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Eng.for stud..doc
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5.Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions:

along down into out of over

past through under up

Robert’s driving lesson

Robert drove __________ the garage, _________ the road, and ________the bridge.

Then he drove __________the pub, _________the hill, and _________ the hill.

Next he drove __________the river, _________the hedge, and ________the lake!

6.Work in pairs:

Student A

Think of a place near your university. Give your partner directions, but don’t say what the place is.

Student B

Listen to the directions. What is this place?



Pre-reading Activities

1. Read the following international words paying attention to their pronunciation. Try to guess their meanings. Check your variant of their meanings consulting the dictionary.

Atlantic Ocean [ə t ΄ l æ n t ı k ΄ o u ∫ ə n]

climate [΄ k l a ı m i t]

mineral resources [΄ m ı n ə r ə l r ı ΄ s ) : s ı z]

chemical industry [΄ k e m ı k ə l ΄ ı n d ə s t r ı]

textile industry [΄ t e k s t a ı l ΄ ı n d ə s t r ı]

financial [f a ı ΄ n æ n ∫ ə l]

official [ə ΄ f ı ∫ ə l]

parliamentary monarchy [p a : l ə ΄ m e n t ə r ı ΄ m ) n ə k ı]

colonial [k ə ΄ l o u n j ə l]

Prime Minister [p r a ı m ΄ m ı n ı s t ə]

2. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. numerous lakes a) високі гори

2. rare frosts b) рівнини

3. well-known с) численні озера

4. valleys d) по всьому світу

5. all over the world e) рідкі морози

6. high mountains f) добре знані

7. deposits g) поклади корисних копалин

8. coal h) королева

9. state, power i) вугілля

10. queen j) держава

3. Pay attention to the following synonyms:

  • to consist of – to be made up of – to comprise – to compose of– складатися з, охоплювати;

  • to lie – to be situated – to be found – знаходитися;

  • a lot of – many, much – багато;

  • official – formal – офіційний

4. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations.

an island, an isle – острів

total area – загальна площа

to separate – відокремлювати

to wash – омивати

a surface – зовнішня поверхня

to vary – варіюватися

to represent – представляти

the Commonwealth – Співдружність (політико-економічне об’єднання)

changeable – мінливий

real power – реальна влада

the highest legislative body – вищий законодавчий орган

governing party – правляча партія

to be a highly developed country – бути високорозвиненою країною

to belong – належати

a scientist – вчений, науковець

Reading Activities

Read the following text and try to understand its general meaning:

Great britain

Great Britain lies on the British Isles to the north-west of the continent of Europe. The total area of Great Britain is 244 thousand square kilometers. It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel (or La Manche) and the Strait of Dover (or Par de Calais). It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea and the North Sea.

The surface of Great Britain varies very much. There are valleys, mountains, plains, numerous lakes and rivers, a lot of woods and forests. The climate is mild and damp. This is because of the winds that blow from the ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf-Stream. Summers are cool and rainy. Winters are not cold with rare frosts and snow. In general, the weather is rather changeable.

Great Britain is not rich in mineral resources, but it has deposits of coal and oil. It is a highly developed industrial country. Shipbuilding, machine-building, chemical and textile industries are developed there. For a long time Great Britain has been a great colonial power.

The total population of Great Britain is about 60 million. English is the official language. The capital of Great Britain is London. London is traditionally divided into four main parts: Westminster, the City, the West End and the East End. It is situated on the river Thames in the south-east of England. It is Britain’s greatest financial, commercial, business and cultural centre. Great Britain has a lot of big cities such as Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow, Bristol and others.

The names of such famous English scientists as Newton, Faradei, Darwin, writers and poets as Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, Show and many others are well-known all over the world.

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the king or the queen. However the real power belongs to the British Parliament – the highest legislative body. The Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are two main governing political parties: the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The Prime Minister heads the governing party. Kharkiv has a sister-city in Great Britain. It is Leeds.

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