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UMP Kosvennaya rech v angl (Pevneva, Nechaeva).doc
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3. Закончите предложения, поставив подходящие слова в пропуски.

would not/ leaving/ can not/ might/ starts/

has/ win/ becomes/ take/ should

  1. If the applicant…the right qualifications and abilities, he might be short-listed, i.e. selected to attend an interview.

  2. If we had forecasted sales accurately, we…suffer losses now.

  3. There will be no more unemployment in case we …the elections.

  4. If he …Prime Minister, he will raise taxes.

  5. Unless you stop wasting time, I am …right now.

  6. If you do not provide me some information, I…help you.

  7. If a fire…, the alarm goes off.

  8. You…make your own food if you do not like my cooking.

  9. …more exercise and you will soon feel better.

  10. If the weather improves, I … go for a stroll.

4. Прочитайте и образуйте условные предложения.

1. When the first escalator was installed in the London underground in 1911, some people found the idea of stepping on and off stairs that moved an alarming one. A man with a wooden leg, called "Bumper" Harris, was en­gaged to ride up and down all day to provide reassurance for the faint­ hearted.

2. Akio Morita, Chairman of Sony, was fed up with having to listen to rock music blaring from his children's hi-fi. He determined to give teenagers a miniature tape-player with headphones, which would release their long-suffering parents from the miseries of modern music. The player was in­troduced in Japan as the Walkman in 1979.

3. While Edison was waiting for a job interview, a telegraph broke down in the office. Edison promptly fixed the machine and got a better job than the one he was originally seeking.

5. Раскройте скобки, прочитайте и переведите предложения.

  1. If I ( have) enough time I ( translate) this document in written form.

  2. If he (know) this rule he (explain) it to me.

  3. If we (agree) on the price last week we (sign) the contract the same day.

  4. If they (open) a letter of credit at the beginning of the month we (start) the deliveries a week later.

  5. If they (not make) a mistake in the invoice we (settle) it long ago.

  6. I (make) an enquiry for these foodstuffs last Sunday if I (get) instructions.

  7. The assurance company (accept) our terms of payment on the condition we (pay) up front.

  8. If the enterprise ( make) heavy losses it (wind up)

  9. We (not invest) unless we (foresee) a realistic chance of long-term profit.

  10. Break-even (безубыточность) point (come) a year earlier if we (manage) to reach these sales targets.

6. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Если бы она была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело.

  2. На твоем месте я бы попросил предоставить отсрочку (grant a delay) платежа

  3. Никто бы из нас не обратил внимания на связь между этими двумя фактами, если бы он не указал на это.

  4. Если работодателю понравится ее резюме, ее пригласят на собеседование.

  5. Если бы мы взяли выгодный кредит, то смогли бы расширить производство.

  6. Если бы он сразу предложил нам взять такси, мы бы не потеряли столько времени.

  7. Студенты бы не устраивались на эту работу, если бы она занимала полный рабочий день.

  8. Если бы был увеличен штат (take on more staff), то повысилась бы производительность.

  9. Этот фильм стоило бы посмотреть только после того, как вы прочтёте книгу.

  10. Если бы не его внезапный приезд, я бы назначил вам встречу на сегодня.