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Темный, они были, и золото-смотрящийся

Реем Bradbury

Ракетный металл, охлажденный в ветрах луга. Его крышка предоставила разбухший выстрел. От его внутренности часового ступил мужчину, женщину, и трое детей. Другие пассажиры, шепнутые далеко через Марсианский луг, оставив мужчину в покое среди его семьи.

Мужчина почувствовал его волнение волоса и ткани его тела рисуют плотными как будто бы он достигал центра вакуума., перед ним, казалось, его жена почти уносится в дыме. Дети, маленькие зерна, могли на каком-нибудь мгновении засеваться ко всем Марсианским климатам.

Дети посмотрели вверх на он, так как люди смотрятся к солнцу, чтобы сказать, какое время их жизни, которой это есть. Его лицо было холодно.

«Что ошибается?» спрошенный его жена.

«Давайте вернуться на ракете.»

«Вернитесь к Земле?»

«Да! Слушайте!»

Ветер дунул как будто бы, чтобы сыпнуться далеко их идентичность. В каком-нибудь миге Марсианский воздух, возможно, рисовал бы его дух от него, так как костный мозг прибывает от белой кости. Он почувствовал затопленным в химикалиях, которые могли бы растворить его интеллект и плохой далеко его прошедшее время.

Они посмотрели на Марсианские холмы, которые время носило с сокрушительным давлением лет. Они видели старые города, утраченные в их лугах, лежа подобно детским деликатным костям среди озер дутья травы.

«Подбородок, Гарри," сказал его жену. «Она опаздывает слишком. Мы прибыли шестьдесят миллионов свыше миль.»

Дети с их желтым волосом, hollered в глубоком куполе Марсианского неба. Не было никакого ответа, но свиста состязания в скорости ветра через жесткую траву.

Он поднял багаж в его холодных руках. «Здесь мы идем," он сказал — мужчина, настаивающий на крае моря, готового перейти вброд в и топиться.

Они ходили в город.

Seminar 2

Stylistic Aspects of Translation Editing

1. Handling stylistically-marked language units.

2. Translating of phraseological expressions.

3. Handling stylistic devices.


1. Рецкер я.И. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский.

-М:1988 - С.131-190.

2. Левицкая Т.Р., Фитерман А.М. Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский. - М:1973 - С.118-136.

3. Казакова т.А. Практические основы перевода. - сПб:2001 - с.237-281.

4. Мірам г.Е. Та ін. Основи перекладу: курс лекцій. - к: 2002. - с.68-73.

5. Komissarov V.N.,Koralova A.L. A Manual of translation from English into Russian.- M:1990 - P.112-118.

6. Korunets I.V. Theory and Practice of Translation. - New book: 2003. - P.182-198.


Ex.1. Suggest Russian (Ukrainian) equivalents for the idiomatic expressions below:

To kiss the post, to make one’s blood run cold, nobody home, pride goes before a fall, to promise mountains and marvels, one step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, let George do it, pie in the sky, to find a mare’s nest, pigs grunt about everything and nothing, to poison the fountains of trust, to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, this is too thin, what’s Hecuba to me, to spill the beans, to kick the bucket, cool as a cucumber, to beat around the bush, from rags to riches, apples and oranges, still waters run deep, fight fire with fire, a guilty mind betrays itself, one swallow doesn’t make a summer, scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, to run with the pack, the pot shouldn’t call the kettle black.

Ex.2. Analyze the following cases of renovation of phraseological units. Find their original versions. Suggest your variant of translation of the sentences.

1. Divorces are made in heaven. 2. If the marriage of a young Bachelor of Arts was not made in heaven, it was probably made, or at any rate attempted in Mrs. Cowey's drawing-room. (S. Butler, ‘The Way of All Flesh’) 3. Every country on the old continent has a fine collection of skeletons. 4. Why wait to see which way the Prime Minister jumps? 5. There was Mike standing by the Cathedral, as large as life and twice as ugly. 6. Of two evils choose the one you’ve never tried before. 7. It was raining cats and dogs, and two kittens and a puppy landed on my window-sill. (Chesterton) 8. It was only after the proceedings on Amnesty Law were under way, that the opposition smelt a political rat and opted not to speak to their own amendment. 9. They were tagged as red bulls in the geopolitical china shop. 10. It takes two to make a baby. 11. Where there is a smoke there is a smoker. 12. Writers should be read – but neither seen nor heard.

Ex.3. Analyze the use of metaphors in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

1. They tried to dig up something from his past to spoil his chances of being elected. 2. The government will plough ahead with tests this year, despite a boycott from teachers. 3. Time flies when you are having fun. 4. The worsening weather conditions made the traffic crawl along. 5. Rivers of raindrops created the illusion that all the faces were melting, were weeping. 6. Maybe your brother would lend you the money? – Huh, fat chance! 7. The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks. 8. I couldn’t imagine her as a mother – rug-rats had never been her cup of tea.

Ex4. Translate the sentences with metonymy.

1. I need to buy some new sounds. 2. The whole town turned out to watch the procession. 3. My sharp tongue will get me into trouble one day. 4. Heaven only knew what Whitehall and Downing Street would say. 5. Address your question to the chair, please.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences with the transferred epithet.

1. Не raised a supercilious eyebrow when he observed that I took it with calm. 2. He shrugged a Gallic shoulder. 3. He would argue, cajole, lose his temper, start for the door in frowning anger. 4. The thought reminded him of the annoying two days he would have to wait for confirmation. 5. She relapsed into an infuriated silence. 6. The girls were sharing giggled confidences. 7. Then the train came out on the sea — lovely bays with sand and grass and trees, sloping up towards the sudden hills that were like a wall. 8. "Well, sir," began the former, with smiling importance, "and what may—?" 9. He was sitting in dazed silence after Albert Wells' announcement. 10. "All tied up with confessions and everything!" he said, lifting a knowing finger. 11. They did not find the trail again for an agonising ten minutes. 12. Then the laughing words of Ashley came back to her. 13. "Go and never come back!" he said, pointing a dramatic finger to the door. 14. He gave a little gulp of astonished laughter. 15. She raised an inquiring eyebrow.

Ex. 6. Point out the stylistic devices used. Translate the sentences.

1. It was his habit not to jump or leap at anything in life but to crawl at everything (Ch. Dickens).

2. He earns his living by his pen (S. Maugham).

3. Money burns a hole in my pocket (T. Capote).

4. There comes a period in every man’s life, but she’s just a semicolon in his (S. Evans).

5. Did you hit a woman with a child? No, sir, I hit her with a brick (Th. Smith).

6. Every Caesar has his Brutus (O. Henry).

7. “I expect you’d like a wash”, Mrs. Thompson said, “The bathroom’s to the right and the usual offices next to it” (J. Brain).

8. The hospital crowded with the surgically interesting products of the fighting in Africa (I. Show).

9. Swan had taught him much. The great kindly Swede taken him under his wing (E. Ferber).

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