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умп (семинары 2009-2010).doc
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  1. Complete the sentences by choosing an ending from a-l.

  1. He was hard up this month because he…

  2. We decided to get a move on because we...

  3. After spending the whole day walking around the shops in London, we...

  4. She was late for work this morning because she...

  5. It was a secret, so I...

  6. Now that he's out of work he...

  7. He can't read a note of music — he...

  8. I was feeling a bit under the weather so I...

  9. As we had over two hours to wait for our train, we...

  10. I can't say I recognize her but...

  11. The room was so quiet that you...

  12. Don't expect Paul to remember anything. He's...

  1. ... promised to keep it under my hat.

  2. ... her name rings a bell.

  3. ... got a memory like a sieve.

  4. ... decided not to go to work.

  5. ... plays everything by ear.

  6. ... didn't want to miss the last bus.

  7. ... could hear a pin drop.

  8. ... had a lot of bills to pay.

  9. ... finds it hard to make ends meet,

  10. ... got caught in a traffic-jam.

  11. ... decided to kill time by going into a pub for a drink.

  12. ... were dead beat.

  1. Complete the following similes. Translate the phraseological units into Russian. If necessary, use your dictionary.

  1. as black as

  2. as green as

  3. as cold as

  4. as white as

  5. as old as

  6. as changeable as

  7. as safe as

  8. as brown as

  9. as clean as

  10. as dull as

  1. a lion

  2. a lamb

  3. a mouse

  4. a cat

  5. a kitten

  6. an eel

  7. an owl

  8. a wolf

  9. a cricket

  10. as a bee

  1. True or false? Say whether the phraseological units in the following sentences are used correctly (true) or incorrectly (false).

  1. He goes there often — at least once in a blue moon. 2. He didn't have much power; he has only a figurehead. 3. It's not new; it's second-rate. 4. My grandmother has been married for fifty years and she's still a very happy old maid. 5.1 don't understand it; it's all Greek to me. 6. You would probably feel very proud if someone gave you the sack. 7. He was so hungry that he ate his heart out. 8. We ate potatoes in their jackets last night. 9. He loved animals and spent a lot of his free time in the doghouse. 10. This book is dog-eared. I can't possibly sell it.

  1. Complete the paired phraseological units in the sentences below. Choose from the following:















1. She was an outstanding student whose work was head and ___ above the others in her class. 2. The lecture was just the way the students liked it-short and ___. 3. Although it has its faults, by and ___ Britain is a pretty good country to live in. 4. Don't ask James to do anything practical; he's all fingers and ___ 5. Pauline was so funny on Saturday. She really was the life and ___ of the party. 6. Oh, thank heavens you're both safe and ___! I was so worried about you. 7. They promised to stand by each other through thick and ___. 8. You can't throw him out, surely? Not your brother; not your own flesh and ___. 9. A certain amount of give and ... is essential in any relationship. 10. His flat was so spick and ___ that it looked more like a well-kept museum than a home. 11. I'm afraid you'll have to wear a tie, sir. It's a hard and ___ rule of the club. 12. They're always fighting tooth and ___ I'm surprised they don't get divorced. 13. The managing director outlined the pros and ___ of the proposed plan. 14. I don't know about you, David, but I'm sick and ___ of hearing about his fantastic children.