звільняти



хребетний, високорозвинений (про тварин)

Exercise 2. Form adjectives using the suffix:

ive: effect, prevent, infect, protect, penetrate, digest, irritate.

- ful: harm, use, pain, care, hope, success, beauty.

- al: function, accident, behavior, clinic, intestine, bacteria, nutrition.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language:

Vital organ of vertebrates, lobes of unequal size and shape, the hepatic artery and the portal vein, blood containing digested nutrients, detoxification and protein synthesis, to release the hormone, to emulsify fats, to rid of harmful substances, survival, an incredible capacity for regeneration, to be prone to disease, to cause long-term damage to the liver, permanent scarring, liver failure.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

The liver

The liver is a vital organ present in human beings and other vertebrates. It is the largest gland in the human body and a part of the digestive system.

The liver is a reddish brown organ consisting of four lobes of unequal size and shape. The lobes are further subdivided into lobules. Each lobule is made up of millions of hepatic cells (hepatocytes) which are the basic metabolic cells. A human liver normally weighs about 1.5 kg and is a soft triangular organ. It is located in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm and is protected by the ribs. It is connected with two large blood vessels - the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery carries blood from the aorta and the portal vein carries blood containing digested nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract. These blood vessels are subdivided into capillaries, which then lead to a lobule.

The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion, vitamin storage, etc.

The liver plays an active role in the process of digestion through the production of bile. Bile is a mixture of water, bile salts, cholesterol, and the pigment bilirubin. Bilirubin is an orange-yellow pigment in the bile formed as a breakdown product of haemoglobin. Excess amounts of bilirubin in the blood produce the yellow appearance associated with jaundice. Hepatocytes in the liver produce bile, which then passes through the bile ducts to be stored in the gallbladder. The main function of bile is to emulsify fats, that helps the body to digest them much easier.

But the liver's main function is filtering the blood which comes from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. It detoxifies the blood to rid it of harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs.

Vitamin storage is one more function of the liver. The liver stores fat-soluble vitamins such A, B12, D, E and K as well as minerals such as iron and copper.

The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is necessary for survival. Because the liver performs so many vital functions, it is prone to disease. Fortunately, the liver has an incredible capacity for regeneration of dead or damaged tissues; it is capable of growing very quickly to restore its normal size and function. In most cases, the liver produces symptoms only after extensive damage.

Common liver diseases include hepatitis A, B, C; cirrhosis, caused by long-term damage to the liver from any cause that leads to permanent scarring; fatty liver disease; cancer as well as damage from alcohol.

There is currently no way to compensate the absence of the liver function. Nowadays dialysis (machine performs the detoxification function of the liver) is used but it cannot support a person longer than a few years.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Where is the liver located?

2. What does the liver consist of?

3. What blood vessels is the liver connected with?

4. What functions does the liver have?

5. What is bile?

6. What is the function of bile?

7. Why is the liver prone to infections?

8. Why is liver considered to be vital for survival?

9. What incredible capacity does the liver have?

10. What diseases of the liver do you know?

Exercise 6. Find corresponding equivalents

  1. hepatic artery and portal vein

  2. to release hormones

  3. to compensate the absence of the liver function

  4. incredible capacity for regeneration

  5. to perform vital functions

  6. harmful substances

  7. to be protected by the ribs

  8. long-term damage

  9. liver failure

  10. lobes of unequal size and shape

  1. виконувати життєві функції

  2. надзвичайна здатність регенерації

  3. печінкова недостатність

  4. довготривале пошкодження

  5. долі з неоднаковим розміром та формую

  6. звільняти гормони

  7. компенсувати відсутні функції печінки

  8. печінкова артерія та воротна вена

  9. шкідливі речовини

  10. захищатися ребрами

Exercise 7. Find in the text words denoting gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system and fill in the table:

Gastrointestinal tract

Cardiovascular system

Exercise 8. Match the terms with their definitions:

  1. gallbladder

  1. bile

  1. bilirubin

  1. duodenum

  1. artery

  1. the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine

  1. the first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach, leading to the jejunum

  1. any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body

  1. an orange-yellow pigment formed in the liver by the breakdown of haemoglobin and excreted in bile

  1. a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid which aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder

Exercise 9. Translate the words given in italics into English. Translate the whole sentences into your native language:

1. Jaundice was caused by the excessive amount of bilirubin that is продукт розпаду гемоглобіну.

2. The liver plays an active role in the process of травлення through the production of жовчі.

3. After the severe damage of the liver in the patient, it could регентувати пошкоджені тканини within a year.

4. The рубцювання of the liver tissues blocks the тік крові through the liver and slows the flow of nutrients, hormones etc.

5. As liver виконує життєво важливі функції in the body, it is important for survival.

6. Cirrhosis is the result of довготривале пошкодження печінки, characterized by replacement of the liver tissue by scar tissue.

7. As the liver functions are damaged by the infection, it can’t filter blood from шкідливих речовин.

8. There are 2 forms of печінкової недостатності acute and chronic.

Exercise 10. Continue the phrase:

1. _____________ is a small organ where bile is stored.

2. _____________ is an organ where bile is produced.

3. _____________ is a system which perform the digestive processes in the body.

4. The liver __________ the blood to rid it of harmful substances.

5. The liver consists of __________________________________________.

6. The liver is prone to disease because _________________________________.

7. ________________ is caused by long-term damage to the liver from any cause that leads to permanent scarring.

8. _______________ is a fluid produced by the liver that aids in digestion.

Exercise 11. Find synonyms in the text to the following phrases:

1. hepatic insufficiency; hepatic impairment -

2. injured tissues –

3. to carry out life functions –

4. injury of long duration –

5. hazardous agents –

6. to be vulnerable to diseases –

7. the decomposition product of haemoglobin –

8. rehabilitation, recovery of the liver cells -

Exercise 12. Put the words from the table into an appropriate gap.

the liver; hepatitis C; asymptomatic; sneezing and coughing; liver failure; infected; blood-to-blood contact;

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting _____________ and caused by a virus. The infection is often ___________________, but can lead to scarring of the liver and to cirrhosis. In some cases, patients with cirrhosis may develop ______________or liver cancer.

The virus is spread by ___________________associated with intravenous drug use, poorly sterilized medical equipment and transfusions. You cannot get hepatitis C from casual contact such as kissing, _________________________, or sharing food or drink. Having no symptoms, ____________________ may be present in the body for 15 years or longer before being diagnosed. Persons who have been infected with hepatitis C may clear the virus but remain _______________.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Печінка — другий найбільший орган в організм людини після шкіри.

2. Печінка займає центральне місце в обміні речовин завдяки анатомічному розміщенню.

3. Печінка здатна знешкоджувати за допомогою фільтрації крові різні отрути.

4. Ознакою хворої печінки може бути низький артеріальний тиск, спричинений слабкістю венозної системи.

5. Вірусні інфекції, ожиріння, цукровий діабет, отруєння і надмірне вживання алкоголю можуть викликати проблеми в роботі печінки.

6. Гепати́т А (хвороба Боткіна, інфекційний гепатит) спричиняється вірусом, що потрапляє до організму з їжею або водою.

7. Печінка має здатність регентувати порушені, або змертвілі клітини, та відновлювати своє функціонування.

8. Печінка також виробляє білки, які потрібні для згортання крові та інші функції.

Exercise 14. Solve a puzzle:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]