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4. Paradigmatic relations of inclusion (hierarchical relations): hyponymy, meronymy, serial relations).

1. Воробей, А.Н. Глоссарий лингвистических терминов / А.Н. Воробей, Е.Г. Карапетова. — Барановичи: УО "БарГУ", 2004. — 108 с.

2. Лексикология английского языка: учебник для ин-тови фак-тов иностр. яз. / Р.З. Гинзбург [и др.]; под общ. ред. Р.З. Гинзбург. — 2-еизд., испр. и доп. — М.: Высш. школа, 1979. — С. 53—55.

3. Лещева, Л.М. Слова в английском языке. Курс лексикологии современного английского языка: учебник для студ. фак-в и отдел. английского языка (на англ. яз.) / Л.М. Лещева. — Минск: Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, 2001. — С. 113—115, 118—119.

5. Groups of words based on several types of semantic relations: conceptual (semantic or lexical) fields, lexical—semantic groups.

1. Воробей, А.Н. Глоссарий лингвистических терминов / А.Н. Воробей, Е.Г. Карапетова. — Барановичи: УО "БарГУ", 2004. — 108 с.

2. Лексикология английского языка: учебник для ин-тов и фак-тов иностр. яз. / Р.З. Гинзбург [и др.]; под общ. ред. Р.З. Гинзбург. — 2-еизд., испр. и доп. — М.: Высш. школа, 1979. — С. 51 —53, 119—121.

3. Лещева, Л.М. Слова в английском языке. Курс лексикологии современного английского языка: учебник для студ. фак-в и отдел. английского языка (на англ. яз.) / Л.М. Лещева. — Минск: Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, 2001. — С. 112—116, 118—119.

Key terms: syntagmatic relations, paradigmatic relations, synonymy, synonyms, absolute synonyms, ideographic synonyms, ideographic-stylistic synonyms, dominant synonyms, euphemisms, antonyms, incompatibility, conceptual field, lexical-semantic group, hyponymy, meronymy, serial relations.

Compulsory exercises:

  1. Consider your answers to the following questions:

  1. Say why synonyms are one of the language's most important expressive means. Illustrate your answer with examples.

  2. Synonyms are sometimes described as words with "dual" characteristics. What is meant by this? Why cannot we speak of synonymy of words as such?

  3. The meanings of two apparent synonyms may be in a way opposed to each other. Why are such words still regarded as synonyms? Give examples.

  4. How are synonyms traditionally defined? On what criterion is this definition based? Which aspects of this definition are open to criticism?

  5. Show how the dual nature of synonyms can be clearly seen if they are regarded through semantic criterion.

  6. Why is the definition of synonyms based on the criterion of interchangeability open to question? Illustrate your answer with examples.

  7. What types of synonyms were defined in Academician V.V. Vinogradov's classification system? Which aspects of this classification are open to question?

  8. What is the modern approach to classifying synonyms? Illustrate this classification with examples.

  9. What connotations differentiate the verbs to peep and to peer; the adjectives pretty, handsome and beautiful?

  10. Which word in a synonymic group is considered to be the dominant synonym? What are its characteristic features?

  11. Can the dominant synonym be substituted for certain other members of a group of synonyms? Is the criterion of interchangeability applicable in this case?

  12. What words are called euphemisms? What are their two main types? What function do they perform in speech? What is the effect of overusing euphemisms in speech?

  13. Show that euphemisms may be regarded as a subtype of synonyms. Which type of connotation is characteristic for them?

  14. Which words do we usually classify as antonyms? Give your own examples of such words.

  15. To which parts of speech do most antonyms belong? How do you account for this?

  16. Antonyms characterized by common occurrences may he said to possess certain "reflected associations". Explain what is meant by this phrase.

  17. Explain why antonyms can be regarded as an important group of the language's expressive means. Illustrate your answer with your own examples.

  18. What is understood by the term "semantic field"?

19 What are the underlying criteria for grouping words into

a) semantic fields?

b) lexical-semantic groups?