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3. Sales & marketing plan

3.1. Customers

Private clinics are our main customers. Population cannot buy it directly, therefore, they order it through clinics. As for start up project our geographic customer audience will be consistent only from clinics situated in Almaty and offering private service. According to the data given Department of Statistics of Almaty population of it in 2013 estimated 1,477,564 people. About 43% percent of population chooses private clinics.

Number of people choosing private clinics = 635,353

In most cases they are those who don’t spare money for health. In general, they are:

  • Infants, young children. Modern parents care about its children health preferring private clinics because of better service, no queues, and high educated medical professions.

  • Adults aged 25-50. In almost, they have stable work by this age and can let themselves to get better healthcare. The second reason is that some companies provide their employees by health insurance in private clinics.

3.2. Market segment

3.2.1. Geographic segmentation

  • Almaty is consist from 7 districts:

  • Alatau. Population is 168,500 people

  • Zhetisu. Population is 142,000 people

  • Turksib. Population is 188,400 people

  • Medeu. Population is 173,200 people

  • Almaly. Population is 195,500 people

  • Bostandyk. Population is 281,100 people

Mostly most attractive districts full of private clinics are those which are located in rich areas such as Medeu and Bostandyk.

3.2.2. Age segmentation

Young children, infants and adults are most interested group of people interested in private clinics. They will find our idea very attractive because of lack of bureaucracy and time saving.

3.2.3. Gender segmentation

According to statistics women 49 percent of women versus 39 percent of men go to paid centers. Because of behavioral reasons women more care about health. For example, pregnant women prefer to register in the paid hospital.

3.3. Sales projections

Sales expectations are most promising.

Cost for 1 individual ordered by clinics is 1200 KZT.

Monthly capacity for producing these cards is 500 cards per month.

Monthly revenue is 600,000 KZT.

Obviously it is start up indicator without other necessary expenses. In future we plan to increase the volume of produced card. For this we need to increase our capacity by expanding IT staff and using past experience.

3.4. Advertising & promotion

We plan to create a media plan that will make each citizen to know about the service we offer using the media kits of:

  • radio

  • website

  • medical booklets

  • e-mailing at the lowest cost per reader.

3.6. Customer service policy

Because of the fact that our only customer is private clinics, they are kings for us. Therefore, we will be really caring about services we provide and its quality. Our company has IT department that maintain all technology aspects of each client. All faults and deficiencies will be corrected in time. Each client has an option to phone technical customer support or call a specialist at any time of the day, seven days a week. Our main shtick is reputation among clients. If we lose one of them, we also lose great profit, volumes. In addition, each deal with one clinic is infinite because this system needs technical support. Also this business in infinite because of the fact that new people born anyway.

For each client we will make a contract which will cover all aspects of both sides.

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