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Chapter seven


After the breakfast (после завтрака)Constable Connor comes to Detective Hunt.

JC: Sir, I have an idea.

DH: Yes, constable?

JC: Yesterday we were at the chemist’s, and the chemist said (to say – говорить; say0said-said) that Simon Cross often came (to come – приходить; come-came-come) to him and bought (to buy –покупать; buy-bought-bought) a lot of medicine. Do you remember (помнить)?

DH: Yes…?

JC: And I thought (to think – думать: think-thought-thought) – why did he need a lot of medicine? What if he was seriously ill (больной)?

DH: Go on (продолжайте).

JC: If Simon cross was ill, it means (это значит) that he went (to go – ходить; go-went-gone) to hospital (больница) very often (часто). So, we can go to the hospital and ask about (спросить о) him there.

DH: Well done (молодец; букв. «хорошо сделано»), Connor! We’ll do it immediately (немедленно).

2. In the queue

Detective Hunt and Constable Connor find (находить) the hospital and even (даже) the doctor who treats (лечить) Simon Cross. They come to his office, but there is a big queue (очередь). They sit down and wait (ждать).

P = Patient (пациент)

P1: Well, dear, what seems to be the problem (на что жалуетесь)?

DH: Pardon?

P1: Why (почему) are you here?

DH: Erm (э-э) … I caught a cold (простудился).

P1: And I have a terrible (ужасный) headache (головная боль).

P2: And I have flu (грипп)! My nose is runny (сопливый), and I’m sneezing (чихаю) and coughing (кашляю).

P3: And I have a sore throat (больное горло).

P4: And I have a terrible stomachache (боль в животе). And a diarrhoea (расстройство желудка), too.

P1: Oh, it must be food poisoning (пищевое отравление). Do you have high (высокий) temperature?

DH: Dammit (проклятье), it’s a very long (длинный) queue (очередь).

JC: Hold on (держитесь), sir.

3. At the doctor’s

D= Doctor

D: Hello, what is your name?

DH: My name is Samuel.

D: Please come in (проходите) and sit down (садитесь). What seems to be the problem?

DH: I think I caught a cold.

D: What are the symptoms?

DH: Erm ... I have a terrible headache ... and my nose is runny. Sometimes I'm sneezing and coughing. And I have high temperature, too.

D: OK. Let me see (дайте мне посмотреть) your throat (горло). Open your mouth (рот). Thank you. Now take off (снимите) your shirt (рубашка). Please stand up (встать). Let me listen (дайте мне послушать) to your heart (сердце). Now, let me listen to your lungs (легкие). Breathe (дышите)... don't breathe... Turn around (повернитесь) please. Breathe ... don't breathe ... OK, thank you. You can put on (надеть) your shirt. Now, let me take your temperature (померить температуру). Put (положите) the thermometer in your mouth, please. Okay, thanks.

DH: What's wrong with me (что со мной / не так/)?

D: Nothing (ничего). Everything is OK. You're healthy (здоровый). Why are you here?

DH: Well, we want to ask you some questions. We're from Scotland Yard.