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тексты по иностранному.docx
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I. Vocabulary

  1. Translate these words: to vary, imagination, to dye, to exclude, spectacular, to represent, noticeable, coating, sketch, panicle.

  2. Find them in the text and translate the sentences.

    1. Comprehension

      1. Answer the questions:

  • What kinds of seeds can be used for applique work?

  • Why can we make interesting pictures with seeds?

  • What kinds of seeds can we use in winter?

  • What colour are the different kinds of grain?

  • Can we change the colour of the grain? In what way?

  • What ways of applying seeds do you know?

  • What parts of the plants are used for applique work?

  • How do we prepare the material?

  • How do we make applique work with plants?

  1. Put in the right order:

  • cover the background with plasticine

  • collect the plant seeds

  • sink the seeds into the plasticine

  • dye the seeds

  • simplify the design

  • put the applique work under weight

  • select the seeds

  • place the picture under glass.

  1. Speaking

Make a plan of each text. Cover one of the points.

Text 13.

I. Vocabulary

    1. Translate these words: picturesque, is filled, transparent, to be stretched, provolone, scissors, cohesion, rough surface, thickness, crumbly.

    2. Find them in the text and translate the sentences.

II. Comprehension

1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and expressions:хлопковая вата, яркая и блестящая, распушить, пух животного происхождения, растительный пух, пожелтеть, могут закрепляться, необходимо правильно выбрать фон, бархатная бумага, наложение, теневые

переходы, накладывая один слой на другой, для серых переходных тонов, захватывается пинцетом, скатывается в жгутик, втирание измельченных поперек волокон жгутика в поверхность фона, гладкая фактура. 2. Fill the table with the words from the text



technical operations

III. Speaking

      1. Cotton wool drawing incorporates features of drawing and applique work. Do you think it is correct to call it "drawing"? Give reasons of your opinion.

      2. Summarize the information of the text to the topics:

  • different types of cotton wool and the purpose of their use;

  • how the material is prepared and kept;

  • how the background is selected;

  • method of superposition;

  • method of braiding;

  • method of crumbling;

  • method of cutting of the edge.

Text 14-15.

I. Vocabulary

  1. Translate these words: to be determined, typical, brightness, primer, to be dried, to be smoothed, eventually, progressively, varnish, preliminary, pliant, saturated.

  2. Find them in the text and translate the sentences.

II. Comprehension 1. Fill the blanks.

    1. . Nowadays berry ... and ... are most... painted.

    2. . ... motifs are typical for ... painting ..., leaves, and plant

    3. . The ... used colours are ...,..., sometimes ...,... or... .

    4. . Before ... the ... of birch bark it should be ....

    5. . A thin ... of the ... is ... to the surface.

    6. . A while later it is ... with fine-grained ... or a .. .to even the ... .

    7. . The last... is ... the bark with ... which should be done ....

    8. . First, a ... is made, some areas of the design are ... with ... and then ... is ... on the glue.

    9. . You can ... the sand with the ... of aniline dye and ..., but only small ... sand is ... for this.

10). Using small ... and black ...one can ... interesting ... boxes, photo frames, and make ... and .... 2. Put in the right order:

  • smooth with fine-grained sand-paper or a pumice-stone to even the surface

  • decorate the birch bark item with designs

  • mix chalk and joiner's glue

  • dye with whitening, firstly watery, and then progressively thicker

  • dry for twenty four hours

  • apply a thin layer of the primer to the surface

  • coat the bark with varnish

  • dry for 6 or 8 hours at a temperature of about 18 - 20 degrees III. Speaking

  1. The given texts present two different types of drawing. What are they?

  2. What other natural materials can be processed with a method of drawing? Tell about their peculiarities.

Text 16-17.