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Business Correspondence Manual Part 1.doc
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М инистерство общего и профессионального

образования Российской Федерации

Российская Экономическая Академия

имени Г.В. Плеханова

Центр международных образовательных программ

Международная программа IBS-Plekhanov



Часть 1

Москва 1998

Составители: Л.Б. ФИЛИППОВА


Деловая корреспонденция (Business Letter)/ Сост. Л.Б. ФИЛИППОВА, Л.П. ТИМОШЕНКО. М.: Рос. Экон. Акад., 1998. Ч.1.

Содержит тексты и задания по деловой переписке к темам «Части делового письма», «Стиль», «Запрос», «Оферта» и «Заказ – Заявка».

Предназначены для студентов факультета IBS.

Unit 1

The Importance of Letters

I. Discussion topics.

Discuss the following questions with your group-mates:

  1. What is your chosen career field? What kind of writing do you think you will encounter in this career?

  1. What kind of letters do you receive addressed to you at home? At your work? Why are they sent to you and what do they want you to do?

  1. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Неученый молодчик, желая написать письмо к своей любовнице и не зная его сочинить, купил книгу писем и читал ее довольное письмо, кое, списав, послал к ней. Но как у ней была такая же книга и в коей она, нашед то письмо с ответом, написала своему любителю так: «Государь мой, я письмо ваше получила, и, оборотя лист, увидите ответ».

(Из «Письмовника, содержащего в себе науку российского языка со многим присовокуплением разного учебного и полезнозабавного вещесловия» Николая Курганова. 1769)

  1. Would you like to get a personal letter based on a pattern from a letter writing manual? What about business letter?

  1. Do you think it helpful to use such manuals in business letter writing? Give your reasons.

II. Reading.

The Importance of Letters

A letter can be defined as a formal written message that is carefully prepared and addressed to specific audience and that has a clearly announced function. Letters are both a personal and professional means of communication. Effective letters clearly announce their purpose and are written in complete sentences in a style that (1) follows an appropriate format, (2) courteously addresses the reader, and (3) selects the most precise language.

Companies annually spend millions of dollars writing letters. In terms of materials and time, the average business letter now costs between eight and twelve dollars to compose, dictate, type, proof-read, mail, store, and retrieve. Not surprisingly, many companies own fax or E-mail machines that allow them to send a letter across the country in a few minutes. But even with such machines, businesses need people to write and proof-read the letters. Numerous companies offer their employees seminars on how to write clear and appropriate letters. The skill of good letter writing can be learned and can lead you to advancement and rewards.

Why are letters so important to the employer and the employee? Letters represent the public image of the company and the professional competence of the writer. They can influence people favourably or unfavourably. Basically, letters serve the following four functions.

  1. Letters provide information. They can give instructions and can inform readers about a new policy, a change in time for deliveries, an alteration in procedures, a new product, or a service.

  2. Letters prompt action. They can help the writer collect money from overdue accounts, alter a city ordinance, speed the shipment of new parts, initiate a policy, call a meeting, or waive a requirement.

  1. Letters establish goodwill. They can thank someone, convey congratulations, respond to a complaint, settle an account satisfactorily, or provide a recommendation.

  1. Letters sell. They can sell a product, a service, or the writer's own skills.

Letter classification

Although it is impossible to categorise all business and public service letters it is helpful to be acquainted with some common types.


Letter classification

  1. Letters provide / request information




Resume (CV)

Credit letters

  1. Letters prompt action

Credit letters



  1. Letters establish goodwill

Public relation letters



  1. Letters sell




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