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VII. Match the Ukrainian and English equivalents:


  1. управління зовнішньоеко­номічною діяльністю

  1. programmed control

  1. управління кадрами

  1. operational management

  1. галузеве управління

  1. personnel management

  1. програмне управління

  1. management of external eco­no­­­mic activity

  1. методи управління

  1. inventory control

  1. органи державного управ­ління

  1. methods of management

  1. управління запасами

  1. sectoral management

  1. управління оператив­ною діяльністю

  1. bodies of state administration


  1. норма амортизації

  1. favourable rate (of exchange)

  1. щоденна норма (ставка)

  1. rates of loading

  1. завищені норми

  1. uniform (flat) rate

  1. норми навантаження

  1. current rate (of exchange)

  1. гнучкий валютний курс

  1. rate of depreciation

  1. валютний курс за строковими угодами

  1. reduced (preferential) rate

  1. регульований валютний курс

  1. variable exchange rate

  1. вигідний курс

  1. daily rate

  1. курс дня

  1. discount rate

  1. нестійкий курс

  1. going market rate

  1. повноцінний курс

  1. time rate (of exchange)

  1. поточний ринковий курс

  1. distress rate

  1. ставка орендної плати

  1. managed exchange rate

  1. вимушено низька ставка

  1. rent rate

  1. дисконтна ставка

  1. excessive quotas

  1. єдина ставка

  1. flexible exchange rate

  1. пільгова ставка

  1. rate of full value

VIII. Fill in the blanks from the words below. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

forecast, v. (2); performance (2); evaluate (2); environment (3); perception; predict (2); rate (2).

  1. Past _____ of the company is typically measured in financial terms, such as sales and profits.

  2. A SWOT analysis explicitly states a firm’s mission and objectives and scans the external _____ to identify opportunities and threats facing the organization.

  3. Insurance companies offering cover against motor accidents will not be pleased to hear that the Meteorogical office _____ a severe winter.

  4. Marketing strategies of the company must be _____ against the company’s objectives.

  5. A firm’s strengths and weaknesses can be identified and analyzed by studying _____ trends, resources, and capabilities.

  6. One of the problems faced by the manager is that in choosing between alternatives he has to _____ the reaction of the subordinates to the decision.

  7. The company’s marketing information specialists will use complex techniques to measure and _____ demand.

  8. Growth potential may depend on the growth _____ of certain age, income and nationality groups that use the product.

  9. A mission provides a lens through which the external _____ can be viewed.

  10. Control consists of measuring and _____ the results of marketing plans and activities.

  11. If market specialists _____ correctly, their business will survive and prosper.

  12. Ford dealers usually negotiate the price with each customer to bring it into line with the buyer’s _____ of the car’s value.

  13. Growth also may be related to larger developments in the _____, such as economic conditions, the crime _____, and lifestyle changes.

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