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at least по крайней мере

extinction вымирание, исчезновение

vital (жизненно) важный, существенный, необходимый

indigenous местный, коренной

tannin танин, дубильная кислота

edible съедобный, годный в пищу

starvation голод; голодание

vulnerable уязвимый

fortify against защищать от; укреплять

heat and water pumps тепловой и водяной насосы

moisture влажность, сырость

disrupt разрушать; нарушать

drought засуха

storage сохранение; накопление

release выброс, высвобождение

debris обломки, осколки; мусор

decay гнить, разлагаться

soak up впитывать

creek небольшая река; ручей

siltation отложение ила

plantation посадка, высаживание (растений); лесопосадка

absorb впитывать; поглощать

2. Define whether the sentences true or false:

1. Tropical forests are home to between 65 and 85 percent of the world's species.

2. At least one species is disappearing every day because of overpopulation.

3. Rainforests are an important source of medicines.

4. Rainforests offer a small amount of food.

5. Tropical forests are also called "the lungs of the Earth".

6. According to the scientists the rainforest ecosystem in the Brazilian Amazon helps to protect the earth against the greenhouse effect.

7. Young secondary forests or plantations are of the same importance as primary forests.

3. Choose the topic sentences in each of the paragraphs and write a short summary of the text.

  1. Read the text without a dictionary.

When people mention endangered species the first things that come to mind are probably whales, pandas or tigers. Not all people would think of plants, but, in reality, there are far more threatened species of plants than of the threatened mammals, fish, birds and insects combined.

One of the greatest threats to the survival of many plants is industrialization. This causes pollution and acid rain, which destroy forests and harm many species of plant. Another threat is man! Many products that man uses derived from plants. For instance, many plants are collected from the Amazon and are used to make medicines. Other plants, such as mahogany trees, are valued for their timber and are very popular building materials. There are even plants that have become desirable collectors' items. Luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of the problem and change is on the way. There are now a number of organizations that are working to protect endangered plants as well as animal species and preserve all living things for the future.

a) Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

threatened; contamination; danger; ruin; conserve

b) Answer the following questions:

  1. What is one of the greatest threats to the survival of plants?

  2. What can acid rain lead to?

  3. Mahogany trees are valued for their medical properties, aren't they?

  1. Speaking

Useful Language

Giving reasons

The reason for this is … Причина этого ...

This is due to … Это из-за (вследствие) ...

On account of … Вследствие ...

Since … Так, как

I base my argument on … Я основываюсь на ...

I'm telling you all this because … Я говорю вам все это потому что ...

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