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Typical tasks:

1. Fill in the gaps with correct words: extra-linguistic, linguistic causes.

2. State out the secondary ways of word-building from the given list: b) d) e) g) h)

3. Match the definitions with terms of Lexicology, but remember one letter is extra. 1)b 2)a 3) c 4) e 5) f

4. Match the definitions with the terms: 1) idiom D) 2) sound-interchange G) 3) root B) 4) polysemy A) 5) conversion F)

6) synonym C)

5. Match the classification types with the problems of Lexicology. 1)context G) 2) motivation F) 3)result of semantic change C) 4. Homonyms D)

6. Put the following problems of Lexicology according to the structure that Lexicology deals with:

1) Phraseology

2) Change of meaning

3) Affixation

1.4) Semasiology

5) Lexicography

7. Put the following problems of Lexicology according to the structure that Lexicology deals with:

1) Change of meaning 2) Semasiology 3) Affixation 4) Phraseology 5) Lexicography

8. Match the problems of Lexicology with their functions

1) a word - B. communicative, C. expressive, F. significative, I. pragmatic

2) a phraseological unit - A. notional, H. motivated

3) a compound word - D. idiomatic, E. morphological, G. syntactic

9. Match the definitions with the terms:

1) blending F. the way of word-formation when we clip the end of the first component and the beginning of the second component

2) compound word A. the way of word-formation when a word is formed by joining two or more stems to form one word

3) reduplication G. the ways of word-formation when words are made by doubling stem or a vowel or consonant

4) sound imitation E. the way of word-formation when a word is formed by imitating different sounds

5) conversion D. the way of word-formation when one part of speech is formed from another part of speech by changing its paradigm

6) back-formation B. the way of word-formation when a word is formed by dropping the final morpheme to form a new word

7) pejoration C. the transfer of the meaning when it comes worse in the course of time

10. State out the basic ways of word-formation from the given list: 1) conversion 2) compound words 3) affixation

11. Match the classification types with the Phraseological units

1) Classification of A.V.Koonin G. nominative, communicative, nominative- communicative, interjectional

2) Classification of V.V.Vinogradov D. fusions, collocations, unities

3) Classification of A.I.Smirnitsky A. one-top and two-top Phraseological units

4) Classification of L.P.Smith B. thematic or etymological

5) Classification of I.V.Arnold E. verbal, adverbial, noun, adjectival

F. meaningful, borrowed, dialectal

C. synonymic and antonymic

12. Put the following grouping of English vocabulary according to the structure that words are grouped:

1) non-semantic

2) morphological

3) lexico-grammatical

4) ideographic and thematic

5) emotionally neutral and emotionally marked

6) stylistically neutral and stylistically marked

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