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Chapter six


Detective Hunt and Constable Connor take a taxi and go to Park lane. There are three shops – a stationary shop (канцелярский магазин), a chemist’s (аптека) and a food shop (продуктовый магазин).

DH: So, we’re in Park Lane.

JC: I think we can ask shop assistant (продавец) about Simon Cross.

DH: Yes, constable Connor. Let’s go shopping (ходить по магазинам, за покупками).


SA = Shop Assistant (продавец)

SA: Hello, can I help you?

JC: Yes, please. Do you have a city map?

SA: Which one (которую) would you like, ma’am?

JC: Something small (маленький) and handy (удобный).

SA: What about (как насчет) this one? It’s new.

JC: How much (сколько) is it?

SA: It’s £ 2, please.

JC: Here you are (вот, пожалуйста).

SA: Thank you. And here is your receipt (чек).

DH: And do you have picture-cards (открытки с видом)?

SA: Yes, sir. This one is £ 1.50 and this one is £ 1. Which one would you like?

DH: The one for £ 1, please.

SA: Here you are, sir. Anything else (что-нибудь еще)?

DH: Yes, I’d like a pen (ручка), too.

SA: OK. It’s £ 1,50 for all (за все), please.

DH: Here you are.

SA: Thank you. And here is your receipt, sir.

DH: Thanks. You know, my friend Simon Cross works here. Can I see him?

SA: How do you say? Simon Cross? No, I don’t think he works here.

DH: Oh…but I know he works in a shop in Park Lane. Maybe (может быть) you know where?

SA: Sorry, I have no idea.

3. At the chemist’s

C= Chemist’s DH = Detective hunt

JC = Joanne Connor

C: Hello! Can I help you?

DH: Yes, Please. I’d like some aspirin and some painkiller (обезболивающее).

C: It’s £ 2, sir. How would you like to pay – in cash (наличными) or by cre4dit card?

DH: In cash. Here you are.

C: Thank you, sir. And here is your receipt.

DH: Thank you.

JC: You know, my friend works here, too!

C: It’s impossible (невозможно), ma’am, I work alone (один, в одиночку).

JC: Really? Are you sure (уверенны)? His name is Simon Cross.

C: Ah, Simon! Yes, I know him. But he doesn’t work here. He works in the food shop. He often (часто) comes to me and buys (покупать) some medicine (лекарство).

JC: Oh, really? Thank you!

DH: Thank you very much indeed (действительно, в самом деле).

C: You’re welcome.

3. At the food shop

SA: Hi. Can I help you?

JC: Yes, please. I’d like a loaf of (буханка) bread, a packet of (пачка) butter, a jar (баночка) of honey (мед) and a packet of milk, please.

DH: And then a dozen of (дюжина) eggs and 4 sausages.

SA: Anything else?

JC: Yes, can I have some cheese (сыр)?

SA: Of course, ma’am. How much (сколько)?

JC: Just (только, всего) 200 g.

SA: OK, it’s £ 20 for all (за все), please.

DH: Here you are.

SA: Thank you. Here is your receipt (чек).

DH: Thanks. Oh, just a moment. My friend works here. Can I see him?

SA: What is his name?

DH: Simon. Simon Cross.

SA: Simon! Yes, he worked here. He is a really (действительно) nice guy (парень). But he was fired (уволен).

JC: What? Oh, no…

SA: I’m sorry. Your friend is a very good guy. But I have no idea where is he now.