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Promotiona tools M and S.doc
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Other promotional tools

Before you read

Vocabulary tasks

1. Match the following Russian word combinations with their equivalents from the box.

Рекламная кампания; содействовать развитию торговли; дурная слава; рекламное агенство; исследование коньюнктуры определенного рынка; средство массовой информации; макулатурная почта (реклама); иллюстрированный прейскурант для выписки товаров почтой; торговая марка; разработать определенный сорт товара; внедрить на рынке определенную марку товара; товар, пользующийся наибольшим спросом; приверженность покупателя определенной группе товаров; торговое наименование; условное название однотипных товаров.

mail-order catalogue publicity campaign market research develop a particular brand

publicity agency promote trade generic name launch a particular brand

mass media brand loyalty junk mail market leader trade name brand bad publicity

2. Using the word combinations from the previous task, make up your own sentences related to promotion of goods.

Think ahead

1. In your opinion, is there any difference between PR and publicity? Give your reasons.

2. Producers use different means of sales promotion. Which of them are familiar to you from your shopping experience?

3. Nowadays personal selling is rather popular but many people do not accept this promotional tool. How can you explain this fact?

Text 5.5. Read the text and discuss which promotional tool is the most efficient in your opinion and why.

Public relations

The concepts of public relations and publicity are sometimes considered to be synonymous, but there is a certain distinction between them.

Public relations (PR) is a multiple concept designed to improve or maintain or protect a company’s or a product’s image. PR includes things like company publications, the annual report, sponsorship, the lobbying of politicians, community relations programmes – all designed to get publicity for a company or a particular product. Some large firms sponsor cultural and humanitarian activities, just as small merchants sponsor local civic events. The idea of a good public image seems to be growing in importance, especially for large companies. By putting forth a positive public image, the potential for greater realization of profits exists.

Publicity is a tool of public relations. It is short-term, non-paid, non-personal communication about products and people in print and broadcast media. Readers are likely to believe it more than advertising. As a promotional tool, publicity can take several forms, the most important of which are news releases, feature articles, speeches, news conferences, tapes, films and some others

Negative publicity, with its adverse effect on a company’s image, is much more usual than positive. Equally disastrous are the unfounded rumours that find their way into various publications in the press.

Publicity is a particularly useful element of the promotion mix in connection with the introduction of new products. But it must be coordinated properly with the other elements.

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