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Sport in the Russia

1. A lot of people in our country go in for sports. Многие люди в нашей стране занимаются спортом.

2. There are different sports clubs in every town and city. Существуют разные спортивные клубы в каждом маленьком и большом городе.

3. For many people sport is a part of their everyday life. Для многих людей спорт — часть их каждодневной жизни.

4. In the morning they are doing morning exercises.

По утрам они делают утреннюю зарядку.

5. Twice or three times a week some people go to the gym or swimming pool.

Два или три раза в неделю некоторые люди ходят в спортивный зал или бассейн.

6. They go in for swimming, skating, figure skating, weight-lifting, etc.

Они занимаются плаваньем, катаются на коньках, занимаются фигурным катанием, тяжелой атлети­кой и т. д.

7. Some of them prefer to play football, volleyball, basket­ball, tennis, etc.

Некоторые из них предпочитают играть в футбол, волейбол, теннис и т. д.

8. Track-and-field athletics is the most popular kind of sports, people call it "the queen of all sports". Легкая атлетика — самый популярный вид спорта, люди называют ее «королевой спорта».

9. It comprises such kinds of sports as running, jumping, and others.

Она охватывает такие виды спорта, как бег, прыжки и т.д.

10. From time to time international championships take place.

Время от времени проходят международные сорев­нования.

11. Representatives of various countries can win gold, silver or bronze medals.

Представители различных стран могут выиграть зо­лотые, серебряные или бронзовые медали.

12. Great sports championships are organized every four years and they are called Olympic Games. Большие спортивные соревнования организуются четыре раза в год, и они называются Олимпийские игры.

13. Only the best sportsmen may take part in them. Только лучшие спортсмены могут принимать в них участие.

14. Russian sportsmen have won a lot of medals at the Olym­pic Games.

Русские спортсмены выиграли много медалей на Олимпийских играх.

15. National and international competitions attract a great number of fans.

Национальные и международные соревнования привлекают большое количество болельщиков.

16. As to me, I also go in for sports.

Что касается меня, я тоже занимаюсь спортом.

17. Twice a week together with my friends I go to the swim­ming pool.

Два раза в неделю вместе с друзьями я хожу в бас­сейн.

18. We are trying to keep fit.

Мы стараемся поддерживать свою физическую фор­му.

19. We know that it is useful for our health.

Мы знаем, что это полезно для нашего здоровья.

20. And everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is fond of.

Каждый может выбрать вид спорта, который ему нравится.

Isaac Newton

Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in the little village in Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a clever woman whom he always loved.

After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cam­bridge university and received his degree in 1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for eighteen months. It was most impor­tant period in his life when he made his three great discover­ies — the discoveries of the differential calculuses, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation.

These discoveries are still important for the modern sci­ence. Newton had always been interested in the problems of light. Many people saw colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.

It is interesting how he discovered the law gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before. But it was Newton who sked himself a question: "Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why doesn't it go sidewards or upwards?" The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton.

Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in West­minster Abbey, where his monument stands today.