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Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc
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Присвійний відмінок іменника (The Genetive Case)

Утворення (The Formation)


1. Іменник в однині

child + 's = child's toy

2. Іменник в однині

з закінченням -s

actress + 's = actress's address, boss's office

3. Деякі іменники в однині з закінченням -s (видатні прізвища, іноземні власні назви) - ' або 's

Achilles'/Aсhilles's heel Dickens's / Dickens' realism

4. Іменники в множині з закінченням -s

My friends’ names

5. Іменник в множині без закінчення -s

Children’s room

6. Певна смислова група слів

Ilf and Petrov’s novel

Peter and Mary’s flat

Вживання (The Usage)


1. назви істот

Jane’s coat, the cat’s tail

2. час, відстань

a month’s salary

ten miles’ distance

3. назви країн, міст, а також слова country, town. city, world, ocean, river, nature

Kyiv's parks, nature's resources,

the river’s banks

4. назви планет: the Sun, the Moon, the Earth

the Earth's geography

5. збірні іменники: party, army, family, society, government

government's policy

6. назви магазинів, установ, будинків (наступний іменник shop, place, office може опускатись)

at his grandfather's

at the doctor's


I. Underline the correct item. Comment on the use of the Genitive Case and the Number of the Nouns.

Jeans/jean are/is usually made of denim. It is a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth. The history of jeans/jeans's history is rather curious. It was in 1850 in the USA. Mr. Levy Strauss was one of those who sold cloth for gold-miners’/gold- miner’s wear. The miners had to change it often.

Once he bought strong cotton cloth/clothes and sew working trousers of it. They were much stronger and gold-miners liked new trousers, called jeans, very much. For one hundred years jeans was/were the working clothes/ cloth only. In 1950-s trousers became fashionable for young people. It's interesting that jeans are/is in fashion till now.

II. Put the words in the brackets into the plural where necessary.

A. Did you go shopping on Saturday?

B. Yes, I did. I bought lots of things.

А What did you buy?

B. I bought two (I) scarves (scarf) and three (2) ... (T-shirt).

A. Did you buy anything else?

B. Yes. I went to a lovely shop and bought six (З) … (cup) and four crystal (4) ... (glass).

A. Gosh! You have really bought lots of things!

B. And I also went to the zoo on Saturday's afternoon.

A. Really? Which animals did you see?

B. Well, first I saw a (5) ..(lion) and then I saw two (6) ... (giraffe), three (7) (deer), two (8) ... (tattoo) and four (9) ... (monkey). It was a great day.