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The Selter Pub menu

Cold Dishes (холодные блюда):

Chicken (цыпленок) salad

Tuna (тунец) and Egg (яйцо) Salad

Cheese-plate (cheese – «сыр» + plate – «тарелка») with White Bread (белый хлеб) and Butter (сливочное масло).


Tomato Soup

Leek (лук-порей) and Potato (картофель) Soup

Onion (лук) Soup

Main Dishes:

Beef Steak (бифштекс) with Chips (жаренная картошка) and Peas (зеленый горошек)

Baked (запеченный) Salmon (лосось) with Mashed Potatoes (мятая картошка) and Mushrooms (грибы)

Chicken with Rice and Vegetables (овощи)

Fish (рыба) and Chips

Shepherd’s Pie (пастуший пирог) with Garlic (чеснок) Gravy (подливка)

Dessert and Cakes:

Ice-cream (мороженное) with fruit and Whipped Cream (взбитые сливки)

Chocolate Ice-cream


Carrot (морковь) Cake (торт)

Fruit (фрукты) Pie (пирог)


Beer (пиво)

Beer and toast (гренки)

Beer and sausages (жаренные колбаски)

Beer and chicken wings (крылышки)

Cider (сидр)

Scotch (скотч)

Orange (апельсин) juice (сок), apple (яблоко) juice

Mineral water

Hot drinks:

Tea (чай)


JC: That’s it.

DH: Thanks, Joanne.


W: Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order (заказать)?

DH: Yes, thank you. I’ll take a big shepherd’s pie, half-pint of the “Hobgoblin” («домовой» - английская пивоварня, производящая традиционный эль (темное пиво) ) and 2 sausages.

W: Anything else (что-нибудь еще)?

DH: Yes, a fruit pie.

W: Right. And you, ma’am?

JC: Just a carrot cake.

DH: Oh, come on (да, ладно; брось), Joanne! You had no much, right? You must be hungry (голодный).

JC: Yes, but I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat (есть, кушать) meat (мясо).

W: Do you eat fish ma’am? Today we have a delicious (восхитительно вкусный) baked salmon with honey (мед) sauce.

JC: Really? I’ll take it.

W: Any side-dishes (гарнир)?

JC: Mashed potatoes, please. And I think I’ll take a tomato soup, too.

W: Very well, ma’am. So it’s a shepherd’s pie, a fruit pie, half-pint of ale and two sausages for you, sir, and a tomato soup, baked salmon with mashed potatoes and carrot cake for you, ma’am. Anything else?

DH: No, thank you. That will be it (это достаточно для меня).


W: How was everything (как было все)?

JC: Oh, it was very good. Can we have a box (коробка для еды)?

W: Yes, of course.

DH: And can I have the bill (счет), please?

Waiter brings the box and the bill.

W: Here’s your box and your bill. Together (вместе) or separate (отдельно)?

DH: Together.

W: OK, it’s £ 47.50.

DH: Right, here is a fifty. Keep the change (оставьте сдачу).

W: Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.

W: How was everything?

JC: Oh, it was very good. Can we have a box?

W: Yes, of course.

DH: And can I have the bill, please?

Waiter brings the box and the bill.

W: Here’s your box and your bill. Together or separate?

DH: Together.

W: OK, it’s £ 47.50.

DH: Right, here is a fifty. Keep the change.

W: Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.


JC: Well, the dinner was great, but what do we do now?

DH: Now we talk to the manager!

B: = Barman DH = Detective Hunt

B: How can I help you?

DH: I'd like to see the manager.

B: What's the problem, sir?

DH: There is a fly (муха) in my pie.

B: It's impossible (невозможно)! Are you sure (уверенны)?

DH: Here it is.

Detective Hunt shows (показывает) his pie. There is a small (маленький) fly inside (внутри).

B: All right, sir, you can have your money back (обратно).

DH: No, I'd like to see the manager. I insist (настаивать).

B: OK, sir. Please come with me.


DH: Well, Connor, I talked to the manager. JC: What did he say?

DH: Simon Cross worked here. He was a barman. But he was fired (уволен).

JC: Why?

DH: Because he fed (кормил) the poor (бедняков) when the manager didn't see him. For free (бесплатно).

JC: What?! How strange ...

DH: Yes, a criminal with a kind (добрый) heart (сердце) ... The manager says, Simon got a job (получил работу) in a shop in Park Lane.

JC: You're a genius (гений), sir. But. .. Can I ask you some thing? How did that fly get (попала) in your pie?

DH: Ah ... It's easy, constable. I put (положил) it there.