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2) Inform V информировать – information n информация:

1) use – user, expand – expander, contribute – contributor, teach – teacher, cultivate – cultivator, separate – separator, mark – marker, leave – leaver, speak – speaker, learn – learner;

2) separate – separation, pronounce – pronunciation, introduce – introduction, investigate – investigation, contribute – contribution, cultivate – cultivation, educate – education.

Упр. 11. Письменно образуйте словосочетания с помощью предлога of, выражающего принадлежность.

Model: to investigate a problem – the investigation of a problem исследование проблемы:

to develop certain differences, to contribute the spread of English, to cultivate Standard English, to introduce new elements, to pronounce words


Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста IV. Выучите их:

 talk [t:k] v говорить, разговаривать (about, of – о чем-л.; with – с кем-л.)  localize [ `louklaiz] v локализовать, ограничивать распростра-нение; относить к определенному месту; localized [`louklaizd] p.p. присущий определенной местности; localism [`louklizm] n местное слово, выражение, провинциализм  complete [km`pli:t] v завершать, заканчивать; а полный; законченный; совершенный, абсолютный  own [oun] v владеть; а собственный  revive [ri`vaiv] v возрождать; revival [ri`vaivl] n возрождение  dedicate [`dedikeit] v посвящать; dedicated a посвященный  restore [ri`st:] v возрождать (обычаи, традиции и пр.), восстанавливать(ся)  fight (fought) [fait, f:t] v сражаться, вести борьбу  recognize [`rekgnaiz] v признавать  broadcast [`br:dka:st] v передавать по радио, вещать; broadcaster n диктор; broadcasting n радиовещание, радиопередача, трансляция  society [s`saiti] n общество  alternative [:l`t:ntiv] n альтернатива, выбор; а взаимоисключающий, альтернативный strange [`streind ] a странный  strong a сильный verse [v:s] n строфа; стих; стихи; поэзия; lyrical verse лирическая поэзия; in verse or prose в стихах или в прозе  area [`εri] n район, область, зона; площадь, пространство  island [`ailnd] n остров  isle [ail] n остров (в названиях)  still adv (все) еще, по-прежнему  since prp с; cj 1) с тех пор как; 2) так как  final exams [fainl i`gzæms] выпускные экзамены  equal [`i:kwl] a равный, одинаковый, равносильный  valid [`vælid] a юр. действительный, имеющий силу  court [k:t] n = law court суд  channel [tænl] n канал  more and more все больше и больше  as well as … также как и …  either … or как … так и; и… и

Упр. 2. Отработайте чтение следующих интернациональных слов. Письменно переведите их, обращая внимание на часть речи:

surprise [s`praiz] v, n, dialect [`dailekt] n, version [`v:n] n, localized version, alternative [:l`t:ntiv] n, a; phrase [`freiz], form n, grammar [`græm] n, poetry [`pouitri] n, culture [`klt] n, interest [`intrist] n, tradition [tr`din] n, prose [prouz], form v, programme [`prougrm]

Упр. 3. Обратите внимание на произношение и перевод географических названий и имен собственных:

The British Isles [ailz] – Британские острова; Wales [weilz] – Уэльс; Welsh [wel] n – валлийский, уэльский язык; the Welsh – валлийцы, уэльсцы; Scotland [`sktlnd] – Шотландия; Gaelic [`geilik] n – гаэльский язык; Gael [geil] n – гаэл, шотландский или ирландский кельт; Ireland [`ailnd] – Ирландия; Irish [`airi] a ирландский; Manx [mæks] – мэнский диалект; the Manx – жители острова Мэн; Cornish [`k:ni] n – корнуоллский, корнийский язык; the Lowlands (of Scotland) – южная, менее гористая часть Шотландии

Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст IV. Найдите в словаре значение неизвестных вам слов и запишите их в свою рабочую тетрадь:


It may surprise you to know that until a few centuries ago there were natives of the British Isles, who did not speak English. The Western land of Wales spoke Welsh; in the farthest north and the islands of Scotland the language was Gaelic; and in Ireland people spoke a similar language, Irish Gaelic; Manx was the language of the Isle of Man, and Cornish was the language of the south-western tip of Britain.

We’re not talking about dialects – localized versions of a language – which often contain alternative words or phrases for certain things; but which are forms of English. Welsh, Gaelic, Manx and Cornish are complete languages with their own grammar, poetry and stories – all that we call a culture.

Strangely enough, there’s a strong revival of interest in them. In Scotland Gaelic Language Society has existed for eighty years. It’s dedicated to preserving the traditions of the Gaelic songs, verse and prose. And more and more people in the Lowland areas of Scotland, as well as the islands, where Gaelic is still spoken, now want to learn the language.

Since the early 1970s, more and more people are learning Gaelic and go to evening classes. Now people in schools can choose to take Gaelic for their final exams. In Wales the Welsh language Society was formed in 1962 and it has been fighting to restore Welsh to an equal place with English. In 1967 they won an important victory: Welsh was recognized as being equally valid for use in law courts, either written or spoken. In Wales some of the programmes of the fourth channel are broadcast in Welsh.

Упр. 5. Прочитайте текст еще раз и письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the text about? 2. Did all the natives of the British Isles speak English a few centuries ago? 3. What languages did they speak? 4. Are these languages dialects of English? 5. Do any people in the Lowland areas of Scotland want to learn Gaelic? 6. What does Gaelic language Society do? 7. Is there such a society in Wales? When was it formed? 8. What was its aim? 9. Are Welsh and Gaelic restored to an equal place with English?