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5. Selling

This involves the skills of personal selling, together with display and presentation skills such as those involved in window displays, exhibitions, news releases, and product promotions.

II. Выберите английский эквивалент для следующих русских слов:

1. необходимый

а) necessity

b) necessary

c) necessitated

d) necessarily

2. оптовый торговец, оптовик

а) wholesale

b) whisper

c) wholesaler

d) whole

3. сбыт, распределение

а) distribute

b) distributive

c) distributor

d) distribution

4. предсказывать

а) prediction

b) predictive

c) predict

d) predictor

5. хранение

а) storage

b) store

c) storehouse

d) stare

6. доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении

а) avail

b) available

c) availability

d) average

7. ценообразование

а) price

b) priceless

c) pricing

d) pride

8. советовать

а) advice

b) advise

c) adviser

d) advisable

9. розничный торговец

а) retail

b) retaliate

c) retailer

d) retainer

10. включать в себя, влечь за собой

а) involve

b) involvement

c) involution

d) involuntary

III. Подберите синонимы для следующих слов:

1. consumer

a) aim

2. responsibility

b) try

3. choice

c) manufacturer

4. purpose

d) selection

5. goods

e) user

6. producer

f) duty

7. attempt

g) commodities

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) out b) with (2) c) of d) up e) on f) to

1. Marketing includes all the business activities connected … the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.

2. Marketing managers can advise … the best price to charge for products.

3. Marketing is made … of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods.

4. Market research involves finding … what consumers want and advising producers.

5. Marketing managers should always be in close touch … market conditions.

6. Linking two factors together is the task and responsibility … the marketing staff.

7. Marketing involves ensuring that their products are made available … consumers in the way and form they want.

IV. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент для английских словосочетаний:

1. on the other hand

a) рекламный лозунг

2. to make decisions

b) выбор средств

3. product planning

c) реклама на витринах

4. market research

d) удовлетворять потребности

5. retail outlet

e) выпуск новостей

6. direct mail-order

f) с другой стороны

7. from time to time

g) заказ товаров с доставкой по почте

8. advertising slogan

h) принимать решения

9. to meet the needs

i) время от времени

10. window display

j) исследование рынка

11. news release

k) торговая точка розничной торговли

12. choice of media

l) разработка новых продуктов

V. Подберите определение для каждого понятия

1. Distribution

a) the theory and practice of presenting, advertising and selling things

2. Marketing

b) the way something is shared out or spread over an area, the supply of goods to various people or places

3. Storage

c) advertising or some other activity intended to increase the sales of a product or service

4. Promotion

d) the storing of goods, etc