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Type of fallacy: The fallacy of division- what is assumed to be true of the whole is

is also assumed to be true of its part.

11. Example: Person A: There must be intelligent life forms on other


Person B: There is no evidence that such life forms exist.

Person A: But there is also no evidence that such life does

not exit.

Type of fallacy: Appeal to ignorance – an arguer making a claim shifts the burden

of proof onto the opponent.

! However, in some context it is accepted – e.g. in court. The defendant is innocent if the prosecution does not prove that he is guilty.

12. Example: Person A: Rap is one of the reasons for the increase of

violence in inner cities.

Person B: ?

Example: Person A: The Government coalition passed the law about tax

cuts and a year later we are in a quagmire.

Person B: ?

Example: Person A: The state of Polish medical care system is terrible.

The doctors are underpaid and that is why patients

have to cover the costs of medicines at hospitals,

even if they are insured.

Type of fallacy: Cause and effect – the arguer confuses cause with effect, or

creates a causal relationship where such does not exist.

13. Example: Politician: Poland will either join NATO or will have to

be subjected to the Russian imperialism.

Type of fallacy: False dilemma- the arguer assumes that there are only two

options. If one of the claims is true the other one must be false,

which is not necessarily the case.

14. Example: Voter: Politician X proposes income tax of 30% and

politician Y proposes an income tax of 20%. I will

vote for politician Z who proposes 25% income tax.

He must be right.

Type of fallacy: Middle Ground – the arguer chooses the third option only because

it is between two extremes.

15. Example: Person A: You should never discuss feminism with any man.

Person B: Why?

Person A: All the men I know are sexists.

Type of fallacy: Hasty generalization- a conclusion is made based on too few


16. Example: Director of admissions: This is a wonderful entry test.

Most people will fail it and we will

have fewer problems with

admissions this year.

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