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Miscellaneous. In this section, if you think it is important you may write about: military service; interests and hobbies; foreign languages; volunteer work; membership and active participation in professional associations. If you include references into your resume, don’t forget to give their full name, title, place of employment, telephone number and address.


resume ['rezju:meɪ] - краткая автобиография, резюме, био-

графическая справка

guidelines - (руководящее) указание, рекомендации, инструкция contact information – информации, необходимая для дальнейших

контактов; контактная информация outline - изложить вкратце, описывать

action-oriented - прикладной, практический, деятельный, ориентированный на действие

list - составлять список, перечислить honors and awards - награды и поощрения

match - находить соответствие; приводить в соответствие, согласовывать; сопоставлять; подгонять, сочетать; выравнивать layout - внешний вид, структура расположения отдельных частей

format – вид, стандартная форма

reverse time sequence - обратная хронологическая последовательность

job continuity - последовательность в выборе мест работы professional growth and advancement - профессиональный рост и


portfolio – подборка, портфолио accomplishment - достижение, успех

research program - программа научных исследований, научный проект

heading - "шапка" (верхняя часть текста), заголовок top part - верхняя часть

profile - краткий биографический очерк; сведения из биографии key strengths - главные достоинства, ключевые качества и харак-


highlight – выделять, подчеркивать, отводить главное место; выдвигать на первый план

recent position - последнее место работы, ранее занимаемая должность

backwards - в обратном направлении

job title - название профессии, название должности

educational attainment - образовательная подготовка, уровень образования


extracurricular activities - неаудиторная деятельность; общественные занятия студентов, включающие политическую деятельность, спорт, музыку, самодеятельность и т.п.

scholarship - именная стипендия (студента или молодого научного работника в университете)

honors - отличие при сдаче экзамена; почётное звание internship - практика, стажировка

miscellaneous - прочие положения, разное reference - лицо, могущее дать рекомендацию


1.How should the ‘Employment section’ be organized?

2.Is ‘resume’ a synonym to CV?

3.Is a resume limited in space? How many pages should it be?

4.What additional information may be presented in a resume?

5.What are the guidelines for writing a resume?

6.What is included into the ‘Education section’?

7.What is the difference between functional and chronological formats of a resume?

8.What resume formats are described in the text?

9.What should contact information include?

10.When is it preferable to write a CV instead of a customary resume?


1. ‘Contact information’ usually is placed at the central top part of the page.

2.Creative format of a resume is perfect for those who want to study abroad.

3.Educational qualifications of a job applicant are highly estimated.

4.‘Profile’, ‘Heading’ and ‘Contact information’ are synonyms.

5.The ‘Education section’ is usually placed at the end of the page.

6.The ‘Employment section’ is composed of places of work in reverse order.

7.You should never give contact information of references if you include them into your resume.

13.22. (*) EXERCISE. There are excerpts from different legal resumes. Scrutinize the examples and translate them.

PROFILE: Recent law school graduate with an MBA and strong acumen for business development and franchise management. Skilled negotiator, mediator and advisor. Exceptional clinical experience in family law, real estate law and landlord-tenant law. Strong scientific and technological background.



To secure a senior level position at a top national law firm.

To continue to clearly and effectively convey successful legal advice.

To efficiently work with a wide range of legal associates to both improve and enhance the law field.


Juris Doctor, Jordan University School of Law, Logan, NY (2013)

Cum Laude, 3.39 GPA

American University Law Review, Staff Member

Best Oral Advocate, Hal Philip Walker Moot Court Competition

Participant, Roosevelt Boxley Mock Trial Competition

Young Attorney's Society, Founding Member

Public Interest Law Certificate

Bachelor of Arts, University of Northern Wyoming, Buckton, WY (2010)



Manfreedy, Moon & Vardy

Charleston, New Hampshire

Legal Intern

Summer 2013

Legal Assistant

Summer 2012

Assisted in all aspects of trial preparation for this personal injury litigation firm.

Wrote motions, responses, client advice letters, and memoranda.

Investigated plaintiffs' backgrounds; conducted extensive legal research and responded to discovery.

Filed responses, motions, and briefs at courthouse; attended settlement negotiations and observed trial.

Proofread attorney briefs and motions.

Assisted in preparing for deposition, including interviewing an expert witness.

Cross-checked depositions for inconsistencies; consulted with senior partner as to questionable deposition testimony that might be relevant in trial or in future deposing of other witnesses.


Member of the Bar, State of Virginia, 2013

Contributor to the National Law Review

Contributor to the East Coast Law Review


• New Jersey Green Party (various campaigns)


United Federation of Delaware

Income Tax Relief Assistance Organization, Washington, DC.


acumen - деловая хватка, сообразительность, проницательность

business development - работа с потенциальными клиентами, коммерческое развитие

franchise - право на производство и продажу продукции другой компании, франшиза

clinical experience – опыт предоставления юридической помощи во время прохождения практики

secure – добиваться, получать convey – предлагать, сообщать

enhance – совершенствовать, обогащать Cum Laude - с отличием (о дипломе)

GPA (grade point average) - средний балл как характеристика успеваемости студента, определяемая путем деления суммы оценочных баллов на количество затраченных зачетных часов

discovery - представление документов (суду) motion – ходатайство, запрос

deposition - письменные показания под присягой access – доступ, право доступа

cross-check - осуществлять перекрёстный контроль, участвовать в проведении взаимной проверки

contributor – сотрудник, автор статей National Law Review - юридическое обозрение

Income Tax Relief Assistance – консультирование по вопросам о льготах по подоходному налогу

13.23. (*) EXERCISE. Draw up a legal resume using the follow-

ing form.

Resume Form


o Full name

o Address details:

House number/name:




Post code:


Tel no: (including code)

Mobile No:



o Explain the purpose of writing the resume:


Knowledge and Skills

o Describe any specialist knowledge you have: o Describe your skills and abilities:

Work History (put on the list current/most recent jobs first) o Job title and company/org name:

o Dates: from: ………, to: ……. o Short summary of job/role:

o Main elements/responsibilities/duties: o Skills used:

o Achievements:





Year started: Year left:

Type of

attended: (with location)




Outside activities including sporting and other achievements



Organisation name:

Date from:


Date to:


o Short summary of the job/responsibilities/duties, skills needed, achievements and number of people managed (if applicable)

Other information

o Describe your personal qualities:

o Describe your hobbies and other interests: o Any other information you would like to add: o Languages:

o Describe any computer skills:


o Please give the names, addresses and phone numbers of any references you may wish to refer to on your resume:

13.24. (**) EXERCISE.

1. Make a speech persuading school leavers either to become

or not to become lawyers.

2. Clear up the questions: Who may become a judge in the Russian Federation? How does one become a judge in the Russian Federation?

3.Write down a list of qualities necessary for a lawyer.

4.Write down a list of do’s and don’ts for a lawyer.

5.Make a presentation about one of the famous lawyers.


13.25. KEY WORDS


American Bar Association

private practice


public service


professional responsibility



code of professional ethics


contact information

right of audience

Curriculum Vitae

self-employed lawyer

in-house counsel


Inn of Court

state bar exam

job seeking

to admit to the bar

Law Society

to disbar


to qualify

legal advice

to practice law

multiple-choice exam

to prepare a brief

professional association of

to prepare legal documents


to represent a client in court

professional career

to specialize

13.26. (**) ESSAY WRITING. Chose one of the following themes for your essay on the topic “Legal Profession":

-“Best law firms.”

-“Do prosecutors and advocates get different education?”

-“History of the legal profession.”

-“Is it necessary to reform our legal education?”

-“Is the legal profession an art or business?”

-“Notarial and authentication services.”

-“Paralegals vs. lawyers.”

-“Pro bono cases.”

-“What you should expect from a lawyer: professional ethics.”

13.27. TEST YOURSELF. Fill each gap in the sentences with only one word or phrase from the box given below:

A lawyer is a person learned in the law and thus licensed

(1). Lawyers do not so much "know the law" as they are familiar with

(2) and able to find specific norms and statutes applicable to a particular situation.

As a rule the lawyer performs several functions: investigator, drafter, (3), advisor, and advocate. And he is usually permitted to carry out the following responsibilities:


-arguing (4) before a judge or jury in a court of law;

-performing extensive (5) while drafting legal papers and preparing for oral argument;

-providing clients with (6);


-drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property, such as (8);

-drafting of wills, trusts, and any other documents that ensure the efficient disposition of (9) after death;

-prosecuting or speaking in support of (10).

In many countries either the judiciary, or the Ministry of Justice, or (11) directly supervises the admission, licensing, and (12) of lawyers.

For example in England there are (13), with separate jobs in the legal system: solicitors and barristers. Practicing solicitors are consulted by, and receive instructions from clients on a wide variety of matters both (14). In cases of unusual difficulty the solicitor takes his instructions from the client, prepares a brief and approaches a barrister to give an «opinion» or represent the client at the trial, because only barristers have (15) in the higher courts. A barrister must be a member of (16), which traditionally educated and regulated barristers.

In order to practice law in the USA, one must first be "admitted to (17)" in an individual state. This entails passing (18). Generally, state bar examiners require evidence of three qualities in exam candidates: sufficient (19) at the undergraduate level; sufficient US (20); and sufficient knowledge of local bar requirements. Part of the licensing process involves the assessment by bar examiners of an applicant’s (21) to engage in the practice of law.

Lawyers are paid for their work in a variety of ways. Lawyers working directly on the payroll of governments, nonprofits, and corporations usually earn (22). In private practice, they may work for an hourly fee, (23), or a lump sum payment if the matter is straightforward. In many countries there are fee-shifting arrangements by which (24) must pay the winner's fees and costs.

legal education, civil and criminal, two different kinds of lawyers, deeds and mortgages, the loser, legal advice, negotiator, negotiating and drafting contracts, the state bar exam, rights of audience,

a professional association, one of the Inns of Court, to practice law, a regular annual salary, a person's property, a client's case, regulation, general legal principles, a contingency fee, research into relevant facts and law, general education, criminal suspects, the bar, character and fitness


13.28. MAKE A REPORT on the topic “Legal Profession”, paying attention to the following points in your speech:

-ordinary functions and duties of lawyers;

-professional responsibility of lawyers;

-legal profession in England: solicitors and barristers;

-legal profession in the USA;

-legal education.


Unit 14. Labour Relations

14.1. BEFORE READING learn the following words and phrases which are essential on the topic:

collective bargaining /kəˈlektɪv ˈbɑː(r)ɡɪnɪŋ/ - переговоры

между предпринимателями и профсоюзами о заключении коллективного договора

collective labour law /kəˈlektɪv ˈleɪbə lɔː/ - коллективное трудовое законодательство

conditions of employment /kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nz əv ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ - условия ра-

боты по найму

contract of employment /ˈkɒntrækt əv ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ - договор лично-

го найма, трудовое соглашение

educational leave /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)nəl ˈliːv/ - отпуск для получения образования

employee /ˌemplɔɪˈiː/ - работник по найму, лицо наёмного труда employer /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ – работодатель, наниматель

fringe benefits /ˈfrɪndʒ ˈbenɪfɪts/ – неденежные выплаты, сопутст-

вующие льготы; доплаты к заработной плате, оговоренные в коллективном договоре

individual labour law /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ˈleɪbə ˈlɔː/ – трудовое законода-

тельство найма на работу

job security /ˈdʒɒb sɪˈkjʊərəti/ - гарантия занятости, обеспечение работой

labour law = /ˈleɪbə ˈlɔː/, labour relations law /ˈleɪbə rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nz ˈlɔː/, fair employment practices law /ˈfeə ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˈpræktɪsɪz ˈlɔː/, em-

ployment law /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˈlɔː/ - трудовое право, законы о трудовой занятости

labour union = /ˈleɪbə ˈjuːnjən/, trade union /ˈtreɪd ˈjuːnjən/, union

/ˈjuːnjən/ - профессиональный союз

maternity leave /məˈtɜː(r)nəti ˈliːv/ = child-care leave /ˈtʃaɪldˌ keə(r) ˈliːv/

- декретный отпуск, отпуск по уходу за ребёнком

minimum wage /ˈmɪnɪməm ˈweɪdʒ/ - минимальный размер оплаты труда

safety regulations /ˈseɪfti ˌreɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ - техника безопасности

salary /ˈsæləri/ = remuneration /riˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/, wages /ˈweɪdʒɪz/ -

заработная плата, денежное содержание, жалование

sick leave /ˈsɪk ˈliːv/ – "больничный лист", денежное пособие по болезни


- увольняться

to dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ = discharge from employment /dɪsˈtʃɑː(r)dʒ frəm

ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/, fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/, lay off /ˈleɪ ˈɒf/, sack /sæk/ - увольнять

to employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ = hire /ˈhaɪə(r)/ - взять на работу, предоставлять работу; нанимать

to resign /rɪˈzaɪn/, quit /kwɪt/, vacate a post /vəˈkeɪt ə ˈpəʊst /, leave


to retire /rɪˈtaɪə(r)/ - выходить на пенсию, уйти на покой

unemployment compensation /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˌkɒmpənˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ - по-

собие по безработице

working hours /ˈwɜː(r)kɪŋ ˈaʊəz/ - продолжительность работы


Labour Law

1. Labour law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates

many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees.

2.In general, there are two broad categories of labour law. First, collective labour law relates to the three-party relationship between employee, employer and union. It mostly concerns the inequality of bargaining power between employers and workers. Second, individual labour law concerns employees' rights at work and conditions and terms of employment.

3.The basic feature of individual labour law is that the rights

and obligations of the worker and the employer between one another are mediated through the contract of employment between the two. Many terms and conditions of the contract are however implied by legislation or common law, in such a way as to restrict the freedom of people to agree to certain things in order to protect employees, and facilitate a fluid labour market.

4. Thus employees have certain rights enforceable by law:

o the right of fair treatment regardless of age, race, religion, gender, or disabilities;

o the right to equal treatment, also with regard to wages;

o the right not to be dismissed without proper cause and the correct procedures;

o the right not to be dismissed for giving birth to a child;

othe right for compensation when employees are retrenched.

5.The central concept in collective labour law is "collective bar-

gaining" which means negotiations between employers and employees