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2.5. Major players (suppliers, distributers, clients)

Suppliers. Software and ID cards suppliers will produce plastic cards and main software for electronic database for creation of electronic database with medical history, allergies to certain components, blood type, and surgeries.

Distributers. Distribution will occur through main office or hospitals, which will offer ID card for its patients.

Clients. Сlinics of Almaty.

2.6. Nature of the industry

Nature of the business services in the medical field. Business aimed at improving the level of health care by introducing a card that's just replace all manual documentation.

2.7. Trends in the industry

In our time, the question of medicine and improve it on the first place, we think that the development of a new service system will not only facilitate the process of being screened, but also help to avoid misdiagnosis as absolutely the whole history of the disease, all visits to doctors are on this card.

В наш век современных технологий, первое место в любой сфере отдается модернизации и развитию технологии, именно то что хотим ввести мы. В медицинской сфере, так же как и в любой другой, есть необходимость внедрения новшеств, для упрощения работы в клиниках, а также для того, чтобы вся система здравоохренения имелуаодну общую базу по пациентам.

In this century of modern technology, the first place is given to the modernization and development of the technology is exactly what we want to introduce. In the medical field, as well as any other necessary innovation, to facilitate the work in clinics, as well as to the whole health system has a common base for the patients.

2.8. Pest analysis


  • •Taxes (income tax, corporate tax, value added tax)

  • •Public spending (government loan support)

  • •Monetary policy (easy money-low interest rate)

  • •Education and training (new system)


  • Business cycle (support the development)

  • Employment level (unemployment help find workers)


  • Population growth (increasing the number of users of this card)

  • Age structure

  • Rural to urban migration

  • Social and cultural shifts


  • Research and development ( development of new services)

  • Rate of adaptation of new technology ( how easily we can enter into the market)

2.9. Market trends

Brand, Search engine optimization and marketing (VK, Facebook), Targeted online advertising.

Nowadays people look for:

-fast service

-get easy information


2.10. Pricing and distribution

Price of 1 ID card for individual is 2000 KZT, which will sold from hospitals.

Price of 1 ID card for clinic/hospital is 1200 KZT from us.

It will be similar to our local service center (CHS) when you get your identity card:

  • we produce cards

  • sell to the hospitals

  • patients buy from hospitals, when all electronic information will be synchronized with card.

2.11. Implication of the risk

The main risk is not the willingness of our people to these changes, they would prefer a proven way and will go with all the papers, than trust is all the computer. Also, people will be afraid of the confidentiality of their information. We would also like to note that this is a very long and complicated process that requires careful preparation and training of new employees.

Other risk is creation single data base can be very expensive.

2.12. Competitors and type of competition

Competitor: Old system in hospitals. People may not prefer new system, because they accustomed to old service. Therefore introducing the card can be hard.

Type of competition: natural

2.13. Competitors’ strengths and weaknesses


  • Existing customer base

  • Established service and cost advantages

  • Well-deserved reputation

  • Special expertise and experience


  • Absence of innovation idea

  • Gaps in service areas

  • Lagging in technology

2.14. SWOT analysis


  • Track data over time;

  • Identify patients who are due for preventive visits and screenings;

  • Monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters, such as vaccinations and blood pressure readings;

  • Monitor histories of illnesses;

  • Fast job, decrease turns to doctors, eliminating the need to fill out paper cards;

  • Improve overall quality of care in a practice;

  • Standardization of healthcare services (by increasing the transparency of the services provided by specific doctor in the institutions).


  • Introducing cards is expensive project;

  • Difficulty in implementing;

  • Absence of training of existing medical staff;


  • Allows users to quickly and easily enter information about the patient;

  • Allows view the patient's MIDC and quickly find information in large volumes of medical records;

  • Orders from the state to public clinics;

  • If this project has success, we will have opportunity to introduce electronic cards to other direction (for example: electronic informatization documents like address’s reference, driver’s license, etc.).


  • Unsafe confidential information can be cause of restriction this project (Some experts are still fear that the private health information of patients may fall into the hands of unscrupulous people, for example, who interested in receiving an inheritance, of criminals, or employers who might use this personal information to the detriment of the patient).

  • Attacks from hackers.

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