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умп (семинары 2009-2010).doc
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2. Classify the following homonyms into lexical, lexico-grammatical and grammatical homonyms:

1. Ball 1 (n) — ball 2 (n).

2. Bank 1 (n) — bank 2 (n).

3. Bear (n) — bear (v).

4. Draw (n) — draw (v).

5. Found (v) — found (past of "to find").

6. Ground (n) — ground (past of "to grind").

7. Kind (adj) — kind (n).

8. Left (adj) — left (past of "to leave").

9. Mine (n) — mine (of “my”).

10. Own (adj) — own (v).

11. Page 1 (n) — page 3 (n).

12. Use (n) — use (v).

3. a) Find homonyms proper for the following words; give their Russian equivalents.

1. band — a company of musicians;

2. seal — a warm-blooded, fish-eating sea-animal, found chiefly in cold regions;

3. ear — the grain-bearing spike of a cereal plant, as in corn;

4. cut — the result of cutting;

5. to bore — to make a long round hole, esp. with a pointed tool that is turned round;

6. corn — a hard, horny thickening of the skin, esp. on the foot;

7. fall — the act of falling, dropping or coming down;

8. to hail — to greet, salute, shout an expression of welcome;

9. ray — any of several cartilaginous fishes, as the stingray, skate, etc.;

10. draw — something that attracts attention.

b) Find homophones for the following words, translate them into Russian or explain their meanings in English.

























c) Find homographs for the following words and transcribe both.

1. to bow — to bend the head or body;

2. wind — air in motion;

3. to tear — to pull apart by force;

4. to desert — to go away from a person or place;

5. row — a number of persons or things in a line.

4. Find perfect homonyms in the sentences and translate them into Russian. State whether they are complete or partial, lexical or lexico-grammatical homonyms.

1. Colin managed to slighter on the bank. 2. He was worried by the perfect storm of wildcat money which was floating about and which was constantly coming to his bank. 3. They will sack you as soon as things slacken. 4. We are going to take a sack of coal. 5. They took up a lot of small fry. 6. It's a shame to fry an egg as fresh as that one was. 7. You have to walk about fifty yards along the street. 8. They were all playing in the backyard. 9. The little boy was still out. 10. Still waters have deep bottoms. 11. He went over again to the sink. 12. He saw the sun sink beyond the horizon.

5. Find homophones, transcribe them and translate into Russian.

1. Wait till I've finished this bit... The weight began to lift from his brain.

2. Old Sessy had his way in due course. Gilbert gave one of his coarse laughs.

3. Then he awoke in pain from his stiffened muscles and chilled by the mountain wind. Last week one of the panes broke in the early morning.

4. The rain was lashing at the rails. Throwing the rein of his own horse to Mr. Smith he sprang up that which the stranger resigned to him.

5. The pale moon gave him a view of the solitary tower. In another moment he was flying down the street with his pail and a tingling rear.

6. The rabbits scudded away with their white tails in the air. She was like the girl in the fairy tale.

6. Prove that the following lexical items are homonyms:

Case 1 (n) — an instance of something occurring.

Case 2 (n) — any of various types of container or covering used for keeping or protecting things.

Pupil 1 (n) — a person, especially a child, who is taught in school or privately.

Pupil 2 (n) — the dark circular opening in the center of the eye that becomes smaller in bright light and larger in the dark.

7. Make up a complete analysis of the homonyms given in italics. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He couldn't bear to speak. First catch your bear and then divide the skin. Martine and Joe, down to undershirts, bare-armed, sweated, and panted for air. 2. That's why we came in here arid, that's why we'll go on fighting when we leave. Phyl got one wheel of the pram caught in something. 3. All of them bowed low. It is the hour when from the boughs the nightingale's high note is heard. Before them stood an Indian with an arrow and a bow. 4. She rose too. The white lane wound down the hill between tall rows of elms. When she left the room, an odour of rose, or some other magical fragrance, lingered about the nursery. 5. He had led a secluded existence in his college. Lead is mined in that region. They lead a life quite distinct from that of the neighbours.