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VI. Supplementary vocabulary:

constantly постійно

major основний, головний

workshop майстерня, цех

prosperous квітучий, багатий

leading principles основні принципи

striking дивовижний, шокуючий

flat рівнинний

crossway перехрестя шляхів

dependent залежний

to compose складатися

nobility дворянство

rural сільський

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. Who were the first inhabitants of Great Britain?

2. How did the location of the island of Great Britain help it in the past?

3. How many counties are there in Great Britain?

4. What form of governing is in Great Britain?

5. Who are the members of the House of Lords?

6. What is the climate in Great Britain characterized by?

7. What are the major industries in Great Britain?

8. When was London founded?

9. Why is West End always full of people?

10. What is London famous for?

VIII. Ask several questions with interrogative words "what", "when".

Model: The Romans founded a settlement on the river Thames 2000 years ago.

1. What was founded 2000 years ago?

2. When was London founded?

IX. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. The City is the_________ center of the United Kingdom and only few thousand people live there.

2. The _______ is usually the head of the party which is in power.

3. Great Britain is divided into 92 ______.

4. Great Britain is known for its typically_______ climate with frequent rains, strong winds and continuous ____.

X. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words:

1.острів 1. establishing

2. шлях 2. island

3. міський 3. source

4. джерело 4. route

5. встановлення 5. urban

XI. Find in the text the translation to the following sentences:

1. На початку нашої ери Великобританію завоювали римляни на чолі з Юлієм Цезарем.

2. У Великобританії багато річок, проте вони неглибокі.

3. 630 представників Палати Общин обирають кожних 5 років.

4. Ще однією важливою частиною Лондона є Вестмінстер, де і знаходиться більша частина урядових будівель.

XIII. Speak on the following situations:

1. Compile a conversation between Londoner and a tourist from Ukraine, who would like to go sightseeing.

2. You are a lecturer in the university and you have the discussion with one of your students about the history and cultural life in Ukraine and Great Britain.

3. Great Britain is only known for its language and the Queen. Agree or disagree with that statement.


Мистецтво Великобританії The British Arts

І. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

Renaissance, Pre- Raphaelite, Victorian Age, John Constable, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, William Blake, J.M.W. Turner, Francis Bacon, David Hockney, Bridget Riley, Richard Hamilton, Peter Blake, Royal Society of Arts, Norman, Tudor, Slade School of Art, Royal Academy, the Tate Gallery, cathedral, Baroque.

ІІ. Read the following dates and figures:

1880s, 1901, 18th century, 1837, 1550s, 20th century, 1984, mid-1950s.

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