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умп (семинары 2009-2010).doc
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  1. Write out synonymic groups and classify them into:

A. Synonyms differentiated by evaluative connotations.

B. Synonyms differentiated by connotation of manner.

1. Besides, Jack is a notorious domesticity for John!

2. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

3. "Joey — Joey...!" I said staggering unevenly towards the peacock.

4. Betty would have liked to peep in but could not.

5. Presently I saw a man strolling along.

6. Her eyes glittered with hatred.

7. Those artisans produce pottery with great skill.

8. He was a well-known scientist.

9. It's getting late, so I must trot away.

10. The boy was peering into a dark room.

11. He swaggered along the corridor, evidently in high spirits.

12. The will was fabricated.

13. There was a picture of a celebrated painter on the wall.

  1. Within the following synonymic groups single out words with emotive connotations.

fear — terror — horror;

look — stare — glare — gaze — glance;

love — admire — adore — worship;

alone — single — solitary — lonely;

tremble — shiver — shudder — shake;

wish — desire — yearn — long.

  1. Define the types of connotations found in the following synonyms.

1. Old means having lived a long time far advanced in years; elderly means approaching old age, between middle and old age, past middle age, but hardly old; aged is somewhat old, implies greater age than elderly; ancient is so old as to seem to belong to a past age.

2. To create means to make an object which was not previously in existence, to bring into existence by inspiration or the like; to manufacture is to make by labour, often by machinery, especially on a large scale by some industrial process; to produce is to work up from raw material and turn it into economically useful and marketable goods.

3. To break is to separate into parts or fragments: to crack is to break anything hard with a sudden sharp blow without separating, so that the pieces remain together; to shatter is to break into fragments, particles and in numerous directions; to smash is to destroy, to break thoroughly to pieces with a crashing sound by some sudden act of violence.

4. To cry is to express grief or pain by audible lamentations, to shed tears with or without sound; to sob is to cry desperately with convulsive catching of the breath and noisily as from heart-rending grief; to weep means to shed tears more or less silently which is sometimes expression of pleasurable emotion.

5. Battle denotes the act of struggling, a hostile encounter or engagement between opposite forces on sea or land; combat denotes a struggle between armed forces, or individuals, it is usually of a smaller scale than battle, less frequently used in a figurative sense; fight denotes a struggle for victory, either between individuals or between armies, ships or navies, it is a word of less dignity than battle; fight usually implies a hand-to-hand conflict.