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Раздел 1

1.The term Lexicology is of Greek origin and means:

a) science of words

2. The correlation between two or more languages is the objective of:

а) Contrastive Lexicology

3. An organized set of meanings having the same semantic component is:

b) the semantic structure of the word

4. Words identical in spelling but different in their sound forms and meanings are:

b) Homographs

5. The type of word-formation in which new words are produced by combining two or more stems is called:

b) Composition

6. Word is:

c) the smallest nominative unit of language

7. The similarity between direct and figurative meanings of the same word is called:

b) semantic motivation

8. ... consists in making a new word from some existing word by changing the category of a part of speech, the shape of the original word remaining unchanged.

d) Conversion.

9. ... is defined as a variety of a language which prevails in a district with local peculiarities of vocabulary, pronunciation and phrase.

c) Dialect

10. The number of loan words in the English Language goes up to:

d) 70 %– 80 %.

11.The smallest nominative unit of language is:

b) word

12. Semantic motivation is:

a) the relationship between direct and figurative meanings of the same word;

13. … are words identical in sound form, graphic form but different in meaning.

c) Perfect Homonyms

14. The process of … consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or several affixes to some root morpheme.

c) affixation

15. … is a branch of linguistics studying the word groups.

b) Phraseology

16. Morphological motivation is used to denote:

c) the relationship between morphemes of the word and their meanings;

17. … are words identical in spelling but different in their sound form and meaning.

c) Homographs

18. The type of word formation in which new words are produced by combining two or more stems is called:

b) composition

19. According to the principles of Morphemic Analysis of word-structure the analysis is considered to be completed when we arrive at:

b) Ultimate Constituents

20. We use the term … for words which have completely gone out of use.

b) obsolete;

21. The term semasiology is of Greek origin and it:

a) deals with the problem of word meaning

22. The realization of notion by means of a definite language system means:

c) lexical meaning

23. … are words identical in sound form but different in spelling and meaning.

b) Homophones

24. … are defined as the smallest meaningful language units.

c) Morphemes

25.All the representations of the given morpheme that manifest alternation are called:

a) allomorphs

26. .. component of lexical meaning expresses communicative value the word receives.

b) Connotational

27. The words identical in sound form and spelling or at least in one of these aspects but different in their meaning are called:

b) homonyms

28. Words which consists of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called:

b) derived words;

29. … is a word or a word group which is specially employed by a particular branch of science, technology, trade or the arts to convey notion peculiar to this particular activity.

c) Term

30. Phonetic motivation is:

b) the similarity between the sounds that make up words and their meanings;

31. The branch of linguistics which studies the origin of words is:


32. __________ relation define the meaning of the word when it is used in the combination with other words in the flow of speech


33. The connotation which expresses approval or disapproval is known as…

b)Evaluative connotation

34. Name the process when a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower sense.

a)Restriction of meaning

35. Name the process when words arise from humble beginnings to position of greater importance

Amelioration of meaning

36. Name the process when words aquire some derogatory emotive charge.

  1. Pejoration of meaning

37. Name the process when a word applies to a wider variety of referents

  1. Extention of meaning

38. ____________ is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and secondary meanings proceed out of it every direction like rays

  1. Radiation

39. The process that can be observed when different meanings of the same word move so far away from each other that by now they are regarded as separate.

  1. Concatenation

40.Closely connected sectors of vocabulary charactarised by a common concept are termed…

  1. Semantic fields

41. ……….. are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language.

  1. Loanwords

42. The following words, namely: husband, root, kick, sky, skate are of……………

  1. Scandinavian origin;

43. The following words, namely: cargo, guitar, mosquito, and canyon are of………………

  1. Spanish origin;

44. The following words, namely: motto, bank, opera, umbrella, and balcony are of……………..

  1. Italian origin

45. The following words, namely: salon, saloon, ballet, chic are of …………………

  1. French origin;