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2.4. Позакласна робота студента-практиканта

Ознайомтеся зі схемою написання сценарію позакласного заходу.

Схема сценарію позакласного заходу іноземною мовою



Клас, у якому проводиться позакласний захід:

Час і місце проведення:

Кількість учасників:

Оформлення приміщення, сцени, де має відбутися захід:

Оснащення, необхідне для проведення заходу (реквізит, аудіо- та/або відеотехніка, роздавальний матеріал тощо):

Хід позакласного заходу

І етап. Організаційний. Вступне слово ведучого. Повідомлення цілей заходу. ІІ етап. Основний.




ІІІ етап. Заключний. Підбиття підсумків позакласного заходу.

Звіт студента за педагогічну практику

У звіті студент вказує фактичні дані про навчальну роботу. Наведемо орієнтовну схему звіту студента за педагогічну практику.

  1. Навчальні роботи, де необхідно вказати: в яких класах були проведені уроки; в якому класі виконувалась робота класного керівника.

  2. Кількісні показники: дано уроків в кожному класі; кількість відвіданих уроків з іноземної мови – у вчителя, у студента; взято участь в обговоренні (аналіз) уроків_____; проведено додаткових занять з учнями; перевірено контрольних робіт, домашніх завдань.

  3. Уроки, етапи уроків по реалізації конкретних задач, які на ваш погляд були проведені найбільш успішно.

  4. Які професійні вміння і навички Ви здобули, удосконалили під час педпрактики з іноземної мови (назвати).

  5. Підготовлено і використано під час проведення уроків додаткова наочність.

5.1. Перелік виготовленої методичної наочності;

5.2. Приклад особливо ефективного використання додаткових засобів, в тому числі мультимедійних;

5.3. Виготовлені методичні розробки, їх обґрунтування.

6. Перелік опрацьованої методичної літератури, яка була використана під час педпрактики, її доцільність (назва роботи);

7. Позакласна робота з іноземної мови ____;

7.1. Перелік проведених заходів;

7.2. Основні шляхи формування у учнів мотивованого ставлення до іноземної мови.

8. Науково-дослідна робота: мета, вивчена література, проведені спостереження.

9. Труднощі, з якими студент зустрічався в процесі проходження педагогічної практики з іноземної мови;

Зустрілися труднощі:

  • Методичного характеру _____

  • Мовного і мовленнєвого характеру_____

  • Робота з підручниками_____

  1. Побажання і рекомендації по поліпшенню мовної і мовленнєвої, методичної підготовки студентів і проходження педпрактики з іноземної мови.

  2. Звіт оформлюється за зразком:


Студентки V курсу іпп


Про результати педпрактики з іноземної мови, яка була проведена в період з _____по_____

в СШ №_____



1. Stand up! Pupils, greet their teachers by standing up. You must greet your elders by standing up. Stand still!

2. Sit down!

3. Go to the teachers’ room and bring your form’s re­gister.Now, children, stand up as I call out your names.

4. Are you a new pupil? Is your name on the list? I want to enter your name on the list / in the register. Please tell me your full name. Tell me your name in full.

5. Who reports today? Who is on duty today? The pupil on duty, report on attendance. Who is the headboy (headgirl) / monitor of your form/ class? Is anybody late for the lesson?

6. There is no date on the blackboard. Write the date in the top right-hand corner. What is the date today? What date is it today? What day is it today?


1. Why were you absent from classes on Saturday? Why did you miss school? This is not a valid excuse. Why did you cut lessons yesterday?

2. Where is your written excuse / note from your parents? Give me your day-book. I’ll make a note on your attendance.

3. I’m sorry to hear (that) you were ill. You must work hard to catch up with the rest of the class.

4. What’s the matter with you? Are you ill? You are not well, are you? I excuse you from lessons today.

5. What made you come so late? You left home too late, didn’t you?

6. Why are you late? The bell has already rung / gone. You must come to the classroom in time.


1. Your classroom is very untidy. Look at the scrap of paper on the floor. Ann, don’t you see the scraps of paper on the floor near your desk? Please pick them up and throw them into the basket.

2. The room is not aired.You must all leave the classroom during the break. Open the airing window during the break.

3. There is no chalk. Don’t you know what your duty is? Go and bring / fetch the chalk. Don’t be long.

4. Pick up the duster. Rub it / everything off! You must hurry, the bell will go in a minute.

5. Why are your desks not in line? Leave a passage between the desks.

6. Are you all ready for the lesson with your books and exercise-books / copy-books / notebooks? What a mess on your desk! Your things are upside-down!

7. Take care of your desk. Don’t spoil / damage your desk.

8. Shall I tell you where to sit? Sit next to Vera. Change your place with Jane. Change places with Jane. Why are you moving from place to place? Give your place to Jane!


1. Carry out my (his, her, etc.) commands. Do as you are told! Give your friends (him, her, etc.) commands. Tell the class:...

2. Stand at the side of your desk! Stand aside! Step aside and let me pass! Stand still at your desks!

3. Sit up (properly), Rose! Don’t go there! Go out of the room! Stop! Knock at the door! Now come in! Go back to your place.

4. Raise / put up your hand! Raise / put up both hands! Raise / put up left (right) hand! Put your hand down.

5. Repeat please! Say it again, please! Repeat it all together! Repeat in chorus! Repeat / practise after me! Repeat what I say!

6. Say this in English. Say it correctly!

7. Go on, please! Go ahead!

Go on / continue reading, writing, etc. Go on with your reading!

That will do! Enough! That’s enough! Once more! Do it again! Wait a minute / moment.


1. Attention, please! Be attentive! Fix / concentrate your attention on the text. You are not attentive. Stop looking out of the window.

2. Listen carefully to what I am going to say. Jane, you haven’t been listening.

3. Notice the following!

4. What are you busy with? What are you doing that for?


1. First we shall check / test your written homework. We shall begin with oral homework. We shall refresh / review / brush up the grammar material. Let’s begin with the analysis of your written work / test. Now let’s go on / pass on to the 21st lesson. We’ll work on unfamiliar words (conversation topic, reading) first. We’ll read and translate Lesson 15 and work on the words and pronunciation.

2. Today we shall have a lesson in English instead of history.


1. This lesson should be followed by a careful revision. Let’s refresh / review the old material before we go on to the next lesson. I’m going to set a revision for a test / written work that you’ll have tomorrow.

3. Repeat the same thing over and over again. Have a running review / revision. Have a hasty re­view.


1. What lesson did I set for you today? What have you prepared for today? What did we do at the last English lesson? What topic did we work on last?

2. Have you learned the poem by heart? Can you tell it from memory? Jane is good at reciting English poems.

4. I’ll call on you to say your homework.

5. Come out / forward to the front. Come to the front of the class. Face the pupils, please!

6. Raise your hand / put your hand up if you know the answer / if you can do it. If anybody thinks she is wrong, raise your hand / put your hand up! Raise your hand if you wish to speak.

7. You don’t know a single word of the lesson. I saw it from the very beginning. That’s something new. What do you mean (by it)? How do you know? What made you think so? It seems to me that you have only run over your lesson.

8. You talk nonsense. This is nonsense. Don’t tell me tales. You seem not to know what’s what. It’s good for nothing.

9. Retell the contents of the text. Try and retell / relate the story in your own words. Don’t retell the text word for word. Give the contents of the passage in short. I want you only to give the main idea of the passage. No need to go into details. Leave out all the details! Retell the story / the text close to the original. This has nothing at all to do with the lesson. Don’t repeat yourself.

10. Who has any criticism (to his story)? Who wishes to make some remarks? Is there any criticism to this?

11. I am (not) pleased with your answer. Your answer gave / brought me (no) satisfaction. You missed the main thing / idea in your answer. There are some weak points in your answer. Are you sure of your answer? Your answer satisfies me. You have a ready answer to any question, I see.

12. I’ll ask you questions to check your knowledge. Think first, then answer. Think hard! You answer without thinking.

13. Now let’s put an end to all helping / whispering and cribbing. You won’t get very far on helping. Did you hear / understand what I said? Do I make myself clear?

14. Does anybody want to add to the answer? Can you add anything to this answer?

15. Why are you silent? I thought you to be a clever pupil. What is the matter? What else? Don’t keep me waiting!

16. Answer these questions without looking into your books. Look up the answer in your books. Can’t you find the answer? You haven’t worked well enough / hard enough. Try again! You must try harder! That’s all right now. That’s very good.

17. Everyone wait your turn! / Wait till it’s your turn. All of you will answer in turn. Why don’t you raise your hand / put your hand up?

18. Your answer was excellent (good, satisfactory, bad). You must do / learn your lessons better!

19. Did you learn your lesson? It doesn’t look that way. Such answers are not wanted here. I give you a two. / Your mark is two. You were a good pupil up to now. But today you knew your lesson badly. I am not pleased with you! Prepare it for the next lesson. (You get) No mark today.


1. Now let’s go on / pass on to the written homework. Let’s check / test the home exercise. What have you done for today? Show me your written exercises. Let’s check your home exercise No 1. Nick, begin with the second part.

2. Your homework is carelessly done. You haven’t done your homework well. Why didn’t you do all the exercises? You’ve copied it wrong from the book. I want you to correct all your mistakes. Why don’t you write the title / the heading to the homework?

3. I see that you've cribbed your home exercise from others. You and Jane have the same mistakes.

4. Put your exercise-book / copy-book on the corner of your desk. I want to see what you have done. There are too many mistakes in your homework. That won’t do; you will have to do it again.

5. Your homework is half done. You always do things by halves. You could do your homework much better. Do the homework for the next lesson and be sure to hand it straight into my hands! You must show me your homework tomorrow.

7. Now open your books at page 110. Let’s check oral exercise IV. The exercise should be read by each pupil. That’s exactly what you had (for today). We shall do that exercise orally during the lesson and in written form at home.

8. Ann, you begin with exercise 3 on page 84. You left out the task to the exercise. Mary, read the task to the exercise!

9. Has anybody done it in a different way? Who has used other words?

10. I’ll take your exercise-books / copy-books 7 notebooks for correction. Hand in your exercise-books / copy-books / notebooks, please! Nell, collect the exercise-books / copy-books / note­books, please!


1. Look at the letters cards! Name this letter! Point to the letter ‘B’! Take the letter ‘B’ and show it to the class! Take the small (capital) letter ‘C’! Make (up) a word of / with letters / sounds cards.

2. How many letters are there in the English alphabet? Read letters in alphabetical order (in mixed order)! What letter comes after (before) ‘C’? What letter is between ‘n’ and ‘p’? What is the first (last) letter in the word ‘factory’?

3. The form of this letter is wrong. Try and form English letters correctly! Learn to form letters correctly! Join the letters when you write in English.

4. Begin with a capital letter! Write this word with a small letter!

Use a capital / small letter for this word! Please write in big / small letters! Write proper names with a capital letter.

5. Write your name in English letters! Please write the date / number in letters. We shall write in printed (block, script, sloping, up­right) letters. Mind how this letter is written!

6. There is a letter missing! You have left out a letter. Cross out the extra letter.

7. Start a new line! Start a new page! Make a new paragraph! Mind the margin! Don’t write in the margin!

8. Complete the line! / Finish up the line!

9. Don’t write words too close! Leave more space between them! Write a good hand! You write illegibly. Your handwriting is bad. Try to improve your handwriting.

10. Write clean / neatly! Don’t make blots!

11. You must write correctly. Your spelling leaves much to be desired!

Your spelling is bad. It is your weak point. Spell this word correctly!

12. There is a spelling mistake in that word. How is that word spelled / spelt?


1. Pay attention to my pronunciation! Listen carefully again to how I pronounce it! Mind my pronunciation! Mind the vowel-length! I’ll pronounce this sound with clear articulation! I'll pronounce the word ... by syllables (by sounds). Pronounce the sound [i:] long / longer! Pronounce the sound [e] short / shorter! Mind the position of your tongue / lips! Watch how I say it! / Listen to how I say it! Round your lips! Stretch your lips!

3. Pronounce [t] [d] [p] with aspiration.The tip of the tongue must be against the alveoli.

4. All pronounce / say after me ... ! Pronounce all together! Say it all together / in chorus! Speak up! I can’t hear you! Speak clear! Speak more distinctly! Pronounce distinctly the last sound in the word!

5. All of you pronounce at the same time! Don’t lag behind! Keep up with the rest of the pupils!

6. You have a good (clear, distinct) pronunciation! You pronounce clearly / distinctly!

7. You have a bad pronunciation! The pronunciation of the word ... was wrong! Your pronunciation isn’t quite correct. I can’t quite catch the pronunciation!

8. English words are not pronounced in the same way as they are written. Don’t pronounce as it is spelt! You are still making the same mistake!

9. Learn to pronounce words (sounds) more distinctly! You don’t pronounce this sound properly.

10. The stress was wrong! This word is stressed on the first syllable.

11. Can you write in phonetic signs / characters / spel­ling? What is the transcription for this? Please write the transcription for this word! Please transcribe this word.

12. Divide the word into syllables! Break up this word into syllables! Where is the stress? Which syllable is pronounced more distinctly? The stress is on the first syllable, not on the last. On what syllable does the stress fall?

13. Tell the rules for reading vowels. What’s an open (close) syllable? (It’s syllable that ends in a vowel (consonant.) The consonant k in know is silent. Mind the difference in pronunciation between advise and advice! Mind that put is pronounced as it is written / spelt.

14. We shall work on intonation! Listen carefully and mark the word stresses and intonation.

15. Intonation may be represented by a system, of special signs.

16. Read with correct intonation! Read general questions with rising tone. Read affirmative sentences and special questions with falling tone. Don’t stress articles, pronouns, preposition, auxiliary verbs, modal verbs! Drop your voice with the last notional word of an affirmative sentence. Raise the voice with the last notional word of a ge­neral question. Stress the notional words a bit stronger!


1. Don’t read your translation from a sheet of paper! You must keep it in your head! You translate word for word! That can’t be translated word for word. Do the literary translation! Are you sure of your translation?

2. That translation is not correct. That’s not the word for it. There is no translation for that word!

3. Who can give a different translation? Who can suggest one’s version? Think of a better translation!

4. Do the translation of this text. Try to understand the words by context! Guess the meaning of words by context! Read without translating!

5. This text translates easily. That text translates with difficulty. How many mistakes has she done in her transla­tion?

6. This is a good translation of the text (sentence). You know how to translate. You are good at translating.


1. The parts of speech are: the noun a desk; the verb to do; the adjective long; the pronoun we, my, those, etc.; the adverb very; the preposition for, over; the conjunction and, that; the interjection oh!

2. Make (up) a question on / to the subject. I want you to make (up) seven questions on the text. Make (up) two questions on each sentence.

3. Finish up / complete the following sentence .... Write out three sentences illustrating the use of Pre­sent Continuous.

4. Write answers to the following question ... . Answer the following questions ...

5. Give full (short) answers to the questions! Give a negative answer! Answer in the negative! Give an affirmative answer! Answer in the affirmative!

6. Look at this sentence! Find the predicate! What tense is it? Turn / change the predicate into the Future Indefinite.

7. How is the Present Indefinite formed? Give an example of the use of the Past Indefinite. What tense do we use to express the action in the past? Explain the rule for the formation of Present Conti­nuous. What tense do you think we should use here?

8. What’s the Infinitive of the verb speak ? Is that a regular or irregular verb? What’s the Past Indefinite of the verb to speak ? What’s the negative (interrogative, interrogative-ne­gative) of he speaks ?

9. Conjugate the verb to have in the Past Indefinite.

10. What’s the plural (singular) of ... ? Give the plural of ... . Write it in singular and plural! Write it with an indefinite (definite) article! Look up the following words in the dictionary and turn / change them into plural!

11. What’s the comparative (superlative) of long? What’s the positive of biggest?

12. Name some cardinal (ordinal) numbers! Give the ordinal number of five. Give the cardinal number of seventh.

13. Write / use this verb in the first person singular (plural). Tell me in what person that verb is used.

14. Correct the sentence giving your reasons! Give reasons for your answer!

15. Let’s analyse the text by sentences! Let’s take this sentence as an example!

16. Today we shall have new grammar material. I am going to give you grammar explanations in your mother tongue. What rule in grammar are we studying now? Here are some more examples! Notice the following examples!

17. Turn the direct speech into indirect speech. / Change from direct into indirect speech. It should be done in a different way! Mind the sequence of tenses! You make many grammar mistakes!

18. What stops / punctuation marks do you know? The principal stops are: the full stop (.); the comma (,); the colon (:); the semicolon (;); the question mark / the interrogation mark (?); the mark of exclamation (!); the dash (—); the hyphen (-); the apostrophe (‘); the brackets (); the inverted commas / the quotation-marks / the quotes (“____”).


1. What is the Ukrainian for “true”? What's the English for країна?

2. What’s the antonym (opposite) of good? Replace this word by its antonym! What’s the synonym of little?

4. Let’s practise in the use of the unfamiliar / new words!

5. Copy this list of words from the blackboard. Take down the unfamiliar / new words in your voca­bularies. Leave space to add other words! Have you finished copying? Write after me! Don’t lag behind!

6. Read the words in ABC / alphabetical order. Read the words in mixed order! Underline the verbs!

7. Where did you pick up that word?

8. Don’t ask me, consult the dictionary! Look up that word in the dictionary. Do you understand all the words in the list? Mind the different meanings of the word country.

9. Say this in another way! Can you express the meaning of the sentence in other words?


1. I am going to check / test your knowledge. I’ll give you a dictation. You’ll write a dictation with new words. I’ll dictate a text to the class. You will write to my dictation. At first entitle your dictation. I’ll dictate sentence by sentence.

2. At first I’ll read the whole dictation. Stop writing! Listen! Now I’ll start to dictate. Write from my dictation.

3. Wait a moment / minute! The sentence is not ended. I am repeating. Nell, look into your exercise-book / copy-book /note­book. Now I am going to read the dictation all over again. Look through / over your dictations! Check your dictations for mistakes. Time is up! Pens down! Close / shut your exercise-books / copy-books / note­books.

4.Your work is bad (fair, fairly good, excellent). Most pupils have written fairly well. Some pupils were badly prepared for the dictation and made a lot of mistakes. I am not satisfied with your work. Only four of you have excellent marks. Pete has written his work without mistakes.

5. You’ve made bad mistakes. We shall analyze your work.

6. Write your composition in the copy-books / notebooks for control papers. Write on a sheet of paper! First write / make a rough copy. Write / make clean at once! / Write a clean copy at once.

7. Ask if you aren’t sure of something. Who doesn’t know how to do something, raise / up your hand up and I’ll help you. Think carefully what to do next.

14. Don’t peep into your neighbor’s / class-mate’s exercise-book / copy-book / notebook. All of you must work on your own / without help.

8. Stop cribbing! Hand over your crib! I’ll not allow you to crib the control paper. I advise you to give up that bad habit. You have plenty of time at your disposal / command.

9. Have you finished writing? Are you through with your test? It’s taking you so long to write the test. I’ll give you five minutes to finish. Those who are through may leave the classroom. I'll correct your compositions by tomorrow.

10. Pay attention to the words underlined with a straight (wavy) line.

Mind the correction marks / symbols in the margin!

Sp. spelling mistake / error

C. capital’s required.

Gr. grammar mistake / error

P. punctuation mistake

W. W. wrong word is used

W. O. word order is wrong

/\ word missed out

N. W. word not wanted

Pr. preposition

A. article


1. Retell from key-words! Retell this text to yourself.

2. I’m going to demonstrate situations in pictures. You will make (up) sentences. Answer my questions looking at the situation in pic­tures. Try to understand what I am saying. Now come to the point!

3. Talk on the topic “Winter”! Plant these phrases and words into this story.

5. Make up a dialogue by analogy! Lena and Jane, retell the text in dialogue! Let’s act the dialogue “At the Grocer’s Shop”.

6. Express your attitude towards it!

7. Let’s talk on the text! Who's the author of the story? By whom is that story? What works by ... do you know? When and where did the action of the story take place? Name the characters of the story! What was В.? Describe his appearance! What did you learn about him? What did you get to know about him? What way of life did he lead? What happened to B. one day? Why did he act like that? What plans did he make? What do you think of his character? Describe the changes in his character! What happened later on? In what way were the differences settled? What do you think of the story? Express your opinion on / of ...


1. Now we shall work in pairs. Work in pairs! Speak desk-mate to desk-mate! Invite your desk-mate to talk to you. Ask each other words on Lesson 5.


1. I’ll read you a poem. The title of the poem is ... That wonderful poem was written by ... . The poem was turned into a folk song.

2. Now listen to its Ukrainian translation. At first I’ll explain some unfamiliar words in the poem. Now let’s intone each line in the poem.

3. Here is the tape-recording of the poem. Try to immitate the speaker’s recitation. You’ll recite the poem at the next lesson.

4. Here is a tape-recording with a song. Let’s listen to the song.

5. The title of the song is ... It’s a folk song. The melody is by ... The song tells about ... . I’ll read by lines and you’ll repeat in chorus.


1. Do you see any mistakes on the blackboard? Did you notice any mistakes in what she said? Did she make any mistakes in reading (spelling)? What mistakes were made? What mistakes have you noticed?

2. Is that correct / right? Would it be right (wrong) to say ... ?


1. Get out your diaries / day-books! Open your diaries and write down / take down / put down your homework for next time. I shall set your homework now.Your homework for the next lesson is: Read and translate the text on page 20, Lesson 12, from the beginning up to the words... (the tenth line from the bottom). Write out all the unfamiliar / new words and look them up in the dictionary. Prepare to retell the contents of the text in short (in details). Do the translation on page ...

2. Do exercise 7, page 15 in written form. Do exercise 1 and 3 on page 83 orally. You will do the exercise at home. Turn into questions ten sentences. Learn the dialogue by heart for next time.

3. Next time I want you to retell the text. You must write answers to the following questions. First answer questions orally and finally write down the answers.


1. You are well-prepared today. You read well. I’ll give you “a five”. Pete, you took an active part during the lesson. / You were active during the lesson. Each of you gets “a five” for that work. Wait a bit, I’ll sign my name in your day-book.

2. In what subject have you “excellent”? You are good at / strong in spoken English. What was your mark in English?

3. You have made a few mistakes in your reading, etc. For those rough mistakes I’ll reduce the mark. Your English has improved. You make good progress.

4. You are poor / weak in English spelling. Learning words is your weak point. Unfortunately it is only “three”. I give you (a) “three”. / Your mark is “three”. You mark is between “three” and “two”. I wouldn’t say I like this. You can get much more.


1.We have five minutes left. We have ten minutes to go.

2. I want to say something to you. Next week we shall have a new time-table / some changes in the time-table.

3.A week from today you have home reading. Don’t forget that! Keep that in mind!

4. At what time does your lesson end? The lesson comes to an end at ... .

5. That’s all for today. That will do for today.

6. Don’t jump from your seats!

7. Time is up!

8. It’s the break now! Leave the classroom without noise.

9. There is the bell for the break! The bell has gone! Your lesson is over / finished! Get ready for your next lesson! Now I dismiss you for the break.

10. No classes today! You may go home. Go out! Don’t leave your things behind! The last pupil will shut the door! Shut the door after / behind you! Shut / close the door when you go out.


1. You’ll take an examination in English this year. I’ll be your examining teacher / examiner. English is an exam-subject at the end of the 9th year.

2. You must begin to study for the exams / examinations and come to consultations. I’ll give you consultations each Monday. Do you think you’ll pass if you don’t prepare yourself before the examinations?

3. Come and try your luck! Please draw an examination card / examination pa­per! What’s the number of your card? You are lucky this time! You have 20 minutes to prepare yourself / your ans­wer.

4.Your time is running out. Who wants to answer out of turn? Your time is up. It is your turn, Mary.

5. What questions were there in your examination card? Don’t answer at random, think first. Go on to the next question!

6. Have you any questions to ask pupil В.? Will you ask her additional / extra questions?

7. Your answer is wrong. You are not answering your question. You failed in English. You’ll have to take a second examination! You’ll have re-examination next autumn!



1. Get / take your exercise-books, copy-books, notebooks out (of your satchels / bags)! Make ready / prepare your exercise-books for control papers. Why have you taken a ruled-square exercise-book? Why is it that you have no exercise-book again? Who has a spare exercise-book? 2. Put your exercise-books for classwork before you. 3. You’ve used up / filled up your exercise-book. 4. Take a sheet of squared (ruled) paper. 5. Write your name and your form on the cover of the exercise-book. Write on the cover of your exercise-book like this:

1) English 2) English 3)Vocabulary

Exercise-book Exercise-book Shevchenko V.

Shevchenko V. for control papers Form 5-B

Form 5-B Shevchenko V. School No 3

School No 3 Form 5-B

School No 3

6. Number the pages of your exercise-book.

7. Jane, go to the teachers’ room and bring / fetch your form’s exercise-books. You’ll find them on the table near the window. Please give out the exercise-books as quickly as you can!

8. Whose exercise book is it? Who(m) does this exercise-book belong to?

9. Don’t forget the date! Date your work! Put the date on the top right-hand corner of the page!

10. Your handwriting / penmanship is not legible. In some places it was so illegible that I could hardly read what was written! Don’t write words so close together!

11. There are two pages missing in this exercise-book. Don’t tear pages out of your copy-book.


1. Take your books out! You have not taken your book out! I told you to take out your text-book!

2. Open your books at page 45! Open your books and turn to page 47! Begin to read at the top of the page! Read on page 20! Begin reading, page 50, paragraph 2! Read that page aloud! You begin, Mary! Read up to the word ... ! Read the first (last) sentence! Read any passage you like from the story.

3. Where did we leave off last time? Where did we stop reading? What were we reading last time?

4. Did you practise in reading at home? Did you practise the reading at home? You should read more! You should give more time to reading! It is necessary that you read aloud at home each day. Practise in reading aloud at home for ten minutes every day!

5. You read too quickly! Don’t hurry, please! Read again, a bit faster this time! Try to read a bit more quickly! Don’t read so fast! You are reading a bit too fast! Read more slowly!

6. You read too quietly. You read a bit too soft. The pupils can't hear you. Read a bit louder, please!

7. Please read a bit softer! You're disturbing your neighbours / class-mates!

8. Your reading is indistinct! Your reading is monotonous! You read [e] with mistakes. You mispronounce this sound. You read carelessly. Your reading is very poor (good, expressive). Pete reads fluently. That is the result of his good practising!

9. Let's read in turn! We shall read sentence by sentence. You read next, George! It's your turn now. Continue, Mike! Go on with reading, Nick! Go on reading until I tell you stop!

10. Are you through with reading? Have you finished reading?

11. Can’t you find the place? Have you lost the place? You’ve got the wrong page. It’s the next one. Turn over. Look at the bottom of page 12! Look at the top of page 121. This sentence is right in the middle of the page. Read from this place on! You skipped a sentence (but: left out a letter, article, etc.).

12. You skipped over the line!

13. Read the text from the beginning to the end. Try to understand the main idea of the text! Underline this place! Divide the text into passages according to the con­tents. Think of the heading / title to each passage! Make / work out a plan to the passage / text. Retell the contents of the text on the plan!

25. Find adjectives describing people (animals, objects). Find examples illustrating the use of new words. Find the sentences illustrating the main idea of the passage. Find answers to my questions! Find sentences having unfamiliar words. Find sentences with the verbs in Present Continuous! Find sentences describing the countryside. Find sentences giving answers to before-(after-) ques­tions! Find verbs describing actions of people (animals)! Find words used in sports!


1. Please hang up the picture! Hang the picture on the blackboard! Hang it on the nail! Be careful not to drop it!

2. What’s the title of the picture? What is this picture called?

3. Take the pointer! Point to people (objects) and name them! Point to people (animals) and name their actions.

4. What is there in the foreground (in the middle, in the background, on the left side, on the right side) of the picture? Name all the things in the picture!

5. Do you see any living beings in the picture? Describe their actions! Name the actions in the picture! Speak for a character in the picture!


1. We shall work with a record-player / tape-recorder / film projector. Get the machine / appliance ready for reproduction / tape-recording / film-showing!

2. Plug in the machine, please! Switch on the machine! Be sure the light is on! Ready! Start your machine! Stop your machine! Switch off, please!

3. Put on your phones / headphones / earphones! Take off your headphones! Hang up your earphones!

4. Get the record-player / electric reproducer ready for reproduction! Put the record on the turn-table! Play the record! Turn over the record! Take the record off and put on another one! Put on an ordinary record! Put on a long playing record!

5. Get the tape-recorder ready for recording! Put the tape into the slot! / Insert the tape! Switch your machine on reproduction / tape-record­ing!

6. Tune up the machine! Adjust the volume! Turn it up louder / tone up! * Turn it down / tone down! The sound is clear.

7. Let’s listen to that passage / play it once again. Let’s play the whole tape again!

8. We shall listen to the tape-recording on pronuncia­tion. You’ll hear a native speaker. Look into your books and read aloud (to yourself, after the speaker). There is a text on this tape. Each sentence is followed by a pause. Your task is to follow the recording and repeat each sentence in chorus during the pause.

11. Now, let’s see a sound (silent) film. Your task is to understand the contents of the film and retell it later on! Hang up the screen! Put in the film!


1. Don’t be nervous! Calm yourself. / Be calm! Think carefully before answering.

2. It’s high time you learned the rule, Pete! Now, Pete, you are not trying as hard as you ought to. There is no difficulty about it. Now, just think a little. Use your brains, Pete!

3. That is right. That’s all right! That’s quite correct! Very well done! You are well prepared to-day.

4. Good for you! You are a fine girl (boy)! It’s much better than before! Does anybody help you with your homework? This is welcome news.I am glad to hear it.

5. You have a good head on your shoulders. It’s a good thing you know your lesson well. I’m pleased with your progress in English. If you work hard at your English you will be (become) a good pupil very soon.

6. I make a remark to you. This is not so simple as it sounds. You must work hard to make up lost time. It’s never too late to mend. Don’t lose patience and get down to work. The first thing you must do is to prepare for the next lesson. You must find / have time to do all your tasks. You are very absent-minded at lessons. There are many gaps in your knowledge of English.

7. If you want to find out something, you just ask your teacher. Do come and I’ll help you after school hours. I’ll spare neither time nor efforts to help you.

8. Shame on you! It’s a shame to lag behind! Have you no shame? You must be ashamed of yourself! I am ashamed of you!

9. How slow you are! Don’t be shy! Try and answer in English! Speak calmly and without hurry!


1. I can’t understand what’s wrong with you.You are very noisy. Make less noise! / Don’t make so much noise! Why do you laugh? What makes you laugh? What are you laughing at? That’s no laughing matter.Be quiet (for) a while. What is all this noise about?

2. Now, Mary, you stop turning around, will you? Stop talking and turning around! Are you done with your talking, Rose? That’s too much! Didn’t you hear what I said?

3. You are very insubordinate / disobedient. You are always the last to come and the first to go. I have no patience with you.

4. Don’t waste time over useless things. Keep your hands still, Mike! It’s a nasty / bad habit by the way.

5. If you keep bothering, Jane, I’ll have to ask you to leave the room. I don’t like your behaviour!

6. Don’t interrupt! Answer when you are asked.

8. You don’t sit still a minute. Behave yourself! You are behaving like a child! I am warning you. You must not forget what I have told you! Try to mend your conduct! You will be punished for misbehaviour. Why didn’t you do what I told you to? I’m going to discuss your behaviour with your pa­rents.

9. Don’t tell on your class-mates! I see what you are up to! Don’t you feel yourself guilty? So, you see it’s all your fault! How can your conduct be explained?

10. What are you arguing about! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Why do you always fight / quarrel? Come! Be a good boy! Make up with her! Be good friends! You must make an apology to her! Don’t let this happen again!