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Holidays and Traditions in Russia (Праздники и традиции в России)

1. There are a lot of international holidays, such as New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Easter, May Day, Christmas, etc. Существует много международных праздников, та­ких как Канун Нового года, День Святого Валенти­на, Майский День, Рождество.

2. The main Russian national holidays are New Year's Eve, Christmas, Russian Army Day, Women's Day, Easter, May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day and some oth­ers.

Главные российские национальные праздники — Новый год, Рождество, День Российской Армии, Женский день, Пасха, 1 мая, День Победы, День не­зависимости и некоторые другие.

3. My favourite holiday is New Year's Eve.

Мой любимый праздник — канун Нового года.

4. As a rule, it is celebrated at home with relatives, some­times, some friends' parties are organized on the New Year's Eve.

Как правило, он празднуется дома с родственника­ми, иногда организуются вечеринки друзей в канун Нового года.

5. People traditionally buy presents for their friends and families.

Люди традиционно покупают подарки для друзей и семьи.

6. As to me, I like to celebrate this holiday together with my family.

Что касается меня, я люблю праздновать этот праз­дник вместе с моей семьей.

7. Long before the holiday I prepare presents for each mem­ber of our family.

Задолго до праздника я готовлю подарки для каж­дого члена семьи.

8. Some of them are bought by me in the shops, but they are not expensive.

Некоторые покупаю в магазине, но они не дорогие.

10. It is a real pleasure for me to give these presents on New Year's Eve.

Мне доставляет' истинное удовольствие дарить эти подарки в канун Нового года.

11. I like to decorate New Year Tree with small bright lights and different other things.

Я люблю украшать елку маленькими яркими огня­ми и разными другими украшениями.

12. I also help my mother with cooking the food for New Year dinner.

Я также помогаю моей маме готовить еду к новогод­нему ужину.

13. When midnight comes everybody says to each other: "Happy New Year".

Когда приходит полночь, все говорят друг другу: «Счастливого Нового года!»

14. We usually watch TV, because there are a lot of interest­ing programs on TV.

Мы обычно смотрим телевизор, потому что там много интересных программ.

16. Sometimes we even sing and dance. Иногда мы даже поем и танцуем.

17. We go to bed late at night. Мы ложимся поздно спать.

19. And everybody promises to start a better life from the beginning of the year.

И каждый обещает начать лучшую жизнь с начала года.

20. All the year round I am waiting for this holiday. Весь год я жду этого праздника.

Sport in Great Britain

Sport plays such a large part in British life that many idioms in the English language have come from the world of sport. For example, "that's not cricket" means "that's not fair" and "to play the game" means "to be fair". The most popular sport in England is football. A lot of people support their local clubs at matches on Saturday afternoons or watch the matches on television.

The football league in England and Wales has four divisions. Each division contains twenty teams. There are two main prizes each season. The football league championship is won by the team that is top of the first division. The final of this competition takes place every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London. Some of the best-known clubs in England are Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. But many clubs have problems with money at the moment. Some people say that the league is too big and that the players get paid too much. Others say that television is making the crowds stay at home.

Sport has for a long time been a very important part of a child's education in Britain, not just — as you may think to develop physical abilities, but also to provide a certain kind of moral education. Team games encourage such social qualities as enthusiasm, cooperation, loyalty and unselfishness.