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Основи перекладу та редагування художніх текстів (заочне відділення 6 курс) Плани семінарських занять на 2011-2012 нав.Рік

Seminar 1

Grammatical Aspects of Translation Editing

1. The characteristic traits of the SL and TL grammar. Grammatical problems of translation. Handling equivalent forms and structures.

3. Handling equivalent-lacking forms and structures.

4. Changes in the structure of the sentence. Translation of attributive groups.

Translation of emphatic constructions. Translation of inversion. Ambivalent constructions.

4. Use of grammatical transformations.


1. Федоров А.В. Основы общей теории перевода. - М:1983 - С.170-198.

2. Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода. - СПб:2001 - С.153-223.

3. Левицкая Т.Р., Фитерман А.М. Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский. - М:1973. - С.11-92.

4. Рецкер Я.И. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский.

М:1988 - С.76-122.

5. Карабан В. Переклад англійської наукової і технічної літератури. - Вінниця:2002.

6. Мірам Г.Е. та ін. Основи перекладу: курс лекцій. - К: 2002. - С.78-89.

7. Komissarov V.N., Koralova A.L. A Manual of translation from English into Russian. - M: 1990 - P.97-111.

8. Serov N.P., Shevnin A.B. The Theory and Practice of Translation. - Elista: 1979. - P.29-50.

9. Korunets I.V. Theory and Practice of Translation.- New book.- 2003. – P.208-387.


Ex.1. State how the meaning of the causative structures should be rendered in the translation.

  1. I can’t get him to realize that in this case the game is not worth the candle.

  2. The General Executive cannot give his mind to every detail of factory management, but he can get the things done.

  3. No suitable opportunity offering, he was dragooned by family and friends into an assistant-professorship at Harvard.

  4. The bosses think they can bludgeon the seamen into submission.

  5. The suggestion was ridiculed out of existence.

  6. Pushing back his chair, he laughed himself quite purple in the face.

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian pay­ing especial attention to substitution/ replacement.

1. Last month I read a novel about the lives of Cornish miners.

2. My friend said he knew this person perfectly well.

3. It is our hope that we will pass English Grammar.

4. The workers demand higher wages.

5. Ukrai­nian acceptance of this proposal to the United Nations is without any doubt.

6. The teacher wanted him to speak English fluently.

7. In Kirovohrad, the fog stopped the traffic.

8. Unlike all his friends, he is an early-riser.

9. The performer could be clearly sensed on the dark stage by the audience.

10. Are we any poorer for this distancing from nature?

11. We entertain ourselves watching talented people sing, dance and tell us stories as actors.

12. It took a great effort to complete the journey.

13. The graduate stu­dents all decided to start their careers in Kyiv.

14. Each of the company's Board of Directors proposed their policies for the way the company should be run after privatization.

15. There was a good choice of food at the new supermarket.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to re­placement of the parts of speech during translation.

1, Скажіть, будь ласка, яка гранична швидкість вашої машини.

2. Де краще зробити зупинку на ніч?

3. Він встає дуже рано.

4. Це не означає, що уряд перестає турбуватися про соціальну справедливість.

5. Існує декілька показників зростання державної сфери у країнах Єв­ропи.

6. Моя бабуся погано спить.

7. Вчителі вимагали виплати заробітної плати, покрашення умов на­вчання і, зокрема, зменшення числа учнів в класі.

8. Збільшення про­зорості цієї речовини було вкрай важливим.

9. Конструктор ще на початку добре уявляв собі можливості використання свого винаходу.

Ex.4. Use the suggested transformations in translation.

  1. Antonymic translation.

1. He had a mother whom he never disobeyed. 2. Nothing changed in my home town. 3. He never came home without bringing something for the kids. 4. I mean it. 5. She is not unworthy of your attention. 6. The United States did not enter the war until April 1917. 7. The railroad unions excluded Negroes from their membership. 8. “Who’s complaining?” McWatt exclaimed. “I’m just trying to figure out what I can do with it”.

  1. Transposition.

1. A suburban train was derailed near London last night. 2. He was looking at my hat, while he was polishing my shoes. 3. Remarkable constitution, too, and let you see it: great yachtsman.

III. Omission.

1. About a gallon of water was dripping down my neck, getting all over my collar and tie. 2. South Carolina declared the tariff laws null and void and President Jackson responded with the threat of force. 3. This is an interesting fact to observe. 4. His voice, when it came, was politely ironic. 5. It's a good thing we haven't all the same likes and dislikes.6. That's something very few men do in our country. 7. Today there are very few horses working on the farms. 8. Lucky for me I got out when I did. 9. The patron, seeing that we were customers with money to spend, unceremoniously turned the couple out. 10. Perhaps it was as well as that the interruption occurred when it did. 11. The glass has water in it. 12. It's a good thing to make a habit of looking up words in a dictionary. 13. There are not many jobs to be had nowadays. 14. It was still early in the month of June. 15. He gave us coffee to drink, sweet cakes to eat, and cheroots to smoke. 16. There are no jobs to be had. 17. Captain Flume was obsessed with the idea that Chief White Feathers would slit his throat open for him from ear to ear.18. My poor friend, you’ve had too much to drink.

Ex.5. Edit the translation of the following text.


By Ray Bradbury

The rocket metal cooled in the meadow winds. Its lid gave a bulging pop. From its clock interior stepped a man, a woman, and three children. The other passengers whispered away across the Martian meadow, leaving the man alone among his family.

The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were standing at the center of a vacuum. His wife, before him, seemed almost to whirl away in smoke. The children, small seeds, might at any instant be sown to all the Martian climes.

The children looked up at him, as people look to the sun to tell what time of their life it is. His face was cold.

«What's wrong?» asked his wife.

«Let's get back on the rocket.»

«Go back to Earth?»

«Yes! Listen!»

The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. At any moment the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone. He felt submerged in a chemical that could dissolve his intellect and bum away his past.

They looked at Martian hills that time had worn with a crushing pressure of years. They saw the old cities, lost in their meadows, lying like children's delicate bones among the blowing lakes of grass.

«Chin up, Harry,» said his wife. «It's too late. We've come over sixty million miles.»

The children with their yellow hair hollered at the deep dome of Martian sky. There was no answer but the racing hiss of wind through the stiff grass.

He picked up the luggage in his cold hands. «Here we go,» he said — a man standing on the edge of a sea, ready to wade in and be drowned.

They walked into town.

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