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Text b Lawyers

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту т (True), а какие нет – f (False):

1. A lawyer is a person who conducts the trial.

2. A lawyer may draft wills and contracts.

3. Litigation work includes giving opinions.

4. In the United Kingdom there is only one branch of the legal profession.

5. The United States has more attorneys than any other country.

A lawyer is a person who knows the law and advises others on legal problems. A lawyer prepares legal documents, such as wills and contracts and papers, which are used in court, he or she also represents clients or the state in a legal action.

Most lawyers specialize in a particular type of work, they appear in court (litigation), and advise clients on a variety of matters. Litigation lawyers are sometimes known as the bar after the barrier that existed, in England, between the judge and the rest of the court.

Litigation lawyers give their opinions, advise on calling witnesses and other evidence. Lawyers who do not deal with litigation may advise clients on a great variety of matters or they specialize in only one branch of the law, such as tax law, family law, or buying and selling property. They also draft contracts, wills, deeds, and other documents.

In the United Kingdom these two branches of the legal profession are separate. ''Litigation lawyers are called barristers (advocates in Scotland) and those who deal with out-of-court work are called solicitors. In the early 1990s plans existed to merge the two branches into one profession.

The divided system still exists in some Australian states, although in other parts of Australia and in Canada and New Zealand, where it was originally used, the two parts of the profession have now come together.

In the United States there is a single profession. Lawyers are usually known as attorneys (which is an old name for solicitors in Great Britain). People who want to be lawyers go to law school after graduating from college. When they complete their studies they pass the examinations of the bar association in the state in which they wish to work before they can practice law. The United States has more lawyers than any other country. Many lawyers do not practice privately but work in the legal department of a large company or other association, or are in government service.

II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) on b) in (2) c) from d) to:

1. Martin French goes … the Law school.

2. I graduated … the University two years ago.

3. Give me the papers, which are used … court.

4. I am … government service.

5. I usually advise with my mother … different problems.

III. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. draft

a) law

2. practice

b) studies

3. graduate

c) from college

4. complete

d) opinions

5. give

e) contracts

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) in government service b) have right to c) great variety d) represents our clients

e) practicing privately:

1. You don’t … to interfere in our business.

2. There is … of different affairs.

3. Mrs. Adams … in America.

4. He has been … for three years.

5. He works three days a week in court, and all the rest of the week he is … .