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II. Grammar

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words, as in the example (0).

0. A: Why do you want to live in the countryside?

B: Because the air is ...much cleaner than... (clean) in the city.

1. A: The driving test was very easy.

B: I know. It was a lot (easy) I thought it would be.

2. A: Your dog is really clever.

B: Yes, she's (intelligent) dog we've ever had.

3. A: How was the comedy festival?

B: Fantastic! The comedians told (funny) jokes I've ever heard.

  1. A: Did you go swimming in Crystal Lake when you were in the mountains?

Of course! And the water was (clear) I've ever swum in.

  1. A: I'm 1.60 metres. How tall are you?

B: I'm (tall) you. I'm 1.64 metres.

6 . A: That was (bad) train I've ever travelled on!

B: Well, at least it was (comfortable) than travelling by bus.

III. Writing

You've got a letter from your English-speaking friend in which he/she asks you about your favourite free time activities. Write a reply of 50-60 words. Include the fol­lowing information:

  • What are the most popular free time activities among Ukrainian youth today?

  • What are your favourite free time activities?

IV. Speaking

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.

  • What role does food play in your life?

  • What role does food play in culture?

  • Would you rather cook by yourself or eat out? Why?

Examination Card 12

I. Reading

Read the texts given below. For questions (1-6), choose from the types of music (A-C).


A Bepop/ Hop

This was an advanced and experimental form of music developed by jazz musicians in America in the 1940's and 1950's. A whole variety of experienced and talented musicians influenced this new type of music, and led jazz in a new direction. Technically, the rhythm became more important than the actual music, and the musicians used chord structures to invent new ways of playing' old tunes. This kind of music was a move away from po­pular entertainment towards a more complex and demanding* style. Joyful yet intense, the music was a statement of black pride during" that era.

B Reggae

Reggae was influenced by African music and was preceded by rock steady and ska. Reggae expresses the Rastafarian belief in a peaceful struggle for cultural and political identity. It became popular among rock audiences when Bob Marley released his "Catch a Fire" record in 1973. Jamaican producers have shaped the music and its different styles since then. In Britain, punk rockers liked the rebellious style of reggae, while some Eng­lish bands such as Misty in Roots and Aswad copied Jamaican music and developed a large following.

C Jazz

Jazz was created in the late 19th century along with blues and gospel by the descen­dants of black American slaves. From New Orleans it spread to Chicago, Kansas City and New York, which were the major centres of the "jazz age". In the 1930's the swing era of the big band made jazz the leading popular music. After World War II, the music changed again and branched out into "cool" jazz. During the 1950's and 1960's musi­cians experimented a great deal and created completely new sounds. Since the 1960's jazz has gone in several different directions, each showing what a varied and flexible form of

music jazz is.

What kind of music:

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