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Chapter nine


Detective Hunt takes his pipe (трубка), smokes (курить) it, and looks at (смотрит на) Simon Cross. Simon looks back (смотрит на него; букв. «смотрит обратно»).

DH: No. No way (ни за что).

SC: Pardon?

DH: You're not going to prison, young man. You're going to a cafe and have dinner with us. Is there a good cafe near here (поблизости)?

SC: I. .. I'm afraid I don't understand (боюсь, я не понимаю).

DH: You will (поймешь). Is there a cafe or not?

SC: Yes, there is a small cafe at the corner (на углу).

DH: Great! I'm hungry (голоден). And you, constable Connor?

JC: Starving (умираю от голода; to starve - голодать), sir.

DH: Come on, then! Simon, show us the cafe.


2.1. Joanne Connor

DH: Connor, can I ask you something?

JC: Of course, sir.

DH: Where are you from? I forgot (to forget - забывать; forget-forgot-forgotten) .

JC: I'm from Wiltshire.

DH: And did you live in the city (в городе) or in the country (в сельской местности) there?

JC: In the city, in Salisbury. But I don't like cities, because it's too noisy (слишком шумно) and there are too many cars (слишком много машин). I would like to live in the country. It's much (намного) more beautiful. And it's safer (safe -безопасный) than the city, and people are nicer and kinder there.

DH: Then (тогда) why did you come to London?

JC: Well, I wanted to work in Scotland Yard. And London is the most special (особенный) city in the world. I just love it.

2. 2. Samuel Hunt

JC: And where would you like to live, sir?

DH: I would like to live in a skyscraper (небоскреб). I was born (родилсяl) in the city, and I feel uncomfortable in the coun­try. Of course the city is more dangerous (опасный) and dirty (грязный), but it's much more interesting.

JC: Do you live in a flat (квартира), sir?

DH: I lived in a flat 2 years ago. Then Sybil and I had a son (сын), so we needed a bigger place. That's why (вот почему) we moved (to move - переехать) to a big cottage.

2. 3. Simon Cross

DH: And you, young Simon? Where would you like to live?

SC: I. .. I don't know, sir. The city is more exciting (волнующий, будоражащий), and you can earn (заработать) lots of money there. It's more comfortable than the country. But the

country is more natural (естественный) for me. I'd like to live in a cottage in the mountains (в горах), or by the sea (у моряl). In Cornwall, for example.

DH: Do you have a fiat?

C: Yes, it's very small and uncomfortable.

DH: And what about Alice? Does she have a flat, too?

C: Yes, her flat is bigger and more comfortable, but she doesn't like it. It's too expensive.


DH: You should sell (продать) your flat and Alice's fiat and buy a cottage in Cornwall.

SC: What?!

DH: Why not?

SC: I... never thought (to think - думать; think-thought-thought) about it.

DH: Think about it now. Get married, change (менять) your name, sell your flats and go to Cornwall. It will be much safer. Come on, let's dream (мечтать)! How many rooms will you need?

SC: Well. .. not many. Just a kitchen, a living-room, a bedroom ... no, 2 bedrooms, one for us and one for guests. Two bath­rooms. A verandah, maybe. We will sit there and drink tea and look at the sea. We will need a garage, too.

JC: And a nursery (детская).

SC: But we don't have children (дети) ... Oh. I see. Yes, why not?!

DH: You should sell your flat and Alice's flat and buy a cottage in Cornwall.

SC: What?!

DH: Why not?

SC: I... never thought about it.

DH: Think about it now. Get married, change your name, sell your flats and go to Cornwall. It will be much safer. Come on, let's dream! How many rooms will you need?

SC: Well... not many. Just a kitchen, a living-room, a bed­room ... no, 2 bedrooms, one for us and one for guests. Two bathrooms. A verandah, maybe. We will sit there and drink tea and look at the sea. We will need a garage, too.

JC: And a nursery.

SC: But we don't have children ... Oh. I see. Yes, why not?!


SC: I'm very grateful (благодарный) to you, sir, but. .. Why are you doing this for me?

DH: Oh. it's very easy, young Simon. Who will be happy if you go to prison? You won't, of course. And poor lady Alice won't be happy. And I won't, because I hate (ненавижу) when good people go to prison. You, Connor?

JC: Of course not, sir! How can you ask?

DH: So, why should you go to prison, Mr. Cross?

SC: But the law (закон) ...

DH: The law should protect (защищать) people, young Simon. Tomorrow constable Connor and I will go to London, and I will close (закрывать) the case.

SC: Thank you sir. I'll never forget it.

DH: You're welcome, Simon Cross ... Everybody needs second chances (каждому бывает нужен второй шанс).