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The legislature

The power in the Republic of Belarus is exercised on the basis of its separation into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The state bodies are independent within the limits of their authority: they interact, restrain and balance each other (the system of check and balance).

The supreme legislative power belongs to the National Assembly, which consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. The House of Representatives consists of 110 members, who are elected on the basis of general free equal direct suffrage by secret ballot. Any citizen of Belarus at least 21 years of age may be elected to the House of Representatives.

The Council of the Republic is formed in the following way: 6 regions and the capital city of Minsk elect 8 members to the house each. Eight members of the house are appointed directly by the President. Thus the total membership of the house is 64 members. Any citizen of Belarus at least 30 years of age and resident of the corresponding region at least 5 years may be elected a member of the Council of the Republic.

The term of office of the National Assembly is 4 years. The houses have two sessions a year: the first begins on October 2, and lasts for not more than 80 days; the second session begins on April 2, and lasts not more than 90 days. Each house elects a chairman and his assistants from its members. They organise the work of the houses. The houses form standing committees and other bodies from their members for legislative work.

The executive

The executive branch is represented by the Government. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus is the central body of state management. It is headed by a Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President on the consent of the House of Representatives. The Council of Ministers is made up of 24 ministers, who are also appointed by the President. They head corresponding ministries and are responsible for the work of them in full. The main ministries are: Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence and so on.

The Government of the Republic of Belarus controls the functioning of all state management bodies at all levels. It works out and implements fundamental principles of home and foreign policy. It drafts the State Budget and submits it for the approval. The Government ensures and is responsible for the implementation of the state policy in economy, science, defence, home and foreign affairs, health, welfare, ecology and so on.

Local government is carried out by locally elected councils of deputies and executive committees. These bodies are formed in all administrative divisions. The councils of deputies are local legislative bodies, while the executive committees are responsible for providing such services as garbage disposal, water supplies, sewerage, and street cleaning. They also administer the police and fire services as well as education, health service, and housing.