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1.The subject matter of the theory of translation.

2. The main directions in the contemporary linguistic theory of translation.

3. The nature of translation

4. The linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of translations.

9 lections.

10 practicals


The theory of translation is subdivided into general theory that deals with the general characteristics of translation regardless in its type and special branches concerned with a theoretical description and analysis of the various types of translation. The general theory of translation has a clearly defined subject matter, the process of translating in its entiety including its results with due regards for all the factors affecting it. Each special branch deepens and specifies the general theory to reflect what is common to all types and varieties of translation while the special branches are mainly concerned with the specifics of each genre. The general theory of translation is an interdisciplinary area, predominantly linguistic but also applied to psychology , sociology, ethnography and area studies. It is based on the application of linguistic theory to a specific type of speech behavior that is translated. There exist two classifications of translation . the first one is based on psycholinguistic characteristics of the process of translation according to it we distinguish two types of translation: 1. written;2 oral (synchronous and consequent translation). The second classification is based on the genre and style on the source text, according to it we distinguish translation of fiction poetry technical and scientific literature official documents etc. the theory of translation differs from contrasting linguistics in that the former seeks to compare different language systems with a view to determining their similarities and distinctive features while the theory of translation has a subject matter of its own and uses the data of contrasting linguistics mainly as a point of departure.

2. The main directions in the contemporary linguistic theory of translation.

  1. The earliest theory of translation was developed by Russian scholars Redsker Federov who pionered in a linguistic analysis of translation of . their theory is known as the theory of regular correspondences translation is reconcevable without a sound linguistic basis and this bases can be providedby on contractive study of language phenomena and estabnlishment of correpondnces between the language original and that of the translation.

They were mainly concerned with a typology of relationships between linguistic units. Which are called equivalents that is permanent correspondences not sensitive to context such as the league of nations. And context sensitive wearing correspondences – slander (клевета, поклев, набег). They also investigated some of the translation techniques such as antonymic translation thus mapping out some ways of dealing with translation as a process.

  1. In the 16th of the 20th linguists Rosentsweig in Russian Judgin Naida in the USA proposed a theoretical model of translation based on the generative or transformational grammar. Naida subdivides the process of translation into 3 stages:

  1. Analysis, where an ambiguous surface structure is transformed into non-ambiguous kernel sentences to facility semantic interpretation.( the foundation of a school- кто то обосновал, у школы есть основа

  2. Transfer , where equivalents in the tied language are found at a kernel or near kernel level.

  3. Restructuring. Where tied language kernel sentences are transformed into surface structures. It is true that in some cases it is necessary to paraphrase the source language structure to facility its translation. Such transformations come in handy especially when the source language structure is ambiguous or when it has no parallel in tied language. ( he stood with his feet were planted wide apart)

Transformation in terms of generative grammar are not the only type of paraphrases used in translation. What is more in some cases especially when close parallels exist between the source and tagged language structures there are not even necessary.

  1. The situational model of translation is based on the situational analysis in linguistics. It was developed by Russian Gak and USA Catford. It is based on the assumption that languages use some of different sets of semantic components to describe identical extralinguistic situations. (Russian verbs of motion contain the component of mode but not always the direction movement while their English equivalents are often neutral with a regard to the mope but often specify the direction. Вот он идет – here he goes(where and why/come(approaches) . The situational model provides some interesting insides into the mechanism of translation, especially when the situation is described in different semantic categories (проточный пруд – a spring fed pond). But doesn’t seem to apply to sentences going beyond a mere description of a situation. Different translation models compliment each other and may therefore be combined in analyzing translation as a process.